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Holy Prophet SAW as an educator

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spent his life teaching the principles of Islam and the law laid down
by Allah Almighty to the people around him. It was the Prophet’s utmost patience and kindness
in his teachings that turned the once warring Arab pagans into the best examples of human
beings in the entire world. All his life, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) laid great emphasis on
imparting and receiving knowledge. In fact, the very first word the Prophet received in revelations
from Allah was the word “Iqra“, meaning read. The first revelation to him was “ Read in the name
of your Lord Who Created..”(Quran 96:1-5).

Islamic Education
• Education without any discrimination
At the time when women were devoid of basic rights including education, the Holy Prophet SAW
granted them the right of education. He said,

To acquire knowledge is obligatory upon all Muslims, men and women. (Narrated by Ibn Maja
in al-Sunan, 1:81)
He SAW used to recite the verses of Holy Quran in front of both male and female companions.
Also there were many female teachers appointed at his time which showed his vision of
education on the basis of equality without any discrimination.

• Direction to memorize Quran

The Holy Prophet SAW deployed some techniques to memorize the Holy Quran by himself and
also to his companion. Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) received verse(s) of the Quran, he (PBUH)
would first recite those before his male companions (RA) and then in gathering of female
companions. He used to recite those verses while performing prayer so that those verses were
nor forgotten. Allah Says in Quran,
“We will make you recite so you shall not forget…” (87:6)

• Appointment of learned teachers

He appointed learned teachers for those Muslims who were still in learning process of the Holy
Quran. Thus, he acted as a chief teacher or principal. He said,
The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it. (Sahi
In this way, he also showed supremacy of teachers.

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• Emphasis on writing
He besides learning also emphasized on writing since it's an integral part of learning. He dictated
the learned Quranic verses. He also appointed the learned companions for this purpose.
Therefore, in this way, he was familiar with the tool of writing which an educator deploy for
imparting education.

• Preservation of Holy Quran

The Messenger of Allah (S) chose some persons to transcribe the Quran. When a verse or some
verses were revealed, he summoned one of them and dictated the same and they put it in
writing. After that he asked the scribe to read what he has written. He listened carefully and if
there was even the slightest mistake, he corrected it. Sometimes the Holy Prophet (S) used to
specify the place where the scribe was supposed to record the verse. (Tarikh Yaqubi, Vol. 2, Pg.

As a matter of additional precaution, the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) would review
the Quran with the angel Jibra’il once every year during the month of Ramadan and twice during
the final year of his life on this earth. This final, cumulative review of the Quran with Jibra’il (upon
him be peace) is called the Ardah Akhirah. (Sahih al-Bukhari with Fath al-Bari 9:36)

• Pre-migration appointment of teachers at Madinah

Even in Makkah, where the Muslims were being persecuted, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) paid ample
attention towards education of new Muslims. In 621 AD, when a group of Madinites secretly met
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at ‘Aqabah’ in Makkah and embraced Islam, he (PBUH) sent Musab bin
Umair (RA), who was a learned person, well-versed in various fields of education, to Madina along
with them for their education. This step had tremendous effects on new converts of Madina as
it enabled them to have a deep insight about different disciplines of education and Islam.

• Establishment of first residential institution “Suffa”

The Holy Prophet SAW developed an institution named Suffa in Majid-e-Nabwi. The basic
purpose of developing Suffa was to impart the education of Holy Quran and Hadith. It was a
practical example for disseminating the knowledge by the Holy Prophet SAW. The Holy Prophet
SAW used to teach there. At Suffa, students from far-flung areas were provided with
accommodation as well. That educational institute rendered extraordinary services in providing
quality education to Muslim disciples.

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Worldly Education
• Study of foreign languages
It was necessitated for correspondence with the foreign rulers and to conclude treaties with
them. Also, it was necessary for the intelligence officers working in foreign lands. Also, for
effective diplomacy with the foreign states, it was necessary to learn foreign languages.

• Learning from prisoners of Battle of Badr

When taken as a prisoners, the non-Muslims were asked to teach least ten children of Muslims
each. Of course they could not have taught Islamic teachings since they were non-Muslims but
they could have taught the worldly education. This caused dissemination of knowledge in
Madinah. Thus it proved that Islam focuses on both religious and worldly education because both
are dependent upon each other.

Teaching methodologies by the Holy Prophet SAW

• Mastery in Arabic & Use of several dialects
The Holy Prophet SAW was noted for superb eloquence and fluency in Arabic. He was accurate,
unpretending and straightforward speaker. He was well conversant in Arabic. He had also strong
command in different dialects of Arabic. Therefore he had the ability to converse with different
tribes in their own accent and dialect.

• Seeking useful knowledge

He ordered his companions to seek useful knowledge and made it compulsory for every Muslim.
He used to pray,
O' God! I seek shelter from useless knowledge.
O' God! I pray for useful knowledge.

• Kindness
The Holy Prophet SAW advised and encouraged people to use easy methods in education and to
show patience, tolerance and humility. Muawiya Bin Hakim as-Sulemani stated that “I've never
seen a better teacher than the Holy Prophet SAW. He neither reprimanded, nor beat nor
insulted me.”

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• Use of gestures
The Holy Prophet SAW used gestures to convey his sayings to his companions in order to make
things understandable for them. He demonstrated the horrors of doomsday and the holding of
heavens and earths by the Almighty Allah by using gestures and thus, made it more interesting
and understandable for his companions.

• No student left behind

The Holy Prophet SAW equally paid attention to all his companions. He made no distinction
between his students on the basis of intelligence, understanding and social level.

• Perfect Speaker
The Holy Prophet SAW was methodical in his teaching techniques and never rushed his lessons.
According to Ayesha (RA),
He spoke in such a way if one were to count his words, they could be counted. (Bukhari)

The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the most supreme manifestation for the educators. The
Holy Prophet (PBUH) had great regard for teachers as he himself said,
“I have been sent as a teacher”. (Ibn-Majah)
So in the teachings and Sunnah of the most perfect teacher, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there
are the guidelines following which will make one an educator par excellence.

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