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Name ​________________________________ Touching Spirit Bear Test: Part 1

A. Multiple Choice - Write the letter of the correct choice on the line.

_____ 1. What did the cake ingredients from Garvey’s demonstration represent?
a. The challenges Cole would face on the island b. The crimes Cole had committed
c. The things that made Cole hate his life d. The things he needed to bake a cake

_____ 2. What did the feather at the Circle Justice meeting represent?
a. Cole’s banishment b. Respect and honesty
c. The wisdom of the eagle d. The leader of the tribe

_____ 3. What was decided as Cole’s consequence for beating up Peter?

a. Spending a year alone on an island in Alaska b. Spending a year in jail
c. He could be released to his parents, with parole d. He had to kill the Spirit Bear

_____ 4. Why was Cole angry at the Spirit Bear?

a. It invaded his area. b. It wasn’t afraid of him.
c. It wouldn’t let him touch it. d. It scared away the other animals.

_____ 5. What mistake did Cole make when trying to escape the island?
a. He forgot to bring the at.oow. b. He should have left at night.
c. He forgot about the incoming tide. d. He went through the Spirit Bear’s territory.

_____ 6. What was the loud crashing noise during the storm?
a. The roar of the Spirit Bear b. The tree falling after being hit by lightning
c. The sky crashing to the ground d. The sound of the boat returning

_____ 7. Why did the Spirit Bear let Cole touch it?
a. It was hurt and needed healing. b. It was an ancient spirit healing Cole.
c. It trusted Cole. d. It wanted to be Cole’s friend.

_____ 8. What is one lesson Cole did NOT learn while lying injured on the ground?
a. The power to choose was real power. b. Life is like a circle, and everything is connected.
c. Food was energy, and energy was life. d. He didn’t owe the world anything.

_____ 9. What did Garvey and Rosey say could help heal the wounds of the soul?
a. Helping others b. Touching a Spirit Bear
c. A vision quest d. An at.oow

_____ 10. What did Cole do with the fur from the Spirit Bear?
a. He showed it to Edwin and Garvey. b. He kept it in his pocket.
c. He threw it in the water. d. He used it to heal his wounds.
B. This novel is told using a “flashback” technique. Number the following events 1-10 in the order that they
really happened--NOT the order that they appear in the novel.

_____ Cole is brought to the island.

_____ Cole attends the Circle Justice meetings.

_____ Cole attempts to swim away to a neighboring island.

_____ Cole touches the Spirit Bear and it trusts him.

_____ Cole breaks into a hardware store and totally trashes it.

_____ Cole burns down the cabin and all of the supplies.

_____ Cole beats up Peter.

_____ Cole is attacked by the Spirit Bear.

_____ Cole is put in the detention center.

_____ Cole builds a fire and cooks a fish.

C. Answer each question with a complete sentence or sentences as needed.

1. Why was Cole so angry and destructive?


2. What result does Circle Justice hope to achieve that jail usually fails to achieve?


3. Why did Cole tell Edwin and Garvey that he was okay even though he was barely alive?


BONUS:​ What is one possible theme from the book so far, that ​any​ person (not just Cole) could use as a life lesson?


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