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E-commerce is the realization of commercial act (s) (Sale, purchase, rental, ...) using and
combining news communication technologies. E-commerce is the sale of a product or service
presented, purchased, and paid electronically.

Forme du E-commerce
• B and A (Business to Administration):Electronic transaction between a company and an
administration, for example for the transmission of a declaration.
• B to B (Business to Business): Transaction electronic between two or more companies. 98%
of trade dematerialized are between companies.
• B to C (Business to consumer): Transaction between a company and a person private, for
example, a consumer. It's that type of business that we talk about most in the press. In fact, the
utilization rate remains very low even though growth potentials are very weak. There are still
many brakes, articular with regard to the means of payment distance.
• A to C (Administration to Consumer): Transaction between an administration and a private
person. This domain remains to be explored.

La Sécurité et la protection
The simplest expression of ecommerce on the Internet implies that the site merchant asks the
customer to enter contact with the company to place a order by email, by phone or with the
help of the address civic trade. This kind of site is essentially an informative site.
Other traders ask personal information and number the customer's credit card using a form
from the same site. This organization then deals with the asks as if it were a telephone order
where the customer provides the number of his credit card.
This form of e-commerce is not secure. It is strongly recommended Internet users to check if
the icon of a closed padlock appears well at the bottom of the their browser window before
providing any confidential information. It's that symbol that certifies that the transaction that
you're getting ready to run is secure or no. This directive is important unless you knew very
well the trade with which you are preparing to do business.
It is possible to offer services secure single or multiple on Internet, whether it's a consultation
single, multi-component or periodic subscription with automatic pre-debits allowed. You can
sell articles using an online form on a single page or own a full shop that can feature several
pages of articles.

SSL security protocol

To operate in e-commerce entirely secure, it is necessary to ensure that it has essential
mechanisms: The site hosting the mechanism of transaction, the server, must be secure to
guarantee you against any intrusion. This can be easily achieved by entrusting credit
certification mechanisms and the transaction itself to a secure server at using an SSL security
protocol, (Secure Sockets Layer). The information collected from your client are sent to a
banking institution your choice or affiliated with the server. This protocol makes data

After Parliament's approval Moroccan, the law that regulates Ecommerce, is implemented,
knowing that all of its rules are inspired by French, and European rules. This this Act addresses
the following:

A. Electronic invoicing
For this purpose, is considered invoice electronic one that relies on the use of signature systems
advanced electronics or any other electronic exchange system of data that helps guarantee the
authenticity of the origin of the invoices issued by electronic means and the integrity of their
B. Electronic signature
The "electronic signature" is defined by the Act as the whole data in electronic form, recorded
with ther data or associated with them, which can be used as a means identification of the
C. Electronic money
Electronic money is (legal definition) a monetary value represented by a credit due to his
transmitter and stored on a medium electronically, which is issued upon receipt of funds of an
amount not inferior to the monetary value of said credit and accepted as a means of payment
by different companies from the ssuer. To proceed with the broadcast electronic money, it is
necessary to ensure series of management procedures and specific checks that guarantee its
smooth operation and stability of financial system.
D. Protection of information to personal characters
Data Protection with Personal Character, governs the processing of data at personal character
of natural persons obtained by public and private bodies in the performance of their duties, to
prevent the indiscriminate use of this type of data and impose sanctions in cases of non-
compliance with the obligations by the law This Act applies to data to personal character,
understood as any information about people physical, identified or identifiable; his application
can not therefore be extended to data concerning legal persons.
The set of protection rules of personal data is based on the principles following:
concerned must first accept the treatment of his personal data.

union, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health) requires the express acceptance of the person

processing of its data Personal.

which are relevant, adequate and not
excessive in relation to the purpose for which they were collected.

the person concerned to that effect, unless the said communication is provided in one of the
exception hypotheses established by the Act.
interested party has a right of access, rectification, of annulment and opposition
to the treatment of his personal data.

Efficacite du E-commerce
The efficiency of electronic commerce reaches full maturity when many of the following
operations are included:

manufacturers, the designers, and even the suppliers of raw materials.

ecurity is ensured by the use of a server of Secure payment.

Etude de cas
The eBay website is a sales site at auction he is a world reference in his category and a social
phenomenon. Most Internet users know eBay, a great majority has surely already visited the
site, some have already bought an item on it and even already sold Something. What eBay
recipe was able to put in work to become today a listed company in stock exchange.
Created in 1995, this Californian start-up, was a success flawless for 12 years now. Its founder,
Pierre Omidyar, a 40-year-old Frenchman raised in the USA, felt very early potential of the
Internet for e-commerce and took advantage of this pioneering side in the field to develop this
which today represents the 1st online marketplace world. Originally called Action Web, the
company took the name of eBay in 1996. Its founder originally created this site to allow his
wife to trade then buy and sell distributors of PEZ sweets she collected. To finance yourself,
eBay charges a commission on each transaction made in exchange of services offered. It's the
seller who pays this commission; the buyer

2-The eBay homepage

What strikes the new user when he arrives on the eBay homepage, it's the crowd information
that comes to him. Between the advertisements, useful links, different shops, insets of all kinds
and the endless list categories of products ... We are a little stunned. But eBay is like this: there
is so many unusual objects and bargains to to make one take the fold quickly! Nevertheless, the
structuring of the page remains pleasant: the colors - often declined in gradient - recall those of
the logo (red, blue, yellow, green), the boxes are rounded and the police sober and pleasant to

A. The operation of eBay

Once the first impression past, registration to the site is easy: the march to follow is clearly
indicated and the texts explanatory rather didactic. Once "administrative formalities" fulfilled
(yes, he must be sure that there is a real nobody behind a simple nickname!), it remains to
choose a username and password. Once registered, the new buyer or seller is accompanied step
by step to allow him to discover the site and the range of services that he proposes. Tips for
finding an object and methods of payment or preparation of the announcement and sales
strategy ...Everything is explained clearly so that the user is not lost or scared by the buying /
selling process
On the buyers side ... !!

17/12/2008 Cours de Marketing Direct ESTM TCC

For the buyer, the sales department auctions that eBay offers is totally free of charge while
billed for sellers. The apparent ease of setting however, the auction does not have to forget to
the future buyer to observe the same caution as when buying in a real store. If in doubt, do not
not hesitate to contact the seller for get more information. Also remember to look at what note
it is attributed to him: if it is abnormally low, avoid it! Nevertheless, the percentage of

And on the sellers side ... !!

A T-shirt that we have (practically) not worn, a coffee table more to the taste of the day, shoes
become too small, a video game that we toured all the world (or almost) has a good opportunity
to go to eBay to auction his belongings. And for some, it has become a game ! ebay makes
available to Internet users tools (free or not) to analyze certain parameters relating to the sale
of objects. So he is not very difficult to know what is the average price proposed by the
eBayeurs for a racket of tennis or a kit shelf.

B. The payment system:

Not easy to combine buying / selling, around the world and this with sometimes high amounts!
And when we is called eBay, the challenge is even more important to meet, or else its
customers desert or even criticize the lack of seriousness of the site. The solution ? eBay found
it with its payment system called PayPal. This allows purchasers to make their payment very
easy and also represents a guarantee of security negligible for sellers. Billing is efficient when
the customer receives his parcel and in exchange the seller is assured of being
"Jib Li!" (Bring it to me!) Is a online sales service in Morocco. He married efficiency and
effectiveness, and is tailor-made for the current place and perception of ecommerce in our
country. The concept "Jib Li!" was born following a simple observation: e-commerce in
Morocco is balance, on the one hand, between a consumer always unfamiliar with the
characteristics specific to this distribution platform, and on the other hand, lack of
professionalism and serious on the side of providers of service in this area.
Creation context:
This dynamic context is the origin of two behaviors specific to the Moroccan Internet user who
looking to make small purchases on the net:

certain professionals (including small businesses selling computer hardware and other gadgets
technological ...);
an surfer with regard to payment methods offered by the
few sites e-commerce of Moroccan cloth. In addition, the fact that an advance payment is
required in the most cases discourages him from opting for this type of service (considered still
very unreliable).
Of course, this unfavorable climate to the development of transactions on Internet penalizes the
effectiveness of sites Moroccan online sales, which largely explains their lack of
professionalism, and, even more so, Inadmissible delivery times that sometimes flirt with 40
days !!!!!
A different approach. Given the difficulties that meets e-commerce Moroccan site "Jib Li!"
adopt a totally different approach «Buy without a bank card and without down payment! »

The principle is simple: in front every item for sale, the customer find one or
more numbers phone he will be invited to contact to order this which he needs.
This will allow him to pass directly his orders from his deliveryman, from where
the fast deliveries characterizing This site. Orders by email are possible,
however, one must know that phone calls are the first served.

To better satisfy the customers:
The company mobilized a team young and dynamic, with technical and logistical means to
respond to all orders illico presto and deliver the the most adequate way and the most fast
possible (conventional appointment, home delivery, meetings in public places ...), all this
happens in a nice and nice atmosphere since the deliverymen have the sense of relational.
A delivery on a coffee for example has always been an opportunity for the delivery men to to
get acquainted beyond the frame of the trade, to talk about the next derby Casaoui between
Raja and Widad or from tell the latest jokes ... it's a reason among others explaining the big
success that the site is experiencing since long ago.

Coverage area
Casablanca, whose head office is implanted, as well as the main cities of Morocco, Via two
carriers: CTM and AMANA.

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