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(His, Geo, Civ, Eco – 1,2) TOTAL : 60
One words:- 10*1=10
1. What were the three major empires shattered by the end of first world war
2. Boers were also known as _________.
3. _______ river is known as sorrow of bihar.
4. ______ plains are formed by the older alluviums.
5. Climate of india is affected by ______.
6. Climate of india is labeled as __________.
7. A foreigner can acquire indian citizenship through __________.
8. _____ is the ex-officio chairperson of the rajyasabha.
9. Per capital income =___________
10. India signed the dunket proposal in ________.
Time line :- 5*2=10
1. Important events of indian history (1905-1925)
2. Important events of world history (1910-1930)
Answer briefly:- 20*2=40
1. How do you assess the importance of sino-japanese war?
2. What do you know of trench warfare?
3. How did great depression impact on the indian agriculture?
4. Define dollar imperialism.
5. Write a short note on deccan plateau?
6. Give the importance of IST?
7. What is brust of monsoon?
8. What are jet stream?
9. What is constitution?
10. What is a writ?
11. Write short note on money bill?
12. How is president of india elected?
13. What is per capital income?
14. Define national income.
15. What is fair trade?
16. Write any two positive impacts of globalization?
17. North indian rivers are perennial. (give reason)
18. India has a tropical monsoon climate (give reason)
19. Tropical evergreen forest & deciduous forest (D.B)
20. Eastern ghats & western ghats.(D.B)

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