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Comparison Essay Outline

Topic: Is it better for people to eat home cooked food or fast food?

I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)

A: What is your strategy for introducing your topic?_____Hook

B: Thesis statement: _Whereas some prefer eating cooked food made in home to
preserve their health, others have chosen to spend less money and time by eating fast food.

II. Body

A. Paragraph 2 (first point of comparison) topic sentence:

Firstly, there is a difference between Time spending while eating fast food and home cooked

1. Fast food- spending less


SUPPORT a. Food already cooked and ready to serve __

b. serving time (drive thru_)

How fast is fast-food service?

This year, the average speed for all quick-service chains was 255 seconds — 20
seconds longer than last year's average. The fastest chain was Dunkin' at 217 seconds
(just over 3 minutes, 30 seconds). Chick-fil-A was the slowest at 323 seconds (about 5
minutes, 20 seconds).2 oct. 2019

A recent study finds fast food service is getting slower - The ... › food › recent-study-finds-fas

2. __Home cooked food take time_

a. __cooking time (take 30 minutes or less. More complex meals like chicken &
dumplings or spaghetti & meatballs take 60′ish minutes (but I make my own dumplings and
b. _can also be enjoying with family or friends

B. Paragraph 3 (second point of comparison) topic sentence: ___finance_

_Secondly, eating fast food or home cooked food do not represent a same expense.

1. ___fast food is cheap, good for single or big


SUPPORT a- price attractive for single or student

b. special menu for big family

2. ____Home cooked food is expensive_____________________

a. Ingredients price_

b. cooking comodity

C. Paragraph 4 (third point of comparison) topic sentence: The last but not the least is
how healthy are home cooked food and fast food.

1. fast food are not healthy

SUPPORT a. Artificial ingredient _

b. _Addictive taste(too much salt or sugar)_

2. _Home cooked food are more healthy__

a. _Possibility to choose natural ingredient_

b. the taste is up to you(possibility to choose the level of salt or sugar )

III. Conclusion (paragraph 5)

A. Restated thesis: ____________________________________________________


B. Summary, Suggestion, Opinion, Conclusion or Prediction:

-suggestion: fast food restaurant should have more menu for different customers
-Opinion: Eating home cooked food remains the best choice for those who give more importance
to their health and family life, but it’s remaining expensive and takes time and effort
-prediction: Fast food will stay the best solution for most of the people nowadays, because
people are busy, and want to spend less for food


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