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Name: ______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Grade Level: ________________________________ Date: _____________________


Television is one of the most powerful tools in communicating information, especially in news
broadcasting. TV news Broadcast is considered the most frequent and trusted source of information.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. Communications can be
spoken or verbal communication: face -to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media or non-verbal
communication: body language, gestures, how we dress or act our scent.
In a television broadcast, the director should use a series of standards, calls and set procedures to direct the
efforts of the video crew. A consistency of protocol allows the crew to anticipate their responsibilities by
following standard operating procedures with clearly defined and universally understood jargon[‘].

Verbal and non-verbal cues used in a television broadcast

❖ Standby Cue 4-minutes count down
❖ Speed up Come closer You are in camera
❖ Ok Go back Cut
❖ Stretch or slowdown 30 seconds
❖ Keep talking on time 15 seconds

Let us remember that…

 Speakers use verbal and non-verbal cues to convey meaning.
 TV broadcasting is the distribution of video or other messages to a dispersed audience via television.
 A verbal cue is a prompt that is conveyed in spoken language from one person to another or a group of
 Non-verbal cue includes all the communications between people who do not have a direct verbal
translation. They are body movements, body orientations, nuances of the voice, facial expressions, details
of the dress and choice and movements of objects that communicate.
 In TV broadcasting, verbal and non-verbal cues are used.

Learning Task 1
Direction: Use the appropriate verbal/non-verbal cues in the following television broadcast situations. Choose
your answer from the given choices.

keep talking cut you are in camera standby 30 seconds

__________ 1. The director signals the anchor to look at the camera.

__________ 2. The director wants everybody in the set to standby in one minute.
__________ 3. The director signals to standby in 30 seconds.
__________ 4. There is remaining time in the set, the director wants the anchor to talk more and
spend the time left.
__________ 5. This means over, cut the show and it is finished.

Learning Task 2
Direction: Have you ever watched a game or sports competition aired live on TV? Create a sportscast script,
memorize and practice delivering it. Be guided on the use of verbal and non-verbal cues in a TV broadcast. Use
the following rubric below as guide standard in writing a script.

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