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Developing Objectives

PIA What “to do”? What to “ do on” Baseline Target Time Period
Objectives what?
( a.k.a indicator)
NAT To increase the Give assessment SY 2019-2020
PERCENTAGE percentage of NAT Conduct Review, SY 2020-2021
achievements of Remedial 62.72 % 75.00% SY 2021-2022
the students.

To increase the Give assessment SY 2019-2020

GSA General Scholastic Conduct Review, SY 2020-2021
Average in every Remedial SY 2021-2022
end of the school
Identify the
Grade 7 who are
READING To develop reading poor in reading Result of PHIL- Independent .May 2019-February 2020
LITERACY skills of non-readers ability IRI reading level May 2020- February 2021
from frustration to Incorporate May 2021-February 2022
independent reading
remediation in
every subject
Conduct DEAR
Gulayan sa Conduct seminar
Paaralan and training
To Support the Deped regarding the
programs regarding the
proper basic way
establishment of
vegetable garden in of gardening and
every school plant growing.
remediation in
every subject


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