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 One to one basis.

 Therapist gives special attention .
 Done in hospital setting , in ICU , in in-
patient setting
 When the patient is in acute phase of
disease / condition
 Special care
 Proper attention
 Good rapport with the patient
 Patient comfortable to open up ( if introvert)
 Improvement well documented
 Progress notes maintained
 Easy to teach exercises
 Proper psychological counseling done for the
patient individually
 Time consuming
 Costly for patient to avail
 Tiring for the therapist
 More man-power ( therapist) required
 Too much individual attention leads to makes patient
rely on presence of therapist as a stimulus to activity
Group exercises
 Patients perform exercises in a group
 Can be used in later phases of rehabilitation
 Performed at rehabilitation centers and at community
 Patients are segregated as per the type and group
 Small number of patients form the group -6-8 people-
who have common disability, which will benefit from
exercises which are similar in character.
 Group treatment cannot replace individual
 Number of people treated in a group depends
to some extent on the nature of disability ,
how much help or resistance each will require
and on the ability of of physiotherapist to see
and give adequate attention
How to form a group:
 Properly check the patient record
 Segregate the patient broadly into larger groups
basing on disease
 Next make further groups basing on age , gender
and any other type relevant to the therapist
 Call the patients individually and describe them
the goals and purpose of group exercises
 Ask patients their flexible time frames when they
can make up for the class.
 In the first class introduce each patient to the other
in the team
 Room should be spacious , well ventilated and have
comfortable climate control
 Proper equipments and safety measures provided
 Proper training in much smaller groups initially
 Attendants near by to help the therapist initially
 Time is given to them for practice for whole or part
of the exercise
 Regrading of groups is done at frequent intervals
 Same type people come together
 Good motivation for participants-
stimulates his effort
 Group feeling and team spirit is developed
 An ability to do & to perform , to move
ahead in life develops among the patients
 A society feeling develops among them
 Less man-power required
 Eg- spastic society , ataxic group , hemiplegic
group , SCI group
 Patients can learn exercises faster- as a group
motivation occurs
 Exercises can be timed and finished rather than
waiting and doing it individually for patient one
by one
 Patient learns to take responsibility of his own
 Patient learns to work with others and no longer
feels apart from his fellow-men because of his
 Effort is stimulated by some activities which call
for mild form of competition
 Patients are helped to forget their
disability temporarily by objective and
game like activities.
 These promote natural movement ,
general activity and a cheerful outlook.
 Space required
 Same type patients required
 Mirrors , space , mats required
 Same type patients can only form a group
 Less attention and time given individually to the
Mass exercise
 Large number of participant
 Only general encouragement and correction during
prescription of exercise
 Exercises are done on formal command in unison or
in arhythm dictated by the therapist to produce a
uniform motion

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