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Sorcerer Subclass

Magical Girl
Sorcerers of mag ical girl orig in have
been granted magic by a powerfu l
entity, enhancing their innate mag ical
aptitudes. The source of a magical
girl’s power varies but it is always
lin ked to a higher purpose or destiny.
Guardians for good or evil – mag ical
girls use their powers with flair and

Despite the name, not all magical

girls are female. Male magical girls
exist but are very rare. So rare that it
is enough to justify the generic
moniker “Magical Girl” to be used
regardless of gender.

Magical Mascot
Starting at 1 -level, you have an intelligent animal mascot that follows you around. You learn the Find Familiar
spell. This spell doesn’t count against your number of spells known. When you cast this spell, your familiar has an
Intelligence score equal to your Charis ma score and can speak, read, and write in one language you are proficient in.

Additionally at 14th -level, your familiar has innate spell casting. Its spell casting ability is Intelligence. It knows
three 1st -level illusion or enchantment spells fro m the wizard spell list. It can cast each of these spells once per day.

Transformation Sequence
Also at 1st -level, you can use an action to induce a mag ical transformat ion, staggering both friend and foe with
flashing visuals and catchy music. Magical clothes don your body for 10 minutes or until dispelled. While
transformed, your Armor Class equals to 13 + Charis ma mod ifier. You can use this feature twice. You regain
expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Magical Warrior
Starting at 6th -level, you can spend 3 sorcery points as an action to create a weapon of your choosing in your empty
hands. When wielding this weapon, you have proficiency and use your Charisma modifier in attacking and damage
calculations, instead of Strength or Dexterity.

This weapon counts as magical fo r the purposes of overcoming resistance and immun ity to non-magical attacks and
damage, and can act as your spell casting focus. It then disappears if it is more than 5 feet away fro m you.
Power of Friendship
Beginning at 10th -level, you have learned the true power innate in the relationships with your friends and those who
depend on you, channeling their support. You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to the number of allies that
you can see within 10 feet of you (maximu m of +2).
If you fail an attack ro ll, ability check, or saving throw, you can expend 2 sorcery points to gain a bonus equal to the
number of allies that you can see within 10 feet of you as a reaction.

At 18th -level, the range of this ability increases to 30 feet.

Heroic Spirit
Beginning at 14th -level, your courage, empathy, and compassion for others amalgamate with your innate magical
aptitude that it manifests as extraordinary resolve. When you are reduced t o 0 hit points, you can expend 2 sorcery
points (no action required) to have 1 hit point instead.

Final Form
At 18th -level, you have reached the true potential of your magic, tapping into a reserve of magical energ ies when the
situation becomes dire. While transformed as a mag ical girl, you can expend 7 sorcery points to transform into a
second form (no action required).
While in your second form, you have 50 temporary hit points and as an action, can do one of the follo wing:
 Expend 3 sorcery points; all creatures of your choice, excluding yourself, that you can see within 30 feet
regains hit points equal to 1d6 + your Sorcerer level.
 Expend 3 sorcery points; you automatically land a Crit ical Hit on your next attack ro ll, or auto matically
succeed on your next saving throw.
 Expend 3 sorcery points; you make a melee spell attack within 10 feet reach against a target. On a hit, you
deal 10 d 10 force damage.
This transformation ends at the end of your next turn, or when it is dispelled. You can extend the duration of this
transformation to 1 minute by expending an additional 2 sorcery points.

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