Fitriani - Assignment 3

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Name Nim Lecturer (s)

(Assignment 2)
Higher Education Skills
Fitriani 21216251100 Dr. Dra. Jamilah, M.Pd
(Modul 2)

Day/date: Wednesday, 21th September 2022

After reading the module and watching the video, please write an essay about time management and the
success in learning at university. Relate the discussion with your own case. Are you a good time
manager, and what will you do to improve your time management to get success in your study?

“My good timeliness will help me to get my goals”

(All about time management)

Time management is essential part that should be continued in everytime in order to get
the best target life. Having a good and appropriate time management will help us to describe
exactly how we are spending our spare time. According to Perry as an associates professor at
Baylor University, he claims that the better you manage your time, the less stress you will have.
Time is a resource, and managing your time well will put fewer demands on yourself. It means
that as a human, we have a hand by ourselves to arrange our life. Actually, time management as
a priority model to do something and everything what we do for the next time.

As a student at college, we have a lot of duties that should be able to achieve that. Based
on the title about this essay, so the good timeliness as an essential part to help us in achieving our
goals. There are lots of ways to arrange time management depends on ourselves. For me, to face
it one thing you can do is to write down all your deadlines ahead of time in a clear chart, on a
calendar, or even on a sheet of paper. This way, you can schedule study time and time to work on
assignments according to what is due first. There are some point that should be highlighted for
having an appropriate time management as a student in college, as bellow:

Create a schedule
One of the biggest recommendations that you’ll find when learning about time management is to
use a schedule to your advantage. You can set up a schedule using digital tools like phones or
computers using the calendar app. Or, you can even do so manually by writing your schedule
down in a planner. Depending on how granular you want to get, you can break up days into
blocks of hours or even minutes. Before you set your schedule, write down the aspects that you
are looking to include, i.e. social activities, lecture hours, study time, cooking time, exercise
time, family time, etc.
Use Checklist
A weekly checklist can also help to better manage your time when you are in college. Here’s
how it can work: At the start of each week, write down the assignments and projects that are
upcoming for that week. You may even want to color-code them based on the subject. You can
input this check(list) of items into your schedule. By referring back to the checklist, you will
make sure that no item is forgotten or overlooked.

Use Breaks Wisely

A major aspect of time management is how you choose to use breaks. Besides taking intentional
breaks to do nothing and recharge, the breaks that already exist in your schedule can serve as
“extra” time. For example, you can complete tasks using the time between classes. Say you have
to grocery shop for the week. You have an hour between two lectures. That could be a great time
to knock grocery shopping off of your to-do list. When you start using breaks effectively to get
things done, you will notice that it feels like you’ve made more time to do what you want to do,
rather than what you have to do.
Ask for Help
In terms of time management, asking for help often happens in the form of delegation. For
example, if you’re living with roommates, then consider devising a cleaning schedule where
everyone takes turns. By doing so, you can free up some of your time to focus on your
schoolwork (or social activities).

Rewards Yourself
No matter how many strides you make on your journey of time management, take some time (no
pun intended) to reward yourself. Your rewards should coincide with the time management goals
that you’ve set. So, once you reach your goals, you have something to look forward to (a.k.a. the

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