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10 + ALLAIR OPERATOR CERTIFICATE (AOC) HOLDERS SUBIECT REQUIREMENT FOR ALL DAVAO-BOUND PASSENGERS, DATE =: 22gULY 2000, This isin reference to the Authority's Advisory dated 17 July and careatry Advisory dated 21 July 2020 directing all ir operators to require Davao-bound passengers to present negave RT-PCR result Prior to checkin, Supply tothe sid Advisory, in close coordination withthe Lo:al Goverment of Davao City al ar operators ae farther enjoined to implement the sid instruction, king into account the following (©) Requie passengers to presenta negative RT-PCR result taken witia 10 72 hous fon ‘departure dio. This requirement shall not be made mandstory upon sheckm athe airport oF ‘ongin bat shall be required upon exit atte Davao International Aiport (DIA. 8) __Allthose whose allow to board in Dvao-bound fights without RT-PCR testing hall be testod upon atv atthe DLA and wl not be allowed to ext without anepve real, 1. Tocnsure a safe and orely ext out ofthe atportaifnes shall be directed 19 eplane all those with a negative RT-PCR test result fst followed by all those without thelr RT-PCR ts resi (Gi)__All those who are tse in thei place of origin within 24-72 hour of depart date but Ihave not received their result shall not be allowed to exit the DIA an thir ex results are avaible; (jv) ‘The negative RT-PCR rent shouldbe taken within 26 to 72 hous fm departure date. te results more than 72 hous, the passengers shall undergo reesting at te DIAS, (©) _Thenogative RT-PCR test reult taken within 24 to 72 hours fom the domestic departare ‘date condacod by laboratory overseas for an ntrational ight passenger shal be aeepted and recognized. Alreslts writen in foreign language must have an English tarslation; (i) Chien 12 years old and below ae exempted ftom the RT-PCR reqirement, provided {hal the accompanying adult passenger has a negative RT-PCR res “This requirement shal be implemented effective immediately. “This measure is intended solely 10 ensue thatthe health and safety of the Ayng public ae not compromised in any manner For tit complies exuggl Emer Diretr CUP Dea Art an oad canertnayAquna Avenue, ny Oy, Mer Mas, Pps, 3B) Tats} ote, 80001) weap ovo

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