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Contact Number: 0997-781-5423

Address: Provincial Rd, Saranay District,
Guimba, Nueva Ecija

Quiz IN EDUC 102

NAME :_______________________________ SCORE :_____________


INSTRUCTIONS: Read the statements and decide which of the given choices would answer the
questions correctly or complete the statement. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Martha asks herself: “Should I try different approach to arrive at the cause and effect of the
problem?” In what stage of the metacognitive process is she in?
a. Planning c. evaluating
b. Monitoring d. both planning and monitoring
2. Indira could identify the uses of baking tools and equipment. She knows how to bake. One time,
she lacked one ingredient, but realized that she could use another similar ingredient to replace the
recommended one. What type of knowledge is Indira demonstrating in this situation?
a. Declarative c. conditional
b. Procedural d. contextual
3. Susan has a limited knowledge on how to attack a problem presented. However, after some time,
she was able to see interconnections among the fact presented in the problem; then, gradually, she was
able to come up with a strategy to solve it. This situation illustrates that learning is –
a. Goal-directed c. integrative
b. Consistent d. speculative
4. Ruben is reading a selection. He finds some words that he does not understand, which hinders his
comprehension of the story. If you were Ruben, how would you find a way to get the meaning of
ambiguous words?
a. Use contextual clues to the meaning c. call a friend to help clarify
b. Read the word aloud repeatedly d. look for configuration clues
5. As Kenneth multiples a binomial term, he was initially confused. Suddenly, he remembers the
acronym FOIL (First Outer-Inner Last). What was in operation at that instance?
a. Declarative c. conditional
b. Procedural d. contextual
6. Procedural knowledge is also known as _______________.
a. person knowledge c. strategic knowledge
b. task knowledge d. conditional knowledge
7. When Mary ponders on whether or not she knows the answer to the teacher’s questions, she then
realizes that she has no idea on the question at all. She is in the process of -- .
a. strategic thinking c. problem solving
b. metacognition d. creative thinking
8. Which of the following metacognitive knowledge operates when the learner has his/her own way of
learning information?
a. procedural knowledge c. conditional knowledge
b. declarative knowledge d. specific knowledge
Contact Number: 0997-781-5423
Address: Provincial Rd, Saranay District,
Guimba, Nueva Ecija
9. Which of the following metacognitive teaching strategies is used when the teacher asks the
following to students at the end of the lesson: “Give me three things that you learned and one thing that
you still need to learn more.”
a. summarizing c. wrapper
b. reflective thinking d. assessment
10. Which of the following statements best fits the concept of metacognition?
a. Knowing how to solve problems presented in novel ways.
b. The awareness of what is known and how to use it appropriately.
c. The ability to manipulate knowledge to arrive at the correct answer.
d. Sufficient knowledge about facts, procedures, and conditions to use them.
11. Kenneth is aware that he is hard up in Math, but he motivates himself to strive by not going out at
night to have enough time to read his lessons. Such action demonstrate the concept of –
a. Self-regulation c. metamemory
b. Meta-attention d. metacomprehension
12. Cognition is involved in metacognition. In what way does cognition work during metacognition?
a. Memorizing concept and rules c. solving the problem cautiously
b. Monitoring the progress of work d. recalling rules to apply
13. Bert knows that he has to develop more techniques to memorize concepts and terms in Science.
Which component of metacognition does he display?
a. Metacognitive knowledge c. metacognitive experiences
b. Metacognitive regulation d. metacognitive restriction
14. Who among the students is a novice learner?a. Rose tries out a strategy then revises it when
it does not fit the problem.
b. Jose reads through the difficult problem and solves it right away.
c. Edna tries to recall information and procedures related to the problem.
d. Dexter recalls the procedure he used previously to a similar problem.

15. Which of the following teacher prompts indicates that the learner is engaged in the planning stage
of metacognition process?
a. Is my classification of the plants correct?
b. Do I have to take this plant out of this group?
c. Do I know the differences of all these plants to classify them?
d. Am I consistent in using the same criteria to classify all these plants?

16. It has 14 principles and focuses on psychological factors that are primarily internal to and under
the control of the learner rather than conditioned habits or physiological factors.
a. answer choices c. Theories on Learner's Development
b. Metacognition d. Learner-centered Psychological Principles Vision and Mission
17. Learner-Centered Psychological Principles are divided into four categories, which of the following
is not included?
a. Cognitive and Metacognitive c. Construction of Knowledge
b. Motivational and Affective d. Individual Differences
Contact Number: 0997-781-5423
Address: Provincial Rd, Saranay District,
Guimba, Nueva Ecija

18. Which of the following is not part of Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors?
a. Intrinsic Motivation to Learn c. Thinking about thinking
b. Context of Learning d. Nature of the Learning Process
19. When does learning of a complex subject matter most effective?
a. When a learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways
b. When it is an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
c. When a learner can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.
d. When learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve
complex learning goals.
20. What is the goal of the learning process?
a. When a learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways
b. When it is an intentional process of constructing meaning from information and experience.
c. When a learner can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.
d. When learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve
complex learning goals.
Contact Number: 0997-781-5423
Address: Provincial Rd, Saranay District,
Guimba, Nueva Ecija

Quiz 3 in Educ 102

1. What factor in Cognitive and Metacognitive explains that learners continue to expand repertoire of
strategies by reflecting on the methods they use to see which work well for them by receiving guided
instruction and feedback and by observing or interacting with appropriate model?
a. Context of Learning c. Thinking about thinking
b. Strategic Thinking d. Construction of Knowledge
2. Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build links between new information and
experiences and their existing knowledge base.
a. Context of Learning c. Thinking about thinking
b. Strategic Thinking d. Construction of Knowledge
3. In the context of learning, which of the following factors does not influence learning?
a. Social Status c. Culture
b. Technology d. Instructional Practices
4. Which of the following facilitate creative and critical thinking?
a. Support and instructional guidance
b. Linking new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways
c. Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring operations
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following does not influence individual’s motivation to learn?
a. Emotional States c. Interests and Goals
b. Habits of Thinking d. Metacognition
6. Can generally enhance motivation and facilitate learning and performance. Ex. Curiosity.
a. Positive Emotions c. Negative Emotions
b. Intrinsic Motivation d. Extrinsic Motivation
7. It is stimulated by tasks of optimal novelty and difficulty, relevant to personal interests, and
providing for personal choice and control.
a. Positive Emotions c. Negative Emotions
b. Intrinsic Motivation d. Extrinsic Motivation
8. Which of the following is not a major indicators of the learner’s intrinsic motivation to learn?
a. Curiosity c. Insightful Thinking
b. Creativity d. Extrinsic Motivation
9. Student’s beliefs about themselves as learners and the nature of learning have a marked
influence on motivation.
a. True b. False
10. Acquisition of complex knowledge and skills does not requires extended learner effort and guided
a. True b. False

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