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“Successful business people are born not made”

I completely disagree with the above-given statement. The claim that successful
business people are born not made captures the idea that interpersonal ability is
largely determined by people’s inborn characteristics. Despite longstanding
scholarly interest in assessing the validity of this claim, the belief that
interpersonal ability is inborn remains largely examined.
This is unfortunate because many people around the world hold this belief even
though the belief itself is inconsistent with contemporary social science. To
advance research in this area, this chapter reviews recent social psychological
research on lay theory, particularly on the concept of “essentialism”, the idea that
members of large social groups possess an underlying set of immutable
characteristics. Extending those ideas, the chapter applies them to the case of
occupational groups and introduces a construct to capture the belief that
entrepreneurs possess an underlying essence that is fixed and inborn. It goes on
to explain how this belief is likely to affect important choices people make about
creating and managing new ventures. Taken together, these arguments expand
scholarly conservations at the intersection of entrepreneurship and cognition by
raising new questions about how and with what effects people think about
entrepreneurial ability.
As the above show, many of the traits entrepreneurs need are born with
however, they can be improved through education and training later in life. The
only one that cannot be improved very easily is innovation. Many people may
argue that none of the traits are born with and that they are all devolved during
childhood and through the environment in which a person is brought up. For this
reason, entrepreneurs are made and many of the traits can be improved to allow
a person to become a better entrepreneur.

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