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Name Nim Lecturer (s)

(Assignment 3)
Higher Education Skills
Fitriani 21216251100 Dr. Dra. Jamilah, M.Pd
(Modul 3)

Day/date: Wednesday, 28th September 2022

After reading the module and watching the video, write a short essay discussing the importance of
information and information literacy for the success of your study at higher education.

How to get a valid and reliable journal as an EFL student?

Information literacy is essential aspect that should be improved during learning process.
According to Alexandria (2005), information literacy will empower people in all walks of life to
seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social,
occupational and educational goals. It is a basic human right in a digital world and promotes
social inclusion in all nations. Additionally, Kurbanoglu (2014) information literacy combines
the ability to recognize when information is needed and then how to start a search strategy
designed to find the information needed. In conclusion, information literacy is a key in order to
get get the best results based on the individual needed.

As a L2 students, we should comprehend deeply to know about how the new information,
and knowledgeable what we got from the internet and other sources. At college, we always make
a small paper which is given by a lecturer. We should have an academic paper in order to get a
published article. Have a good an academic in writing is really prominent section that should be
achieve as a successful student. To know that, we should choose an appropriate platform of
journal in academic writing. Actually, there two types of journal that accredited in namely Sinta
and Scopus.

These are we called national journal and international journal. In National Journal consist
of five level namely Sinta 1, Sinta 2, Sinta 3, Sinta 4, Sinta 5 and Sinta 6. Those are had a score
individually. It means that, if the journal already had an identifier or we call it DOI, the journal is
better become a source for our references academic writing. Vice versa to the International
Journal, it also has its own ranking and score namely Quartile 1 (Q1), Quartile 2 (Q2), Quartile 3
(Q3), Quartile 4 (Q4). Briefly, As I know, the highest of level ranking on the journal, the better
article we get.

Furthermore, the main factors in choosing journal, we should be considered when we

choose a journal, including the journal’s aims and scope, the journal’s target audience and recent
publication history, the significance and broadness of appeal of the findings described in our
manuscript, the type of study we did, how soon we can get published, whether open access is

1. Decide where to submit by what’s most important to you:

 Factors like journal metrics, including impact factor and Altmetric scores

 Whether you are seeking a broad audience or a specialized audience

 The journal’s network (including society or association affiliations and editorial

board members)

2. Go to your library or browse publishers’ websites so you’re aware of the range of

available journals. Wiley Online Library allows you to search for journals
alphabetically, by subject area, keyword, or contributor. You could also try
our journal finder.
3. Consider the journals that you read. Could one of these be appropriate for your work? 
4. Ask a supervisor or colleague for their recommendations. Your co-authors should do
this too.
5. Once you have listed several possible choices, review each journal’s “Aims and
Scope” page, even if you are familiar with the journal. 

 The “Aims and Scope” of a journal is written by the editor. It’s a description of the
type of content published by the journal and often includes information on the peer
review process and open access options for that journal.

6. As you narrow your choices, read the “Author Guidelines” for each journal. These are
instructions for how to submit to an article for publication and include templated and
special instructions.
In other words, information literacy is a prominent academic success for students in order
to get the effective functioning in the workplace, and inclusion in society as knowledgeable
citizens. Related to the reputable journal is really needed to be carefully in choosing the platform
of journal in order to get a best ranking or score to our article that we publish later.


 Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning. (2005).

Information literacy | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Serap Kurbanoğlu, Joumana Boustany. From Green Libraries to Green Information

Literacy. Kurbanoğlu, Serap and Špiranec, Sonja and Grassian, Esther and Mizrachi, Diane and
Catts, Ralph. Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st
Century, 492, Springer International Publishing, pp.47–58, 2014, Communications in Computer
and Information Science, 978-3-319-14135-0. ff10.1007/978-3-319-14136-7ff. ffhal-01529001

Willey (2022). Steps to choose the right journal for your research.

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