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MONT Rte 0p Aw “ MECHANICS OF MATERIALS: reached so far. This is due to complex nature of failure. According to the chief theories, perfect elasticity ceases when a certain limiting value is reached by one of the following stresses (1) the maximum principal stress, (ii) the maximum principal strain, (fii) the maximum shear stress, () the maximum strain energy and (v) the maximum shear strain energy. Accordingly, we have the following common five theories of failure : (1) Maximum principal stress theory, or Rankine’s theory (2) Maximum principal strain theory, or Saint Venant’s theory (3) Maximum shear stress theory or Guest's theory (4) Maximum strain energy theory or Haigh’s theory (5) Maximum shear strain energy theory or Mises Henky theory Apart from the above, several other more and more complex theories of failure have been evolved, such as octahedral shear stress theory and Mohr's theory etc. 7.3. MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL STRESS THEORY : RANKINE’S THEORY. This is the simplest and the oldest theory of failure often called Rankine’s theory after W.J.M. Rankine (1820-1872) an eminent engineering educator at the university level in England. According to this theory, permanent set takes place under a state of complex stress when the value of maximum principal stress is equal to that of yield point stress as found in a simple tensile test, or the minimum principal stress (ie. the compressive stress) is equal to that of yield point stress in simple compression. Thus the condition of yielding are : (7) where f, is the yield point stress in simple tension and f,’ is the yield point stress in simple compression. o fr or Jos} If the maximum principal stress is the design criterion, the maximum principal stress must not exceed the working stress f for the material. Hence asf o(7.2) Limitations of the theory 1. This theory disregards the effect of other principal stresses, and effect of shearing stresses on other planes through the element. 2. When the element is in pure shear, ie. 0) = |oy| = |tmax| and o; =0, this theory Predicts that failure will occur when the magnitude of |tmax| (ce. a: ) reaches a value f, but experiments show that failure occurs much earlier, when |tmax| reaches 0.55 f, to 0.6f, with an average value of 0.57f,, where fy is the yield stress in ductile material, i 3. Material in tension test piece slips along 45° to the axis of the test piece, where normal stress is neither maximum nor minimum, but shear stress is maximum. 4, It has been experimentally shown that even a material weak in compression sustains very high hydrostatic pressure without failure ie. a stress state a = 0; = a5 > f, can be applied without failure. For brittle materials which do not fail by yielding but fail by brittle fracture, the maximum principal stress theory is considered to be reasonably satisfactory MIEORIES OF ELASTIC FAILURE 235 74 MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL STRAIN THEORY : ST. VENANT’S THEORY This theory is often called Saint Venant’s theory because of the work of Barre de Saint Venant (1767-1886), a great French mathematician and clastician. According to this theory, a ductile material begins to yield when the maximum principal strain reaches the strain at which yielding occurs in simple tension, or when the minimum principal strain (Le. the compressive strain) equals the yields point strain in simple compression. (a) Three dimensional stress system In a three dimensional stress system, we have and i = yield point strain (tensile)= & and 6’ =yield point strain compressive)= Then, according to this theory, e: = ey 1 or a- Fate) =f (73 a) and e=6" or on 2 (ito) | =f (73 b) (b) Two dimensional stress system In wo dimensional «tre. system, let o; and 0 be the major and minor principal stresses. ‘Then Eqs. 7.3(a) and 7.3(b) reduces to : (73. ¢) and (73 d) Thus the stress which, acting alone, will produce same maximum strain e, is equal to (o,-2). Hence the design criterion according to this theory will be o -2)\< (74) (0-8) os where f is the working stress for the material. Limitations of the theory ‘Though this theory considers the intermediate principal stress 02, and is also satisfactory for brittle materials, it has following draw backs for ductile materials : MECHANICS OF MATERIALS , the failure value of a: by this theory is given by hat tensile stress in biaxial tension 1. When o =o; and o= -, Le. 0; > fy In other words, the theory predicts t will be the higher than the yield stress in uniaxial tension which is contradicted by experimental results, 2. If the material is subjected to hydrostatic pressure p, value of p to be we ‘Though in this case, it gives better value for the failure stress than this theory predicts the failure given by Rankine’s thea still the value predicted is much lower than the experimental value. 3. If for mild steel, w is taken to be 0.3, then in pure shear where 1 = — 05 = | tmax |, this theory predicts that at failure, Tmax = & 0.77, This still maintains a good gap with the experimental value. 4. The theory over estimates the elastic strength of ductile materials 7.5. MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS THEORY : GUEST’S THEORY This theory is sometimes called Coulombs theory because it was originally stated by him in 1773. More frequently, the theory is called Guest's theory, or Guest’s law, because of the work of J.J. Guest in England in 1900. Observations made in the course of extrusion test on the flow of soft metals through orifices lend support to the assumption that plastic state (or yielding) in such metals is created when the maximum shear stress just reaches the value of resistance of the metal against shear. The maximum shearing stress theory predicts failure of a specimen subjected to any combination of loads when the maximum shearing stress at any point reaches the failure value (1) equal to that developed at the yielding in an axial tensile or compressive test of the same material. Since the maximum shear is equal to half the difference between the maximum and minimum principal stress, and since the maximum shear in simple tension is equal to half the tensile stress, we have (75. a) Hence the condition of yielding is (0; - 0) =f, (75 b) In the case of two dimensional stress system, where o; is zero, the design criterion cor- responding to an allowable stress f is (a-0) =f 05) (Limited to negative value of o: when o: <0) Limitations of the theory Ductile materials yield along 45° slip planes which are the planes of maximum shear stress. Hence this theory is fairly well justified for ductile materials and for states of stress ‘encountered in most load resisting members and machine parts. However, it has following limitatio, 1. The theory does not give accurate results for the state of stress of pure. which the maximum amount of shear is developed (ie. in torsion test). In pure she TEORIES OF ELASTIC FAILURE 237 [roas| = 0.5, whereas the experimental results give a value of 0.57f, giving an error upto about 15 percent. 2. This theory is not applicable to materials subjected to hydrostatic pressure subjected to state of stress consisting of triaxial tensile stresses of nearly equal magnitude, since it will predict the shear stress to be almost zero, meaning thereby that the material will never fail, however large the applied stresses be. This is physically impossible. 3. The results of this theory differ from the experimental results for materials for which elastic limit stresses in tension and compression differ by large amount. This is so for brittle material like cast iron, 7.6. MAXIMUM STRAIN ENERGY THEORY OR HAIGH’S THEORY This theory, originally put forward by Beltrami, is generally known as Haigh’s theory or Beltrami-Haigh’s theory. According to this theory, a body under complex stresses fails when the total strain energy on the body is equal to the strain energy at elastic limit in simple tension, According to this theory, if a body is brought to a particular state by various methods, then the work done by passing from the initial to final state will be independent of the method applied. Hence when a material is caused to take permanent set by stress which increase gradually from zero, then the initial strain energy is independent of the nature of stresses and is almost constant in value. The theory states that inelastic action at any point in a body due to any state of stress begins only when the energy per unit volume absorbed at the point is equal t0 the energy absorbed per unit volume of the material when subjected to the elastic limit under a uniaxial state of stress, as occurs in @ simple tensile test (a) Three dimensional stress system The strain energy per unit volume is given by At ht fu 22+ 200) + 20501 AGE Oat 8 eee eect ERC where o1,2 and os are of the same sign. Hence the yield criterion can be represented as Pes t2a0 + 200; a (76 a) (b) Two dimensional case For two dimensional case ( )=0 ), the above criterion reduces to : A+ Gh 22% (7.6) m If f is the working stress in the material, the design criterion may be stated as [ata

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