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Question No 1:

1. Trello ( Trello is a project management tool that helps teams organized

and prioritize their tasks. The software provides a visual platform for creating and managing

tasks in the form of cards on a board. Each card represents a task, and team members can

assign due dates, add comments, and attach files to the card. Trello is a SaaS (Software as a

Service) solution, meaning it is a cloud-based software application that can be accessed

through a web browser or mobile app.

2. Asana ( Asana is a project management tool that helps teams manage

tasks, track progress and collaborate on projects. Asana provides a platform for creating and

managing tasks, tracking time, and monitoring progress using visual Gantt charts. Asana is

also a SaaS solution that can be accessed through a web browser or mobile app.

3. Jira ( Jira is a software development tool that helps

teams manage and track software development projects. Jira provides a platform for creating

and managing tasks, tracking bugs, and monitoring progress using visualizations such as

burndown charts. Jira is a SaaS solution that can be accessed through a web browser or

mobile app.

4. GitHub ( GitHub is a control system that helps teams manage code and

collaborate on software development projects. GitHub provides a platform for storing and

managing code, tracking changes, and collaborating with team members using pull requests

and code reviews. GitHub is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) solution, meaning it which

platform for hosting and managing software applications.

5. Salesforce ( Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship

management (CRM) tool that helps businesses manage customer data, track sales, and

automate marketing processes. Salesforce provides a platform for managing customer data,
tracking sales leads, and automating marketing campaigns. Salesforce is a SaaS solution that

can be accessed through a web browser or mobile app.

In summary, Trello, Asana, and Jira are project management tools, GitHub is a version control

system for software development, Salesforce is a CRM tool for managing customer data, and

Google Workspace is a productivity suite for email, messaging, file sharing, and collaboration.

All these tools are cloud-based solutions, but the type of cloud service they provide varies.

Trello, Asana, Jira, Salesforce, and Google Workspace are all SaaS solutions, while GitHub is a

PaaS solution.

Question No 2:

One advantage of cloud software is that it provides greater scalability and flexibility for the

company. With cloud-based software, companies can easily and quickly scale their IT resources

up or down as needed without significant upfront investments in hardware or infrastructure. This

makes it easier for businesses to adapt to changing market conditions or customer demands.

One disadvantage of cloud software is that it may need to be more secure than in-house software.

When a company uses cloud software, its data and applications are hosted on servers owned by a

third-party provider, which may be vulnerable to security breaches. While many cloud providers

have robust security measures, companies still need to ensure that their data is protected and

comply with applicable data protection regulations.

In my opinion, the most critical thing that makes cloud-based hosting preferably to in-house

hosting is its cost-effectiveness. Cloud-based hosting allows companies to pay for the resources

they need without investing in expensive hardware or infrastructure. This can be particularly

advantageous for smaller businesses or startups that may need more financial resources to invest
in their IT infrastructure. Additionally, cloud-based hosting typically requires less maintenance

and support than in-house hosting, which can further reduce business costs.

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