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Intro: To our very hardworking, understanding and two gorgeous head teachers

Ma’am SJ O. Labandillo and Ma’am Analiza Beleazar.

To our efficient master teacher sir Albert Abella, fellow teachers. Good afternoon!
Today is January 27, 2023 and Welcome to our MATH & SCIENCE DEPARTMENT
Let me just introduce myself. I am Miss Joan B. Basco, from the Mathematics
department, and I am your host for today’s program.
To start our program, let us thank our Almighty God and seek for his guidance,
may I call in Ma’am Jabez Genorga to lead us with a prayer.
Now, we are pleased to have Mrs. Relita Piczon, the flexible Teacher II of the
Math Department, to introduce our first speaker today.
--------- Ma’am Annalee LAC SESSION ---------
Thank you so much ma’am for an interesting talk.
To present the next speaker, let us have the charming teacher Ms. Jonalyn Olivar,
Teacher I of Science Department.
-------Ma’am April LAC SESSION----------
We will go ahead and take some time for questions now for our open forum.
As a token of appreciation for the time and valuable contribution of our Resource
Speaker, may I call in the quick-witted Master Teacher-II from the Science
Department, Mr. Albert A. Abella for the Awarding of Certificates.
Thank you, Sir Albert Abella!

Thank you everyone! To all the working committees who have extended their
helping hands, and to everyone who is present here this afternoon, thank you so
much for making this session a success!
THAT IS THE END OF OUR PROGRAM FOR TODAY! Keep safe, stay healthy and God
bless everyone 😊

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