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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. It has been suggested that there________a tax exemption on the income of the poor.
A. been B. is C. will be D. should be
2. The little boy demands that she________to buy a car in the toy store.
A. allow B. allows C. allowed D. be allowed
3. It is necessary that he________the book in advance.
A. read B. reads C. to read D. will read
4. The manager insists that all employees________when the President comes in.
A. standing B. be standing C. are standing D. will be standing
5. It’s about time you________harder for the exam.
A. work B. are working C. worked D. have worked
6. It’s important that he________to take her medicine twice a day
A. remember B. remembering C. to remember D. remembered
7. It’s vital that the United States________on improving its public education system. What we do now will
affect our country for generations to come.
A. focuses B. focus C. focusing D. to focus
8. I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demand that she immediately______for what she just said.
A. apologize B. apologizing C. to apologize D. apologized
9. Tom asked that we________her graduation ceremony next week.
A. attended B. to attend C. attend D. attending
10. It is important to remember that Jenny________very differently from you. She may not agree to the
changes you have made in the organization of the company
A. think B. to think C. thinks D. thinking
11. It’s a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose that we all________together so that nobody gets lost
along the way.
A. is driving B. drive C. to drive D. driven
12. It is essential that Lucy________her multiplication tables.
A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. learns
13. If only I________able to read Japanese!
A. was B. were C. am D. will be
14. It is important that he_____a gallon of water with him if he wants to hike to the top of the mountain.
A. taking B. take C. took D. takes
15. It is our wish that she_____ in her life.
A. succeeds B. succeed C. succeeded D. will succeed
16. The king ordered that Gulliver_____ free.
A. be B. is C. will be D. would be
17. Everyone urged that Bill_____ his education.
A. continue B. continuing C. to continue D. continued
18. The director requests that all packages_____ at the central office.
A. to mail B. be mailed C. to be mailed D. mailing
19. The doctor recommended that she________ a specialist about the problem.
A. be seen B. seeing C. should be seen D. should see
20. Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax________.
A. abolish B. abolished C. be abolished D. been abolished

III - Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
21. Everyone find it important for us to do something to save the environment.
It is important that we do something to save the environment.___________________________________________
22. He regrets applying for the job in that company.
He wishes he hadn’t applied for the job in that company._______________________________________________
23. They recommended me to change my way of life.
They recommended that I should change my way of life._______________________________________________
24. He wishes he hadn’t left school so young.
He regrets leaving school so young._______________________________________________________________
25. She must find it important to take two medicines every day.
It is important that she take two medicines every day._________________________________________________
26. He needs to pack enough food for the hiking trip.
It is necessary that he pack enough food for the hiking trip._____________________________________________
27. Experts advise that he should avoid being in strong sunlight for long periods.
It is advisable that he should avoid being in strong sunlight for long periods._______________________________
28. It’s time for us to leave now.
It’s time we left now.___________________________________________________________________________
29. I would prefer you deliver the television this afternoon.
I’d rather you delivered the television this afternoon.__________________________________________________
30. What a pity! You didn’t passed the exam.
If only you had passed the exam.__________________________________________________________________

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
1. It is important that an efficient worker________his/her work on time.
A. can finish B. finishes C. has finished D. finish
2. I suggest that John________the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle. He doesn’t want the
wheels to fall off while he is riding down a hill.
A. reading B. to read C. read D. have read
3. Mrs. Mary demanded that the heater________immediately. Her apartment was freezing.
A. repaired B. be repaired C. repair D. repairing
4. Was it really necessary that I________there watching you the entire time you were rehearsing for the play?
It was really boring watching you repeat the scenes over and over again.
A. sits B. am sitting C. be sitting D. to sit
5. The monk insisted that the tourists________the temple until they had removed their shoes.
A. not entering B. not to enter C. not enter D. entered
6. It's high time the children ________their lesson. It’s 8 p.m now.
A. prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. to prepare
7. It is imperative that the world _________ to find a solution to global warming.
A. works B. work C. to work D. worked
8. The spacemen felt as if he ______ in a paradise.
A. had been B. falls C. fall D. has fallen
9. His afflicted mother felt as though she ______ on the verge of dying.
A. has been B. had been C. were D. was
10. She talks too much but I wish she______
A. didn't B. doesn't C. won't D. wouldn't

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