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Over the past two decades, Sri Lanka's digital infrastructure facilities have grown to a
respectable level of development. It should be emphasized that non-traditional security threats
from the cyber domain or information warfare are a relatively new security concern for Sri
Lanka, since the island had previously faced challenges from traditional sectors until the first
decade of the twenty-first century. Many companies in Sri Lanka have gone online, and even
government organizations have incorporated e-governance in an effort to increase public access
and convenience. As a result, the susceptibility of organizations and individuals to assaults is
growing and will continue to grow in the future as more people migrate to digital platforms.
PESTLE analysis of Sri Lanka's cybersecurity concerns reveals that there are direct dangers to
the country's political, economic, social, and technical domains. It also offers grave dangers to
the country's law, since it will necessitate the preparation of new legislation specific to the Sri
Lankan environment in order for the government to tackle these new difficulties in the fifth
domain of warfare. Cyber threats are becoming more intense and widespread. We've witnessed
large breaches at government organizations and commercial enterprises, which has raised a lot of
awareness in comparison to earlier, when understanding of dangers from the cyber realm was
limited to IT experts. The most expensive key method for establishing a knowledge-based
society with digitally enabled inhabitants is the development of digital infrastructure. In order to
provide affordable, dependable, and secure infrastructure facilities, the Lanka Government Cloud
(LGC) has been created. The restrictions and limits must be removed, and services must be
swiftly extended in accordance with the newest technological trends, if the goal of a digitally
inclusive nation is to be met. The government of Sri Lanka should accept the need for a digital
economy and take steps to digitize the government in order to properly address the upcoming
economic and social problems.

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