A Man of His Word

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A Man of His Word

By Samuel Tyler
A Victoriana 3rd Edition Scenario

A Note on NPC Stats Scene 1: Entrance

The NPCs in this scenario were made with the 3rd Due Diligence
edition rules with one exception- Important NPCs If the PCs are criminals, have previous dealings with
use Traits from 2nd Edition. When an NPC attempts Diligence Pock, or have ever committed a petty
a skill roll, dice equal to the Trait can be added to crime, two thugs (a horseman named John and an
the test if appropriate. ogre named Harold) encourage the PCs to come
If you do not want to use Traits, add two to an NPC’s with them to visit Mr. Pock at a nearby restaurant.
highest Competence. Pock sits sipping tea on a tall chair that brings his
short gnomish frame up to eye level.
Background Pock mentions some way the PCs have wronged
Matheson Ratch is a human small time crook. He him in the past, (putting one of his men in the
does occasional jobs for his uncle, the gnome crime hospital, robbing his courier, threatening someone
boss, Diligence Pock, to make ends meet, but he under his protection, or any other small crime the
wants to leave it all behind and move up to a better PCs might have done in a previous adventure). He
class of living. gives them an opportunity to correct it. He wants
He saved his semi-ill-gotten gains and checked the PCs to make sure a man owing him money will
property listings every week, hoping for prices he be able to pay it off.
could afford. When he saw the foreclosure of a large He informs them about the loan Matheson Ratch has
house in Bethnal Green, he decided to buy it, and taken, and gives Ratch’s home address (12 Pittance
turn it into a boarding house. Row, White Chapel). Under no circumstances does
He went to his uncle for a loan, but Pock would only he mention Ratch is his nephew. He also doesn’t
give him part of what he needed. He was lucky to know the address of Ratch’s new property.
get that. Puck wouldn’t give him anything until his Pock will allude to his appreciation, and if asked
wife, Ratch’s mom’s sister, intervened. Desperate, respectfully, he promises to give each of the PCs two
Ratch turned to the gang leader Stan “The Stein” pounds, inside information on a fixed fight, and a
Fuller for the remainder. Ratch eagerly bought the reliable bookie.
house and worked on it for the past two weeks.
Last week, Stan “The Stein” overheard a sewer Diligence Pock (Gnome Crime Lord)
laborer in his pub say the Metropolitan Board of Initiative:
Works approved a plan that would involve altering Physical: 3
the drainage flow under the very house Ratch just Mental: 8
bought. Social: 8
Stan did a little research and discovered the Health: 10
property was about to become very important to Traits: Intimidating presence +3, Vengeful +2
the Board. Not wanting to alert Ratch to his Combat: Stand and take it, knowing the fool will
property’s value, Stan hired a gutter conjurer not live out the night. Lined Jacket (AV 3)
named Polka to “haunt” Ratch’s house with her Despite his short stature and elderly craggy face,
magic. Diligence Pock is a man to be feared. His eyes glare
Polka captured animals off the street, made them out from thick glasses and he bares his teeth
invisible with her enchantments, and snuck them unsmilingly, giving his face a vicious predatory look.
into the house every night. After hearing the ghosts He wears a well tailored but plain brown suit on his
for two nights, Ratch asked a priest to banish them. short frame. His body may be frail, but his heart and
Since Ratch’s house is not haunted by ghosts, but mind are sharp, cold, and ruthless.
enchanted animals, it did not help. Ratch is terrified, Pock reached the top in the illegal gambling dens of
but is determined to make his dreams come true by London through street smarts and murder. Nobody
the sweat of his brow. has found a crack in his armor, and he intends to
keep it that way.
John and Harold (Horseman and Ogre Muckers) Once the PCs have reported to Holbrook and
Initiative: 8 Holbrook on Ratch’s successful financial status, they
Physical: 9 are rewarded with one pound each and access to a
Mental: 5 dividend paying account. Low class PCs start each
Social: 5 adventure with +1 pence, middle class with +1
Health: 18 shilling, and high class with +5 shillings.
Traits: Apply pressure +2, Menacing +3
Combat: Fists (6) and clubs (8) Scene 2: Ratch’s Basement Home
Two hulking brutes, John and Harold are leg He’s Not at Home
breakers for Diligence Pock and follow Mr. Pock’s At 12 Pittance Row in White Chapel, Ratch’s home is
instructions to the letter. John is taller and Harold is in the basement of a small pawn shop. The pawn
wider, but both are menacing figures in their dark shop’s proprietor is a mousefolk named Dorcus
riding cloaks. Under their cloaks are the tools of Farrows. She hasn’t seen Ratch for two weeks.
their trade: rope, blackjacks, and black hoods. Ratch is not at home. He’s been working and
They watch their victim for awhile to unnerve them sleeping at his new property, spending every
before approaching and veil their threats with waking moment making repairs.
polite words. The cellar door in the alley is the only way into the
basement. The door has a crude padlock, which can
Alternate Investigations be overcome with a Lock-picking roll (3 black dice).
The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll If the PCs hesitate to break into Ratch’s home, a
skills, or do other research to get more information. Perception roll (no black dice) reveals the lock is
Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in. scratched as though someone tried to break in
-Pock runs an underground fight racket. The fight A short flight of stairs leads to a small single room.
venues are secret and change often. His fights may PCs six feet or taller will have to duck their heads
not always be fair, but his bookies will take any bet. under the low ceiling. A single lamp (unlit) serves as
the room’s only source of light and heat. Three
-Pock is very tough, almost vengeful to his debtors.
trunks, a short table, and a bed are the only pieces
Hiring someone to help them is completely out of
of furniture. The trunks contain clothes and a few
A loose brick in the wall by the bed hides a metal tin
- Aside from some courier work for a counterfeiter
containing the rolled up deed to 173 Cork Street, Bethnal
and some dockside thievery, Matheson Ratch is a
Green. The deed was notarized and witnessed by
small fish in the criminal pond- nice fellow, though.
Shepherd Holdings (the property office handling the
Alternative Entrances foreclosure and sale). The signatures of Ratch and
A PC’s contact could be a mutual friend of Ratch, Alistair Shepherd are dated two weeks ago.
enlisting the players to seek out their missing friend
Ruffians in the Basement
-“I haven’t’ seen Old Matheson for a few weeks now.
After the PCs search around for a bit, the cellar door
I’d check on him but he lives in a bad part of town”,
slams open and a number of thugs equal to the
or “Ever since I gave Ratch that loan he’s
party stomp down the stairs. Stan “The Stein” sent
them to collect the deed to Ratch’s property as a
.The reward for helping Ratch could be a pair of
backup plan. He may need it as collateral against
dueling pistols, an invitation to a society dinner,
Ratch or have Ratch killed and forge his name on
three pounds, or whatever leads to your next
the deed as Ratch’s partner.
The thugs ask the party which of them is Ratch and
Instead of his criminal uncle, Ratch could have demand they give up the deed. If the PCs are
borrowed the money from the Holbrook & Holbrook obviously uncooperative, they attack.
Savings and Loan office. Through a number of Any thugs left capable of being interrogated after
clerical errors the loan was approved. They fired the the fight reveal Stan “the Stein” sent them to steal
clerk as soon as the mistakes were noticed, but it the deed. Stan has not told them about his plans for
was too late. The bank needs the PCs to check in on the property or about Polka. If threatened and
Ratch to ensure he can pay it back or more heads asked about Stan, they say he runs a gang out of a
will roll. public house called “the Pickled Dog” in White
Thugs (Orcs Foxfolk, Badgerfolk, Humans, house, Ratch will mistakenly assume are ghosts. A
Dwarves etc) successful Persuasion roll (3 black dice) will get him
Initiative: 4 out of his room. PC’s can avoid this problem by
Physical: 5 yelling in the street up to his window.
Mental: 3 Ratch is nervous. He will guardedly talk about being
Social: 4 bitten by ghost on the second floor, and of the
Health: 8 strange “cooing” sounds in the basement. Unless the
Combat: Brass knuckles, chains, knives, clubs, (6) PCs mention the loans, Ratch will not mention his
uncle or Stan. If the subject is brought up, he refers
Alternate Investigations to Pock as his uncle.
The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll Ratch wants to be a successful land lord, and takes
skills, or do other research to get more information. any help the PCs will offer. If the party expects
Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in. recompense, he doesn’t have any money to spare,
but he offers a room in his boardinghouse for five
-Shepherd Holdings is a reputable realty firm. The pence a week in gratitude.
Shepherd brothers (two elderly Sheepdogfolk) are
respected businessmen. All the legal proceedings of Floor by Floor
Ratch’s purchase are clean. The house’s ground floor has an entry hallway,
kitchen, cloak room, dining room, and a drawing
-Stan “the Stein” earned his name from an incident room. Cheap furniture and sparse decorations give a
in a bar brawl. Insulted by a patron, Stan picked up sense of thrifty hospitality. A back door in the
a glass stein and smashed the man across the face. kitchen leads to a small garden and another leads to
The stein broke, leaving the handle and a jagged the basement. A staircase rises through the three
glass knuckle, with which he pummeled the man to floors to the attic.
death. Both first and second floors have four bedrooms
- Stan does not own the Pickled Dog pub. Since he and a water closet. Each bedroom is furnished but
runs his gang out of it, he doesn’t need legal not decorated. The invisible dog is hiding under a
ownership. He keeps an office in the back room, table in the second floor hallway. It will bite anyone
where the most violent crimes in his neighborhood that walks by. Its panting is audible with a
are planned. successful Perception roll (no black dice).
On the second floor, the house’s stairwell stops at a
Scene 3: The Haunted House trap door in the ceiling for the attic. Sheets are
173 Cork Street draped on ropes across the room to divide the attic
A tidy square of narrow houses surrounds Cork into smaller rooms to be rented.
Street, Bethnal Green. The day’s washing hangs on
Pigeons in the Basement
lines across buildings and men leave their homes
Down the kitchen stairs, the basement is low
for a day’s or night’s work. 173 is a three story,
ceilinged and unlit lanterns hang from the beams. A
south facing house with a peeling white stucco
few street level windows on the west and east sides
façade. Windows on every floor let in the daylight.
let in smudged sunlight. The enchanted pigeons
The front door is not locked. A side street runs
roost on the attic’s wooden beams. Any source of
along the western side of the house, and on the east
light or a loud noise will rouse them. A trail of their
there is a small alley separating it from the building
droppings spreads from the window in the east
next door.
from when they were shoved inside by Polka.
A one armed halfling beggar named Tommy Spitter
Outside the window is the alley way. If the area is
sits across from the house watching, making sure
searched, the PCs find a small piece of braided
everything goes according to Stan’s plan. Tommy
tobacco leaves (used for chewing or smoking in
will happily tell the PCs about the “terrible
pipes) and some boot prints. A successful Botany
hauntings” in exchange for a little charity, then
roll (no black dice) or a Streetwise, Appraisal,
report to Stan about their actions.
General Knowledge or other related roll (4 black
Ratch is bandaging a bite on his leg in one of the dice), will identify the leaf as Grey Dourly (a dirt
first floor bedrooms. While scrubbing the walls on cheap vile burning tobacco). Not every Tobacconist
the second floor, an invisible dog attacked him. in London makes it, and the braid’s blocky style is
Ratch fled the “ghost” and locked himself in the unusual.
bedroom. Any noises he hears from inside the
The Ghosts His childhood in the slums has taught him how to
Three nights ago, Polka started haunting the house. use his fists, but he’d rather not hurt anyone.
She let five pigeons in through a window in the
basement, and a dog into the kitchen. Each animal Tommy Spitter (Halfing Beggar)
has been enchanted to be invisible for twenty-four Initiative: 5
hours. The focus housing the invisibility Physical: 5
enchantment is a leather strap with a piece of glass Mental: 5
hanging off it. Each animal has the strap securely Social: 7
tied somewhere on their body. If the strap is Health: 8
removed or the enchantment wears off, the animals Traits: Pathetic figure +2
will instantly become visible. The enchantment is Combat: Run, and failing that, beg for his life
purposefully flawed; while the animals are invisible Often seen begging in the street, Spitter is a middle
they are in constant pain and will attack anyone aged dirty halfling, with an unshaved chin. If
they see. Any person trying on a collar will writhe in examined closely, mud has been carefully applied to
pain, unable to act except to remove it. his face and his ragged clothes. His left sleeve hangs
PCs examining a collar must pass a Lore or magical empty.
roll (no black dice) or Streetwise (three black dice) Spitter was a beggar even before he lost his arm in a
roll to figure out it is a magical focus made by a carriage accident, and he learned to keep his eyes
petty conjurer and will not last indefinitely. A PC open to any happenings of interest to his friends in
with Conjuration will be able to identify it White Chapel. He is lookout for numerous criminal
immediately with no roll, and with a conjuration roll enterprises.
(4 black dice) will be able to figure out that the
enchantment will fade around 11. Polka returns Alternate Investigations
each night to replace any escaped animals, and The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll
reenchant the collars. skills, or do other research to get more information.
Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in.
Because of the animal’s enchantment, any attempts
to touch, catch, attack them, or resist their attacks -The neighbors heard barking, crashes, and
have 3 black dice. The animals are in pain and not windows banging shut at night.
used to being invisible (the dog leaves footprints, -A petty conjurer, overheard bragging in White
upturns carpets, pants loudly, and the pigeons shed Chapel taverns, says her drinks are being paid for by
feathers, knock into each other in the air, coo, etc.) ghosts.
Dog Pigeons - Expert conjurers recognize each other’s work. If
Initiative: 6 Initiative: 4 the collars are taken to one, they can help.
Physical: 5 Physical: 3
Mental: 5 Mental: 2 - The collars are made of cheap trash. There’s a
Health: 8 Health: 2 conjurer in White Chapel who makes enchantments
Damage: Bite (4) Damage: Peck (2) like this. Her work is skillful, but the stuff she uses
will turn your stomach.
Matheson Ratch (Human Aspiring
Entrepreneur) -If the braided tobacco is taken to a tobacconist
Initiative: 6 shop or other expert the PCs are directed to a small
Physical: 6 shady tobacco shop in White Chapel. The shop is
Mental: 4 next door to Hocus Polka’s.
Social: 6
Health: 10
Traits: Excited property owner +2, Naive +2
Combat: Fists (4)
Ratch is a tall lanky man in his late 20s with dark
red hair and a pleasant, smiling face. A life time of
petty crimes hasn’t made him jaded or cynical,
instead he is trusting to the point of naivety. He
gladly explains his plans to be a landlord to anyone
willing to listen.
Scene 4: Hocus Polka’s Questioning the Enchantress
The Tobacconist In the center of it all, often hidden behind the piles,
The shop is very thin (four feet at best, but boxes is the ugly crone Polka. She smokes a pipe with a
and drawers reduce to one foot wide in some scent familiar to any PCs that examined the ash
places), and the air is thick with the smell of stored outside Ratch’s house.
tobacco leaves. Behind a small scratched glass case, Polka is welcoming to potential customers. She
Rhet Plum, a surly human, braids tobacco leaves answers questions about her enchantments for
into a rope. The braid matches the style of the other clients, but she only alludes vaguely about her
tobacco in the alley. If asked about his past work for Stan “the Stein”. If the PC’s persuade Polka
customers, Rhet is not helpful but if the PCs are to talk she’ll explain her part in Stan’s plan.
rowdy, the halfling tells them whatever they want to Four days ago, Stan hired her to terrorize Ratch out
know to get them out of his shop. Polka stops in the of his home. Polka caught animals off the street,
shop often and buys Grey Dourly. Her office is next fitted them with enchanted collars, and let them
door. into the house. She has a box full of invisible giant
cockroaches she was going to let in tonight. Stein is
The Awful Office paying Polka three pounds to scare Ratch, with an
Down a stinking alleyway in White Chapel is an extra 2 shillings per conjuration performed to make
easily missed door, with a small brass name plate, the enchantments. He still owes her ten shillings for
labeled “Hocus Polka’s”. the pigeons. She does not know why Stan wants
Beyond the door is a cramped, foul smelling brick Ratch out of that house.
lined room. Every bit of table space and every
drawer of the molding wooden furniture is covered If the PCs remain on good terms with Polka during
with piles of trash. Shards of glass, cracked bits of this conversation, she may have some work they
wood, piles of discarded pamphlets and posters, could do in exchange for an enchanted focus. This
cast offs from butcher’s shops, anything unwanted would be especially beneficial if the party decides to
has been carefully collect here. None of it appears to attack Stan “the Stein” later in the adventure. Work
be organized. Junk even hangs from the ceiling. for Polka could be slicing the hearts from young
Two doorways lead out of the office. One is Polka’s Lambton worms, catching young Lambton worms in
bedroom (piles of junk with a nest formed in the the sewer, or worse-tidying up her office.
center) and the other is used for storage and a
water closet (more junk and worse). Polka (Old Street-Witch Shop Owner)
Initiative: 6
Bizarre objects in Polka’s office include: Physical: 3
-A tank full of squirming, freshly-hatched Lambton Mental: 7
worms Social: 8
-A mouse blazing with fire, sitting unharmed Health: 8
-A cooking pot with charred designs on its surface; Quintessesnce: 36
looking at for a few seconds will cause temporary Traits: Hears a lot of things+2, Has a use for that +3,
blurry vision Conjuration
-Piles of gnawed newspapers Combat: While in her office, Polka has every
-A dead goat conjuration possible at her fingertips. If she is away,
-A cigar box full of pebbles and feathers she brings four focuses with her for protection.
-An old rusted birdcage that is glowing slightly Dressed in rags, Polka is the stereotypical hag, from
-Lumps of coal floating serenely the warts on her face to her spindly fingers. She is
pleasant and courteous with potential customers,
Due to a very complicated bit of conjuration, Polka’s but not enough to hide the eccentricities of her
office has one door existing in two locations magical practice.
spanning across London: one in White Chapel, the Polka’s age is uncertain, as is her exact race. Her
other in the basement of an office building in ears point a little too much to be human, but she’s
Mayfair. If either door were broken open, the too tall to be a gnome or dwarf. She has no last
enchantment vanishes, and the invaders enter a name (at least none she remembers) and her
simple coal closet instead. Austrian accent is the only glimpse of her life before
Horace (Unicorn Animal Companion, Pet and hour or the night. Stan has permanently
Protector) commandeered three of these rooms for his gang.
Initiative: 5 One room is Stan’s office, next door is Stan’s lounge,
Physical: 10 and across the hall is a large study serving as his
Mental: 8 gang’s bunkhouse.
Social: 2 Stan is in his office with his henchman, Cotton. Five
Health: 16 of his gang are sleeping across the hall, and another
Combat: Stabbing Horn (6d), Kicking Hooves (5d), five are downstairs carousing.
although not able to create Focus, Horace can If any of the thugs survived their encounter with the
activate them while held in his mouth. PCs in the basement of the pawn shop, they may
Horace is Polka’s unicorn Animal Companion. alert Stan, or want some revenge.
Despite his massive frame, Horace has no trouble
navigating and fighting around the mess of Polka’s The Confrontation
office. His pelt is never smeared by the grime Stan is used to holding court at the Pickled Dog, and
surrounding him. Due to a sleight miscasting when will talk to anyone that visits. He is a king in his
Polka enchanted the unicorn, his left eye is castle, surrounded by people who fear him and owe
completely covered in cataracts. Horace is utterly him favors. Of course, Cotton will quietly watch the
devoted to Polka and always comes when called or visitors with a shotgun while they talk.
if a customer is too aggressive. In conversation, Stan is at ease, but if he is not
treated with respect, he will fly into a rage, slapping
Alternate Investigations faces or yelling before regaining his composure. He
The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll could end their conversation by trying to kill them.
skills, or do other research to get more information. Stan can be persuaded to keep talking by being
Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in. asked questions about his brilliant plan to get
Ratch’s house, but because of Stan’s violent temper,
-Polka is an unlicensed practitioner of magic. If this his gloating tone, or a PC’s trigger finger, chances
were brought to the Guilds’ attention, Polka could are good that any talk with Stan will end in a fight.
be in trouble. Of course that would be hard to prove
since most Guild Members don’t believe in “Petty The simplest solution for the PC’s is to mention
Magic”. Ratch is Diligence Pock’s nephew. If Stan realizes
their familial connection, he immediately backs off.
-Being a magical animal companion, Horace is He has no desire to stir up trouble with a criminal as
telepathically linked to Polka. Horace will respond well connected and as feared as Pock.
to anything Polka sees or hears. He will be resentful toward the PC’s and vent his
frustration on them, but Ratch will be left alone.
Scene 5: Confrontation with Stan
The Pickled Dog Stan “the Stein” Fuller, (Dwarf Gangboss)
On a cramped White Chapel street, packed close Initiative: 7
with broken buildings, the scummiest of the Physical: 7
working class gather any time of day at the Pickled Mental: 4
Dog for dirty business and dirtier pleasure. Social: 7
The pub oozes outward across the ground floor of Health: 14
three houses built side to side. A common room Traits: Veteran Barfighter+2, Short Temper +2
holds a scratched billiard table, and a dart board. Combat: Fists +Stein (7), Lined Coat (AV 2)
Walls have been torn out to make a large barroom. Stan is an opportunistic dwarven criminal with a
Unlabeled bottles (and bottles that would be better wiry frame and a thick mustache dominating his
off unlabeled) cover the wall behind the stained and face. His clothes are sloppy but better quality than
defaced bar. Sailors, thieves, “working girls” and most in the rookery. Stan is smart. He knows his
other dregs of the rookery sit on handmade stools at violent temper keeps him in charge, but how much
the secondhand tables littering the room. A is temper and how much is calculated cruelty is
doorway behind the bar leads to a steam filled known only to him. He still uses his namesake’s
kitchen where four tired women scratch out meals broken stein-handle like brass knuckles. He
for the pub’s clientele. reinforced it with leather, and metal spikes have
The floor above the Pickled Dog holds private dining been added to the jagged glass edge.
rooms and bedrooms, both available to rent by the
Cotton, (Human Triggerman) The Plan
Initiative: 5 The halfling beggar, Tommy Spitter knocks on the
Physical: 7 door and distracts any occupants by directing them
Mental: 5 to the basement (“I swear I just saw somebody
Social: 5 dumping something through the window”; “I
Health: 12 thought I saw somebody down there”, etc).
Traits: Watchful +2. “Whatever you say Boss” +3 While Tommy stammers out his misdirection, the
Combat: Shotgun (9), Crooktail brothers climb up the back of the house
Cotton’s long hair in a sailor’s braid and his tattoos and enter windows on the second floor. They make
mark his old life on the sea. Now he is Stan’s right their way downstairs, quietly checking every room.
hand man, leading teams of burglars and cut purses Tommy runs away the second anyone gets
on the docks. suspicious.
He’s as quick with a sneer as he is with his shotgun. If a Crooktail hears someone coming, he
If someone tries anything in front of him he will deal immediately hides and waits. When they get near,
with it before calling for the boys. he jumps out and slashes with his knife.

Patron/Stan’s Gang Swift, Gully, and Wolby Crooktail, (Ratfolk

Initiative: 4 Cutthroats)
Physical: 5 Initiative: 8
Mental: 2 Physical: 7
Social: 4 Mental: 5
Health: 8 Social: 4
Combat: Chair legs, bottles, knives, (6) Health: 12
Traits: Sneaky and Silent +2, Family First +2
Alternate Investigations Combat: Switch blade knives (6) and fists (4)
The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll The Crooktails are a closely knit family of murders.
skills, or do other research to get more information. The three brothers look very much alike. All three
Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in. have dark brown fur, and glinting red eyes. Swift is
the oldest, followed by Gully and Wolby. On the job,
-The proprietor/barman of the Pickled Dog, a quiet the Crooktails wear dark close cut clothes to help
Bullfolk named Dathan Neil, is content to let Stan them keep a low profile and stay nimble.
run the place. The presence of his gang has made his Each will put their brothers ahead of the job. If a
pub a comparatively safer and quieter place. Stan’s Crooktail is wounded, his brothers come to his aid
boys may not pay for their liquor, but their friends or if a Crooktail is captured, his brothers beg for his
do. Dathan’s life is actually simpler with a violent life. Failing that, they brutally avenge him.
criminal living upstairs.
Alternate Investigations
Optional Scene 6: the Crooktail Assassins The PCs may want to consult their contacts, roll
Maybe a PC stays behind to protect Ratch while the skills, or do other research to get more information.
rest go see Stan “the Stein”. Maybe the PC’s don’t Here are facts and rumors that can be dropped in.
feel any urgency to resolve the situation, or maybe
there hasn’t been enough fighting. Whatever the -The Crooktail brothers are real cutthroats. They
case, this is an encounter to serve whatever purpose are often employed as muggers and second story
is needed. men. Primarily, they break into houses, steal
As the PCs uncover the clues, Stan knows his plan is valuables, and kill anyone that sees them.
starting to unravel. Someone is looking too closely
at the house on Cork Street. He decides it’s time to -There is a reward for turning in the Crooktail
escalate. brothers to the authorities. Each Crooktail is worth
Stan sends a team of murderous ratfolk, the five pounds alive.
Crooktail brothers, to 173 Cork Street to kill Ratch
and steal the deed to his house.
Final Rewards Connections
Diligence Pock hears from Ratch about the PCs At end of the adventure, the party should have made a
actions during the adventure. At their success, he few connections in the criminal underworld that could
blossom into further adventures.
gives the PCs two pounds and makes arrangements
for an inside bet to triple their money. The players -Diligence Pock is a good friend to have, or at least to not
may want to add their own money to the wager. have as an enemy. Mr. Pock does not come when called
Either way, it pays off. but he may take an interest in what the PC’s do. In the
A week later, Ratch writes letters to his uncle and future, Harold and John may be sent to collect the PC’s to
the PCs with amazing news: The Metropolitan warn of an impending danger or to offer help for their
Board of Works has made an incredible offer for his current situation.
property. He will be able to afford an even better
boarding house and pay off his loans! He is very - Matheson Ratch can provide a temporary safe house or
could be willing to back a business venture with his small
grateful to the party, but does not offer them a
monetary reward.
- Polka is a very skilled conjurer. She could be consulted
If the PCs fail and disaster comes to Ratch or his on magical problems the party faces in the future.
finances, they have made an enemy. John and
Harold dog their steps and keep an eye on them -The Crooktail brothers (if treated professionally) may
until they are available for a beating in the ally. respect the party. They might need the PCs to help their
family in the future.

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