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Circle one letter to indicate the option that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The architect________designed this building is very famous.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
2. The pedestrians reported the man in black________trying to break into the house to the police.
A. who B. which C. ∅ D. whom
3. School counsellors have to show deep sensitivity in their work to gain the trust and respect of the
adolescents ________they work.
A. whom B. with whom C. who D. that
4. The Old Man and the Sea, ________, was written by Ernest Hemingway.
A. which is interesting book B. what is an interesting book
C. which is an interesting book D. that is an interesting book
5. The town of Keswick, ________lies at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect place for holiday.
A. which B. where C. who D. that
6. Collin told me about his job,________he is enjoying very much.
A. which B. that C. to which D. what
7. The office________I'm using at the moment is very small.
A. whom B. whose C. where D. ∅
8. Is this the address________you want the package sent?
A. which B. to which C. who D. to whom
9. Do you know the woman________Tom is talking to?
A. whom B. to that C. to whom D. which
10. The time________the first snow fell on the Sahara Desert was February 18,1979.
A. which B. on which C. in which D. at which
11. She doesn't want to talk about the reason________she divorced her husband.
A. for which B. where C. that D. in which
12. What was the notice________?
A. at that you were looking B. you were looking at that
C. you were looking at which D. you were looking at
13. The phone________started ringing.
A. which next door B. was next door C. next door D. it was next door
14. The chessmen________are displaying in a glass case.
A. which carving from ivory B. which carved from ivory
C. carved from ivory D. carving from ivory
15. University students________in linguistics may take courses including phonetics, semantics, and
A. major B. majoring C. majored D. to major
16. The wealthy man________by three masked men has been safely rescued.
A. be kidnapped B. kidnapping C. kidnapped D. was kidnapped
17. A political campaign________will be costly.
A. which for months least B. lasts for months
C. lasting for months D. will last for months
18. The students________by teachers are very lazy.
A. who punished B. who are punishing
C. are being punished D. punished
19. All the participants________part in the debate last week________a joint report.
A. taking/ preparing B. taken/ prepared C. taking/ prepared D. taken/ preparing
20. Roger Federer, ________, has won an all-time record 19 Grand Slam single titles.
A. that is a well-known Swiss tennis player B. whom is a well-known Swiss tennis player
C. a well-known Swiss tennis player D. is a well-known Swiss tennis player
21. I come from a city________in the southern part of the country.
A. locating B. located C. being located D. that is locating
22. The accident________a bus and two cars took the lives of four people and injured numerous others.
A. to involve B. involving C. to be involved D. involved
23. Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest________the robbers' hiding place.
A. surround B. which surrounding C. surrounding D. is surrounding
24. He was the person________as if he had been innocent when being interrogated.
A. acting B. to act C. acted D. to be acted
25. The results, ______ were published in the journal Neurological Research, are the latest in a
series that links musical training to the development of higher brain functions.
A. whose B. which C. that D. who
26. It is necessary for people ______work or travel abroad to understand the rules of etiquette in other
cultures as well.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
27. The Olympics are an opportunity to invest in projects _____ improve the city’s quality of life, such
as new transportation systems.
A. which B. who C. what D. whom
28. He was always coming up with new ideas, ______ were absolutely impracticable.
A. most of whom B. that C. most of which D. most of that
29. Is there anything else______ you want to ask?
A. what B. where C. whom D. that
30. Neil Armstrong was the first person ______ foot on the Moon.
A. set B. to set C. setting D. who sets
1. The receptionist, ______ answered the phone, told me that the director was out.
A. who B. whose C. whom D. that
2. The bank has more than 100 branches, ______ in a major urban area.
A. each located B. each locating C. and are located D. the location of which
3. The Lake District, _ was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourists every year.
A. what B. which C. where D. that
4. I saw a lot of new people at the party, ______ seemed familiar.
A. some of whom B. some of who C. whom D. some of that
5. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, ______ upset me a lot.
A. that B. when C. which D. who
6. He is the man ______ car was stolen last week.
A. whom B. that C. which D. whose
7. They have just found the couple and their car ___ were swept away during the heavy storm last week.
A. that B. which C. whose D. when
8. It was the worst winter ______ anyone could remember.
A. when B. that C. where D. why
9. The pilot was the only man ______ after the crash.
A. was rescued B. rescued C. rescuing D. to be rescued
10. Those________to join the students exchange program should have good knowledge of English.
A. are intending B. intended C. who are intended D. intending

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