Sport Manger Interview

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Interviewer: Jett Rosenstein

Interviewee: Samantha MacIntosh, Membership Experience Executive for the Miami Marlins.

Question 1: What is your highest degree?

Answer 1: Bachelor of Science in Sports and Fitness
Question 2: What college did you attend?
Answer 2: Florida International University (FIU)
Question 3: How did you gain experience while you were an undergraduate?
Answer 3: I got an Internship with the Miami Marlins.
Question 4: What do you do on a day to day basis?
Answer 4: I need to sell. I have a certain goal for season tickets, group tickets, as well as suites.
Also, renewing season tickets. In the offseason, I focus on gaining new business. Talk to current
members to see if there are any issues. If we have an event coming up, inform our members.
During the season, my main goal is to service the accounts I oversee. Anything related to games
or events. During the season is different then the offseason.
Question 5: What is the most challenging thing about your position?
Answer 5: Selling something that people really do not need. Obviously, our team is not the best
on the field right now so just trying to sell the experience to fans.
Question 6: What advice would you give to someone pursuing this career?
Answer 6: I would say to reach out to as many people as you can. An internship is definitely the
way to go to get experience. You are starting at the bottom but I was able to learn how the
business ran, the front office side of things. People don’t realize how much goes into running a
sports team and it is good to just get your foot in the door. A lot of people in sports, especially
the Marlins are willing to help people. They will answer questions and give advice. You could
start in the sales department where I am but then transition into any other department like
Question 7: What is the #1 thing that should be on a resume?
Answer 7: Anything that relates to experience you have had in the workforce and kind of
tailoring it to the job you are applying for. Bits of pieces from all the experience you have had to
mold your resume together. Also, any volunteer opportunities. Whatever you are talented in
should also find its way onto the resume. Also, a lot of people do cover letters to enhance your
shot at getting a job.

Question 8: How did you prepare for your first job interview?
Answer 8: I researched the employer to see what they were looking for. I made sure that I asked
any questions that I may have had to be able to show that I have interest in working for the
company. I just wanted to be knowledgeable of what I was going into.
Question 9: How can I prepare for future interviews?
Answer 9: It is important that you have some idea of what you would like to express doing the
interview. Come with questions and make sure you have prior knowledge of the employer in
which you are interviewing for.
Question 10: If you could do anything differently, what would it be?
Answer 10: I would have made sure I had more experience on the sports side of my job. During
my degree, I wish I would have gotten more involved in sports. I originally went to college to
study to be an athletic trainer. I didn’t realize I didn’t want to do the medical side until later on.

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