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Mati Doctors Academy, Inc.

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in PE

For TVL- 12
Prepared by: Elecio B. Velasco BSED - IV
March 06, 2023

I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. explain how important proper posture in dancing;
b. demonstrate the proper posture in dancing to avoid injuries; and
c. value the importance of safety in dancing.

II- Subject Matter

a. Topic: Safety in Dancing
b. Reference: Dance for Life (Health-Optimizing-Physical-Education)
for Senior High School page 78-83
c. Materials: visual aids

III- Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Checking of assignment
e. Classroom rules

B. Review
The teacher will ask about the previous topic.
1. What are the benefits of dancing in physical, mental, social,
and spiritual?
2. In any form of dance, why is it important to always consider
the FITT principle in dancing?
3. Why is it nutrition important for a dancer?
C. Motivation
Hear It Up
Choose a partner. Each pair will be given 15 minutes to stretch their
bodies from head to toe. The exercise must use a variety of
positions such as stretching, kneeling, sitting, and lying.

D. Lesson Proper

Proper Posture in Dancing

Good posture is vital for control,

safety, and expression. Poor posture
or alignment of one part ricochets
throughout the rest of the body.
The correct postural line runs from
the ear lobe, the center of the shoulder
and hip, in front of the ankle, and down
through the foot. The shoulders, hips,
and knees should be on the same
level along the imaginary line.
Located below the navel is an
imaginary point where the center of
gravity is. Depending on the shape
and weight distribution of the dancer,
that imaginary point also shifts.
Dance programs usually
emphasize the importance of core
stability and body awareness.
However having improper posture
while dancing may cause problems in
the future and lead to some chronic injuries.

Examples of faulty alignment in training are:

1. Weight too far back,

2. failing to turn out from the hips,
3. twisted hips,
4. feet overturning/rolling, and
5. misuse of muscle groups.
Here are some examples of postural problems and injuries of the spine
and bones.

Injuries of the Spine Due to Postural Problems

Problems Symptoms Cause Treatment

From the back, Numerous If diagnosed from

appears as S or C misalignments childhood, dance
curve training can help
ease the condition
by emphasizing on
symmetry of
Scoliosis- lateral
deviation of the

From the side, Weak abdominal Stretch lower back,

exaggerated muscles, tight hamstrings, and hip
lumbar curve lumbar spine and flexors, and
hamstring strengthen
Lumbar lordosis-

Flat lower back Weak lower back Strengthen lower

(opposite of muscles, tight back and hip
lordosis), posterior hamstring flexors, stretch
tilt of pelvis/ hamstring.
elongated thoracic
Flat back

From the side, Tight chest Stretch chest

abdominal round muscles, weak muscles of upper
upper back upper back. trunk and
(thoracic curve) strengthen upper

Kyphosis- round
back Other Injuries of the Bones
Problems Symptoms/Causes Treatment

Stress fracture (including Localized cracks in bones Rest

shin splints) due to repeated stress on
one area of bone caused Remedial correction of
by dancing on unsuitable weakness, including
floors and poor alignment specific exercise for weak
in any of the following: muscles
 Fibula- sickled foot
 Tibia bow- weight Heat
Stretching front of lower
 Lumbar vertebrae-
leg for shin
weak abdominal

Fracture Common fractures in the Plaster cast. Immobilize

fifth metatarsal and ankle injured part for six or many
when twisted, inverted, or months, but exercise parts
rotated in the fall not in plaster to stay
strong and mobile.

Treat a minor fracture with


Here are some risk factors for dance-related injuries.

1. Type of dance and frequency of classes, rehearsals, and


2. Duration of training

3. Environmental conditions such as hard floors and cold studios

4. Equipment used, especially shoes

5. Individual dancer's body alignment

6. Prior history of injury

7. Nutritional deficiencies

Remember these things to prevent injury:

1. Wear properly fitting clothing and shoes.

2. Drink plenty of fluids.

3. Resist the temptation to dance through pain.

4. Pay close attention to correct technique.

5. Be mindful of the limits of your body and do not push too fast too soon.

6. Perform proper warm-up and cool-down exercises.

Dancers must avoid smoking and high intake of caffeine or alcohol, which
affect the bones' ability to absorb calcium. They must also be aware of their
risk for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is loss of bone density. Bones become
brittle and breaks are more likely to occur. Osteoporosis usually affects
women over the age of sixty when levels of the female sex hormone estrogen
drop. However it also occurs in young women. Exercise and a diet rich in
calcium ad vitamin D can help prevent it.

E. Application

Work in pairs. One partner will check the posture of the other
partner, while he/she performs. Tick on the checklist for any observation
on certain areas. Change roles and repeat the procedure.
Check those that apply:
Hips press forward and sit in front of the ribs.
Excessive curve in the low back, pelvis tilted forward
Shoulders in front of ears
Ears in front of shoulders
Rounded shoulders with an excessive curve
Head tilted to one side, can be accompanied by rotation toward that
One shoulder sits higher than the other.
One hip sits higher, can give the perception of leg length
Toes are turned in toward the midline of the body.
Toes are turned out away from the midline of the body.

If your partner checked any of the box, then there is an abnormality in your
posture that needs to be addressed.

F. Generalization

1. Why good posture in dancing important?

2. What are the injuries that caused by postural problem?
3. What are the things to remember to prevent injury?

IV- Evaluation
I- Enumerate the injuries of the spine due to postural problems and
state the causes of each injury. (2pts. each)

II- Enumerate at least five (5) things to remember to prevent injury.

V- Assignment

In a short bond paper, fill up the following table.

Research on the name of the abnormality, its causes and possible


Name/s of Cause/s Preventive Treatment

Abnormality/ies Measure/s

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