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(E)ESIC’s 2023 - Schedule

The webinar will last 1.5 hours and will take place at 17.30 (UTC+1) on Wednesday
afternoons, DICAM department, via Mesiano 77, Trento, Room 1H and online
everywhere via Zoom link. Each speaker will have 25 minutes for the presentation, after
which there will be 20-30 minutes of discussion between guests and participants.

The calendar is purely indicative and will be subject to change depending on the
availability of speakers.

Date Topic Speaker

Mark Talesnick
Biodigestion - Waste and Technion - Israel Institute of Technology confirmed
technology Navarro Ferronato
University of Insubria confirmed

Water Resources Management in Joseph Eugene Goodwill

the age of pollution and scarcity: University of Rhode Island confirmed
different approaches
Davide Tocchetto
comparison Agronomist confirmed

Sustainable Forestry tools: Nadia Von Jacobi, Sara Lorenzini

certification and engagement of DEM - University of Trento confirmed
private sector in the Global Thor Kuchler
Biodiversity Framework scenario LevasFlor confirmed
Flaviano Bianchini
Mining and Environmental Source International confirmed
10/05/23 Conflicts: a challenge for
development cooperation Kyra Grieco
LISST-Centre d’Anthropologie Sociale, CNRS confirmed

Nature-Based-Solutions as a Tadhg Mac Intyre

response to Climate Change. Maynooth University confirmed
Diffusion of NBS in urban and rural Francesco Ricciardi
contexts Asian Development Bank confirmed

Updated to 07 March 2023

This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union under G.A.
101049069 - ERASMUS-EDU-2021-EMJM-DESIGN. Views and opinions expressed are however those of
the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the
European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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