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Module No. and Title Module No.


Lesson No. and Title Lesson 2: Evacuation Center Management

Upon the completion of this module, the students are expected to:
Module Learning 1. Discuss proper management of an evacuation center (EC) and compare
Outcomes this with their actual experiences.
2. Identify community members who will be part of each committee for ECM.
3. Discuss anticipated difficulties and challenges in managing an EC and
identify ways to resolve each.

Time Frame Week 22 – 24

Great day students! This module will let you know the proper management of an
Introduction evacuation center (EC) and compare this with actual experiences. Also, as it is vital
to identify community members who will be part of each committee for ECM, this
module will also lay out the concepts of evacuation from own experiences and draw
lessons from thereon. Moreover, you are expected that upon completing this module,
you are able now to discuss anticipated difficulties and challenges in managing an
EC and identify ways to resolve each.

Activity Instructions: Given the following words, write one or two words that comes up your
mind upon seeing the word. Example, the word is CHOCOLATE. Words associated
may be SWEET, BROWN, and LOVE.

Write associated words with the following:

1. Evacuation
2. Center
3. Management
4. Tasks

Answer with your own words. (5 pts. each)
1. What’s the importance of knowing the proper management of an
evacuation center (EC)?
2. Have you’ve been on an evacuation center? Discuss the actual scenario
on that experience.

Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM
Let’s Build Up!

ECM is the effective, appropriate, and proper management of an EC in which participation of

evacuees and other community members is ensured.

A set of criteria must be considered in choosing

an evacuation center:
 Water source is available
 As much as possible, the EC is near the
community and there is a safe route
from the community to the EC.
 The EC is on stable land and there is a
properly functioning drainage system.
 There is enough space for people,
communal services and others.
 Safe
 There is a designated area for livestock
and farm animals.

Based on experience, schools in the communities often serve as the EC for the affected
population who have to evacuate. According to the DepED Educational Facilities Manual
2010, classrooms must be open for use by people as EC or temporary shelter during a
disaster. However, it is important to note that schools are not always safe or in safe locations.
(i.e. a school that is not flooded cannot be considered safe if it is isolated and not accessible
to those who would render rescue and other services). Because of this and due to the lack
of number of schools, some of those affected evacuate to houses of relatives and in other
areas not affected by the disaster.

Tasks of ECM

PRIOR to hazard:
In addition to identification of a safe evacuation site for the community, also ensure the
a. Issues on land rights or ownership (Is the
land owned by the government or by private
b. Site assessment (Criteria on EC site
selection cited above must be followed)
c. Site planning (Plan on where structures will
be built; area designation for each
purok/sitio, kitchen, laundry, bath, toilet, etc.)
d. If the identified EC is a school, the following
must be considered:
 Disruption or continuity of
 Lack of facilities in the school for the evacuees
 Maintenance and ensuring orderliness of the school
e. Safety and security of teachers and students
f. Coordinate with the BDRRMC or MDRRMC for harmonized planning and

Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM
WHILE in the EC:
a. Keep a master list of evacuees and monitor their condition.
b. Assign space for each of the families of evacuees.
c. Conduct an orientation for the evacuees.
d. Maintain orderliness.
e. Conduct training and other education activities.
f. Conduct networking and resource generation.

AFTER the evacuation:

a. Ensure safe return of evacuees to their respective houses.
b. Repair or fix school facilities, furniture, and fixtures that have been damaged in the
c. Clean up the evacuation site.
d. Return to the community or look for a relocation site if it is unsafe to return.

Committees and Their Tasks and Responsibilities During Evacuation

ECM is the primary responsibility of the evacuation committee based on the structure of the
BDRRMC. The manual of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) indicates
that the BDRRMC shall be composed of seven (7) Action Committees and four (4) Staff

The responsibilities of each committee should be discussed to ensure common

understanding among the community members. The stated responsibilities and tasks of each
committee may be modified to become appropriate or relevant to the situation in the EC.

Evacuees are strongly encouraged to be part of the committees to ensure that needs in the
EC are addressed and to make their stay in the EC productive.

The following are the recommended tasks of the committees. Other items may be added or
removed depending on the situation and needs in the EC and of the evacuees.

Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM
Warning Committee:
 Ensures that everyone is informed of and understands the EWS or the warning
 Ensures that there are warning devices that can be used; and
 Coordinates with the local government regarding dissemination of information and

Fire Brigade Committee:

 Organizes fire-fighting team;
 Organizes trainings for the fire-fighting team;
 Gives orders in case of fire emergencies; and
 Leads fire suppression in case of fire at the EC.

Drainage Control Committee:

 Conducts disaster monitoring and provides updates;
 Supports in identifying and addressing emergency situations;
 Identifies status of damaged infrastructure and other impacts of the disaster on the

Security Committee:
 Ensures safety and security of the community;
 Guards the EC;
 Has the authority to do mediation and negotiation;
 Monitors the situation in the community while the residents are in evacuation

Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM
Supply Committee:
 Ensures that there is enough food and other supplies needed;
 Looks for sources of needed supplies and receives goods being delivered; and
 Coordinates with the relief team.

Transportation Committee:
 Ensures that transportation means are available for use by the evacuees in going
to the evacuation center, and back to their respective communities after the
emergency or to a different EC.

Communications Committee:
 Receives all communications regarding weather conditions and updates on the
disaster; and
 Provides correct information to everyone.

Application Arrange the scrambled letters to be able to get the correct word. (1 pt. each)

Answer the question with your own ideas and understanding after reading the
Assessment module. No internet search, no copying from your classmate’s output.
1. Given the different 7 action committees, in your own preference, arrange
the committees in order of importance in terms of evacuation in times of
TYPHOON. Explain your arrangement. (20 pts.)

Great job! You finished this module. I guess you are now ready for the next module.
Closure 

Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM
Template 4 is modified from Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack Making and Module Development by the DNSC IM

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