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Čedomir Dundović, Ph. D.

Review article
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka Received: 3rd November 2013
Studentska 2 Accepted: 4th December 2013
51000 Rijeka
Majda Jurić, mag. ing. cheming.
Tijardovićeva 18/8
21000 Split
Ines Kolanović, Ph. D.
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Studentska 2
51000 Rijeka




Owing to the European Union open borders, free In this accordance, the paper deals with the analysis of
movement of goods, services, people and capital has external costs within each particular traffic category,
been enabled and the need for a fast, efficient and taking into consideration the air, water and soil
comfortable transport, with as low transport and pollution, noise, vibrations and the impact of certain
external costs as possible, has necessarily increased. traffic categories upon landscape and animal and
External costs, as transport-generated public costs, plant diversity.
represent great threat to the environment and increasing Using the comparative analysis of external costs within
attention has been engaged in fighting the negative different traffic categories, the research is aimed at
impact of transport upon environment. According to the highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of
EU statistical forecasts, significant increase in transport exploitation of different means of transport. The
activities may be expected within 2050, hence the examined external cost indicators point to the
adoption of the European Union Sustainable complexity of examined issues and they should be
Development Strategy and a collection of Directives systematically used for the purpose of development
dealing with environmental protection from different and continuous traffic redirection to more acceptable
means of transport within different traffic categories. traffic categories in terms of environment protection,
Through various Action Programmes comprising a energy efficiency and safety enhancement.
series of measures, the European Union Sustainable
Development Strategy aims at decreasing external costs, Key words: economy, energy efficiency, environmental
protecting the environment and increasing traffic safety. protection, external costs, safety

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360 351


1 INTRODUCTION The first two objectives overlap to a large ex-

tent and one should take into consideration the
External Costs are transport-generated pub- absolute priority in accordance with the EU
lic costs which can be divided in three groups: 2020 Resource Efficiency Flagship Strategy.
Environment Pollution Prevention Costs, Safe- However, the third objective synergies are also
ty Enhancing Costs and Congestion Reduction significant, which would typically call for a
Costs. more intensive use of non-motorized and pub-
It is very important for all these three groups lic transport, whereby both the use of space and
of costs originating from transport to be re- the use of energy are also reduced.
duced in order not only to achieve better eco- Two thirds of total costs are generated from
nomic efficiency but also to better safeguard passenger transports and one third refers to
the environment, reduce the number of traffic public cargo transports.
accidents and enable higher comfort (quality of
transport). It is hard for all these interests to be The External Costs for each type of transport
reconciled, yet the European Union has strived are displayed in Table 1.
to achieve these goals by adopting a number of
Directives, Laws, Regulations and Strategies. Table 1 External Costs for Each Type of Transport
The European Union has strived to secure Transport branch External costs (%)
solid contribution towards the prevention of
climate change through the reduction of green- Road 83.7
house gas emissions (GHG) and has adopted Air 14.0
the Transport Development Strategy aimed at Railroad 1.9
sustainable development. The White Book
Water 0.4
2011 encloses the policy based on defining the
long term Transport Strategy aimed at trans- Source: UIC – Union International Union of railways; Press
forming the transport system in line with the release no.198 – Brussels/Paris,6 October, 2004, p. 2
sustainable development policy by 2050.
Altogether, the reduction in emissions the Traffic Safety is one of the most important
EU should achieve by 2050 amounts to 80-95 % factors in preserving human lives and as they go
below the 1990 level, within the context of re- up, medical and rehabilitation costs go down,
ductions required from developed countries as as well as the cost of remedies for environmen-
a group, in order to reach the target. tal pollution from accidents.
The general objective of the policy of the EU Traffic congestions take place most common-
initiative is to define the long term Strategy that ly in road transport and its most significant con-
will transform the EU transport within the sus- sequences are increased external costs, inclu-
tainable system by 2050. This general objective sive of costs related to traffic accidents and
can be summarized into a number of specific detrimental impact upon the environment, in
objectives: consequence of which congestion is to be char-
a) Reduction in GHG emissions consistent acterized as a crisis situation.
with long term requirements for limiting the
climate change magnitude up to 2 °C, where
the EU overall target for emission reducti- 2 AIR POLLUTION CAUSED BY
ons by 2050 amounts to 80 % as compared PARTICULAR TRANSPORT
to 1990. Transport-related emissions of CO2 SYSTEMS
should be reduced by approximately 60 % by
2050 as compared to 1990. Constant economic growth, brisk economy
activity (consumer policy), production growth,
b) Drastic decrease in the oil dependency ratio and traffic intensification etc. cause an ever in-
of transport-related activities by 2050 as creasing environment pollution and exhaustion
required by the EU 2020 Strategy for tran- of renewable and particularly of non-renewable
sport, i.e. the so-called “decarbonised tran-
natural resources. Predictions in respect of traf-
fic growth have become undisputed facts as
c) Limitation of congestion increase shown in Table 2.

352 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360


Table 2 The EU anticipated traffic growth Table 3 Particular harmful gas emissions by
Type of transport Within 2030 Within 2050
cargo 40% 80% Harmful gases Percentage (%)

Passenger 34% 51% Carbon monoxide (CO) 98.0

Nitric oxide (NOx) 90.5
Source: Commission staff working document; Accompanying
the White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Hydrocarbons 95.0
Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 74.0
system, SEC(2011)359 final – Brussels, March 28, 2011, pp. 12.
Solids 85.0
Table 2 shows that Cargo and Passenger Source: Golubić, J.: “Promet i okoliš”, Fakultet prometnih
Transport Increase could be expected within znanosti, Zagreb, 1999, p.17
2050, in accordance with the EU predictions,
thus confirming from the aspects of external It is a well known fact that air pollution has a
costs that transport strategy should be neces- harmful impact on human health, especially in
sarily created. cities where roads lead through residential and
shopping areas where people are directly ex-
2.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions within posed to dangerous gas emissions.
Particular Transport Branches Long high speed freight vehicles are more
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) create dangerous to the environment than passenger
the greenhouse effect (through the ozone layer cars due to their large mass and load and con-
deterioration), thus bringing about global sequently higher fuel consumption, thus lead-
warming (climate changes). It is necessary ing to higher harmful gas emissions and to
therefore to introduce measures aimed at re- more significant environment pollution.
ducing environmental pollution in traffic, an is-
sue that Europe has been seriously engaged in 2.1.2 Railroad Transport
(having adopted the climate and energy pack-
age of measures aimed at reducing greenhouse In railroad traffic, diesel driven vehicles pro-
gas emissions by 20 % as compared to 1990). duce carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), nitric oxide (NOx), sulphur dioxide
(SO2), hydrocarbons and smoke containing sol-
2.1.1 Road Transport
id particles, which are all discharged into the
Greenhouse gas emissions in traffic are at- atmosphere. Such a harmful emission is attrib-
tributable to fossil fuels and are most evident in utable to the type of fuel, engine operation and
road transport which shows a rapidly growing age of the vehicle. The air pollution generated
development rate and is most represented, from railroad transport is significantly lower in
leaving behind any other branch of transport. comparison with other branches of transport,
Motor fuels used in road transport are com- with particular substance shares in total emis-
posed of carbon and hydrogen. Under the con- sions, as presented in Table 4.
ditions of “ideal combustion”, only carbon (IV)
oxide – (CO2) and water vapour would be re- Table 4 Shares of Harmful Gas / Substance
leased into the atmosphere. However, due to Emissions in Railroad Transport
incomplete combustion within the engine,
whereby a certain portion of combustion ener- Harmful substances Share (%)
gy and harmful gases are lost into the atmos- CO 1
phere, any reduction in road traffic circulation
NOx 4
bears great significance.
SOx 10
Table 3 shows that, among all harmful gases,
carbon monoxide (CO) is most frequently Hydrocarbons 1
present. Solids 5

Source: Golubić, J.: “Promet i okoliš”, Fakultet prometnih

znanosti, Zagreb, 1999, p.17

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360 353

In the case of railroad transport based on imposed upon airlines for the purpose of fund-
power driven vehicles, there has been no signifi- ing environmental protection using “tradable
cant chemical air pollution detected. Yet, high harmful gas quotas”, as confirmed by interna-
amounts of ionizing particles in the air have neg- tional treaties and already implemented in
ative impact on human health causing reduced business strategies (Bozicevic, 2011, p. 11).
concentration, aggressiveness and headaches. In evaluating harmful effects of particular
branches of transport on the environment, and
2.1.3 Airborne Transport apart from the lowest share of harmful gases in
total emissions of greenhouse gases (CO, CO2,
Air transport has shown a continuously grow- CH4 stainless steel) generated from air trans-
ing trend matched by the desire for crossing port, air traffic is considered to be the greatest
large distances in a fast, safe and comfortable traffic polluter, due to its emission taking place
way. at the altitude of 8 to 12 km (in the tropopause -
Even in case of short distances, there is a between the troposphere and the stratosphere),
sore need for this transport branch because of where aircrafts are the only anthropogenic pol-
the increasingly fast lifestyle. Owing to its fea- lutants. Taking into account the density / fre-
tures (fast and comfortable over long distanc- quency of this type of traffic which is rather low
es), air transport appears to be irreplaceable, in Croatia as compared to road transport, the
and particularly so where military purposes are total emission rate may be lower, but still more
concerned. As such, air transport will certainly harmful because of the altitude at which it
follow further development in future, but it is takes place. In the total CO2 emissions caused
important to have its negative impact on the by fossil fuel combustion, air transport partici-
environment reduced. In pursuing reduced pates with 2 – 3 %. In the anthropogenic pro-
harmful impact of air transport on the environ- duction of greenhouse gases affecting global
ment, the EU strives to define an acceptable climate changes, 3.5 % are attributable to air
policy to be implemented with positive effects transport (Steiner et al. 2012, p. 33).
on the environment and on external costs of Graph 1 presents percentage shares of par-
transport in general. One of the possibilities is ticular harmful gases (NOx, CH, CO) by the
seen in the introduction of an “Eco-Tax” to be transport branch.

Graph 1 Sources of greenhouse gases

80 %

70 %

60 %

50 %

40 %
Nitric oxides

30 %

Carbon hydrates
20 %

10 %
Carbon monoxide
Air traffic Road traffic Other traffic Energy Industry

Source: Modern Air Transport and Environment – ATR: The Optimum Choice for a Friendly Environment. CO/EM 467/00,
ATR, 2000

Table 5 Harmful Gas Emissions by the Transport branch

Harmful gas emission

Passenger Transport
Transport branch Freight Transport (g/ton/km)
Railroad 3.00 0.01 2.80 0.01
Road 87.00 0.48 53.00 0.70
Air 243.00 1.63 - -

Source: 200301/7.pdf

The graph clearly shows that air transport higher temperatures in the engine cylinder and
has the lowest share in harmful gas emissions, causes harmful gas emissions (Milosevic-Puljo
whereas the road transport has the highest one. and Jurjevic, 2004, p. 178)
Table 5 shows harmful gas emission values by
Harmful gas emissions in ships are emissions
particular sectors of transport, in grams per kil-
of different types of oxides (carbon, nitric, sul-
ometre. phur), substances participating in the ozone re-
Table 5 presents harmful gas emissions based duction (including halons), smoke and solids,
on a research performed at the Swedish Na- evaporating organic compounds, and similar
tional Road and Transport Research Institute. pollutants. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a toxic
Harmful gas emissions in air transport, accord- gas, but it calls for great attention due to its
ing to total shares, does not appear to be the role in the greenhouse process. In case of ships,
highest one, yet, taking into account the kilo- the emission of hydrocarbons and carbon mon-
metres crossed under load, it results so. Taking oxide is fairly low in comparison with other
into consideration the altitude where the harm- transport branches and industrial facilities. (Mi-
ful gas emission occurs, in addition to other losevic-Puljo and Jurjevic, 2004, p. 178–184)
consequences (the aircraft produced water va- Nitric oxide is among major air pollutants
pour – the so called tails that can be seen be- causing the greenhouse effect (increased radia-
hind it – forms ice crystals in the upper atmos- tion and higher temperatures). Nitric oxides
phere which block the Earth warming process. (NOx) appear as nitrogen (II) oxide – NO and
Apart from the direct greenhouse effect, which nitrogen (IV) oxide – NO2.
results 10 times as strong as within the lower
layers, emissions of water vapour generated Nitrogen (IV) oxide – NO2 is:
from air transport additionally affect the activi- • harmful to human health (respiratory tract);
ty of the climate because of condensation • harmful to flora;
streaks which contribute to the creation of high,
icy cirrus clouds. Within the border of tropo- • one of the causes of acid rain;
pause and within the stratosphere lower zone • affects the amount of ozone in the strato-
(isothermal zone) with the temperature around sphere and
-50 °C, water vapour is transformed into ice • affects the ozone formation in the lower at-
crystals (Steiner et al., 2012, p. 33). mosphere (the troposphere) (Prelec, 2012, p.
2.1.4 Air Pollution from Ships
Talking of air pollution from ships, we refer 3 SOIL AND WATER POLLUTION
primarily to harmful gas emissions from diesel CAUSED BY TRAFFIC SYSTEMS
engine ships. In order to achieve the highest
engine performance efficiency, the time of fuel Soil and water pollution occurs in all trans-
combustion inside the cylinders is reduced, thus port branches, thus increasing external costs.
making the long stroke engine compression ra- All efforts are directed towards the reduction
tio higher. This leads to fuel combustion under of pollution and cutting of costs.

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360 355


3.1 Road Traffic 3.3 Inland Waterway and Maritime Transport

Where road traffic is concerned, car tire wear In waterborne transport, pollution affects
(brakes, road friction) and surface layer deple- waters and the sea (liquid medium) in many
tion contribute significantly to the production ways. Ships release huge quantities of waste
of waste substances which are absorbed by the (oil, oil derivatives, chemical agents, faeces, or-
surrounding soil and water. (Građevinar, 2003, ganic waste etc.) into water ecosystems and in
p. 51). The Program for the construction and accidental situations such waste runs into rivers
maintenance of public roads for a period of and seas. (Bicanic, 2003, p. 5)
four years is adopted by the Government upon
Particular problem has been seen in ballast
proposal by the Croatian Ministry of the Sea,
waters recently. Ballast waters can transfer
Transport and Infrastructure (Official Gazette,
drainage waters, toxic seaweeds, pathogenic
2011, No. 84/11).
bacteria, viruses, sediments, plankton commu-
In cities, the transition to clean transporta- nities, jellyfish etc. into different aquatic media,
tion prompted by higher population density is which are not their natural habitat, thus pro-
facilitated by lower requirements in respect of ducing negative consequences upon species
vehicles. Public transport choices are more naturally present in such new areas. Organisms
widely acceptable, as well as walking and cy- carried through ballast waters can produce neg-
cling options. Cities suffer from congestion, ative effects in terms of ecology (biological di-
poor air quality and exposure to noise. Urban versity), human health and economy. (Kurtela
transport is responsible for about a quarter of et al., 2007, p. 1-6)
transport generated CO2 emissions, in addition
to 69 % of road accidents occurring in cities. In this connection, the International Con-
(EC-COM(2011)144 final, p. 8) vention for the Control and Management of
Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments was adopt-
The objectives comprise: ‘conventional fuel’ ed by the International Maritime Organization
driven cars within the urban traffic to be re- in 2004 as the first comprehensive international
duced by one half within 2030, this type of cars legal instrument for regulation of the issue.
to be limited in cities by 2050. 30 % of road (Amizic Jelavcic, 2008, p. 797-810)
freight transport exceeding 300 km should be
shifted to other modes such as rail or water-
borne transport by 2030, and more than 50 % 4 IMPACT OF PARTICULAR
by 2050, facilitated by efficient and green
freight corridors. To achieve these goals, it is TRANSPORT SECTORS ON
also necessary to develop adequate infrastruc- LANDSCAPE AND ON THE
ture. (EC-COM(2011)144 final, p. 9) FLORA AND FAUNA DIVERSITY
All transport branches have negative impact
3.2 Railroad Transport on the environment, inclusive of the flora and
In rail transport, soil and water pollution oc- fauna. Such impact being unavoidable, it is very
curs in the maintenance of railroads, using vari- important to reduce it as far as possible, i.e. by
ous weed and vegetation fighting chemicals opting for transport solutions with lowest nega-
around tracks. Railway embankments are water tive consequences.
permeable, rains rinse chemical agents and all
toxic components run into the soil and on into 4.1 Road Transport
the subterranean waters, thus polluting them.
With a view to soil and water pollution, railway Traffic communication lines, motor ways in
transport is as harmful as road transport. There particular, require considerable space, thus
is an open space for discussion and drawing the leading to decrease in arable land, woods, rec-
parallel between the occurrence of toxic com- reational and housing zones etc. The construc-
ponents in railroad transport and heavy metal tion of a 4-lane motor way requires approx. 9.1
dust particles in road transport. (Zanzerovic ha (22 acres) of land, with the motor way area
and Savic, 2012, p. 1-6) width of 37.1 m (121 ft.). Due to traffic commu-
nications lines passing across particular land-
scapes, changes occur in habitats of particular

356 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360


animal species (despite specially designated constantly present in road transport, and only
crossing points for animals) and in some plant occasionally in air and railroad transport (train
habitats (due to timber cutting leading to passing, aircraft landing or taking off). Further-
ground erosion and disappearance of certain more, noise and vibrations in road traffic are
species in such areas). even more noticeable because roads are situat-
ed closer to settlements and therefore their im-
4.2 Railroad Transport pact on population is stronger. High intensity
of noise and vibrations in road traffic is attrib-
Railroad construction requires less space utable to movement of freight vehicles.
than motor way construction, but problems in-
Increasing importance has been attached to
volving deterioration of animal and plant habi-
this problem in the Republic of Croatia as well,
tats occur in such selected areas as well. For ex-
through statutory regulations precisely defining
ample, it takes 3.2 ha (7.4 acres) of land per
noise levels (in dB), as well as places and time
kilometre for the construction of a two-railway
periods allowed for different types of noise.
track with the track area width of 13.7 m (ap-
Railroads and motorways located near settle-
prox. 43 ft). (Bosnjak, 2002, p.212) Even less
ments are provided with noise dampeners made
space is occupied by high speed railways (hang-
of either natural or artificial materials. As far as
ing railways), the so called “levitating trains”.
waterborne transport is concerned, noise and
Airborne and waterborne traffic systems vibrations have no significant influence on hu-
cause landscape deterioration through the con- mans owing to vast areas involved which are
struction of airports and port terminals. Flora distant from settlements, but periodically they
and fauna are threatened by noise, especially in do affect the aquatic world.
case of airports, and by frequent aircraft flights
in bird flock areas.
4.3 Pipeline Transport PARTICULAR TRANSPORT
Pipeline transport is a specific mode of trans-
port used exclusively for transfer of special Energy consumption is the most important
types of freight (gas, liquids, plaster, sludge element of external costs. Significant quantities
etc.). In terms of environment deterioration, of energy are required for large cargo transfers
pipeline transport contributes to landscape pol- in cases of road and air transport. The situation
lution by merely occupying a certain area, yet is quite opposite in waterborne and railroad
with the rate of pollution below any other trans- transports where the energy efficiency rate has
port sector. Pipeline transport is the most cost- the highest value in comparison with other
effective and safest way of transport (provided transport sectors, making it possible for largest
regular pipeline maintenance). In addition, it quantities of cargo to be transported within the
appears to be the most acceptable one as com- same distance at a lower energy consumption
pared with other factors with detrimental effect rate. (Table 6)
upon the environment (noise, vibrations).
(Croatian Chamber of Economy Transport and
Communications Department, 2010, p.1-8) Table 6 Harmful Gas Emission Ratio by the
Transport Sector

Types of Transport Distance

5 NOISE AND VIBRATION (Transport means) (km)
Great significance has been attached to the Vessels 500
protection from noise in the EU, primarily in Rolling stock 330
order to achieve better life quality and human Lorries 100
health protection. Noise affects human health
by causing impaired hearing and reduction in Aircrafts 6.6
concentration and labour productivity. Noise
Source: The Power of Inland Navigation; The social relevance
represents the major problem in road, air and of freight transport and inland shipping 2004-2005, Bueau
railroad transports. Noise and vibrations are Voorlichting Binnenvaart

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360 357


Where freight transport is concerned, the with the EU cost estimate ranging from 1 to 1.2
importance is not only in the possibility to million per person this means a loss of 600 mil-
transfer huge quantities of goods with lower en- lion euro yearly. With the cost of treatment and
ergy consumption, but also in the type of ener- rehabilitation of the injured added, in addition
gy used. to early disability pensions, the amount soon
reaches 15 % of GDP in respect of total exter-
nal costs of transport, according to estimates
7 SAFETY made in European countries in transition. (Ga-
lovic et al., 2007, p. 50-56)
Nowadays, expansion of urban areas, new
lifestyle and the development of small commu- Having established an efficient Helicopter
nities seek for good, fast and efficient connect- Emergency Medical Care (HEMC) acting with-
ing. Higher traffic density itself requires strong- in the “golden hour”, EU countries have re-
er safety measures. duced the total number of fatalities in traffic
accidents by one half. The “Golden hour” has
Through adjustments with EU traffic stand- been conceived on the fact that patients suffer-
ards in all aspects, the Republic of Croatia has ing from internal bleeding may only survive if
improved the operation of its own traffic sys- help is provided within one hour. Major traffic
tem and has created the legal framework ena- congestions occur in road transport, thus creat-
bling further traffic safety improvement and ing “traffic jams”, and consequently leading to
better protection of passengers’ rights. (Negoti- increased nervousness, anxiety, stress and
ations EU-RH, 2011) The European Commis-
greater exposure to accidents caused by drivers’
sion is to supervise the correct usage of EU leg-
condition. (Galovic et al., 2007, p. 50-56)
islation in particular EU member states and to
encourage bilateral cooperation, improve the
data collection system and analysis by enhanc-
ing the role of ERSO (European Road Safety
Observatory) and to consider the possibility of By adopting different Strategies, Directives,
adopting common principles related with inves- Guidelines and Regulations, the EU strives to
tigation of traffic accident causes. The EU road direct traffic policies of its member states to-
safety policy is aimed at raising the level of road wards ecologically more acceptable transport
safety and mobility of citizens across Europe. branches, thus aiming towards sustainable de-
(EC – COM(2010)389final, p. 14-15). Other velopment. The EU proposed packages of
transport branches are featured by high level of measures related with traffic are based on the
safety, with accidents occurring less frequently, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG),
and by constant improvement of preventive railroad revitalization, promotion of maritime
measures. External costs are significantly lower and inland waterways usage, increasing safety
where traffic safety is higher because there are and rights of passengers, traffic congestion re-
no additional costs involved and human lives duction, planning of well balanced growth in all
are preserved as most valuable in the first place, transport branches and controlled growth in air
and there are no hospital and rehabilitation and road transport, promotion of ecologically
costs involved and no costs for damage repairs acceptable fuel driven cars, and the like.
and protection of environment affected by the
Comparing all transport sectors, it is evident
accident. (Galovic et al., 2007, p. 50-56)
that some of them deserve preference in com-
parison with other ones, where a specific type
7.1 Traffic Congestion Reduction of pollution is concerned (eg. air pollution). On
the other hand, some sectors are more accepta-
The most significant effects of congestion are
ble with regard to some other types of pollution
increased external costs, including the cost of
(eg. noise and vibrations). While all of them
traffic accidents and harmful effects upon the
have detrimental impact on the environment, it
environment, whereby traffic congestion must
is of essential importance to stimulate the de-
be characterized as crisis. (Galovic et al., 2007,
velopment of those with less detrimental effect
p. 50-56)
upon the environment. Railroad and inland wa-
In Croatia, the number of road accident vic- ter transport enjoy essentially significant com-
tims is around 600 a year on the average, and parative advantages (ecological acceptability,

358 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360


energy efficiency and safety), which should be achieving lowest external costs possible and with
the basis for their preferential development particular care for environmental protection.
aimed at improving all the above mentioned ele- The development of infrastructure is feasible
ments as well as the quality of services, comfort, and even dependent, so to say, on Structural
delays, and the like. Road transport develop- Funds and Cohesive Policy.
ment should be fostered towards ecologically ac- Whereas transport and its future develop-
cepted fuels and education of the population to- ment will inevitably have continuous impact on
wards minimized usage of cars on short distance further environment pollution, the develop-
routes, particularly in towns. Traffic congestions ment of transport policies should take the
and delays would be reduced through revitaliza- course towards implementing appropriate
tion of existing railroads and higher ecological measures for the reduction of such detrimental
consciousness in respect of road traffic effects. It effects upon environment. One step forward in
is very important to increase safety and the issue this direction is the selection of an optimum
has been dealt with a lot; however, persistence is and safe mode of passenger and freight trans-
here of essential importance. It is difficult to sin- port. The Sustainable Transport Development
gle out just one transport sector as most accept- Strategy is the right way towards the environ-
able and with lowest external costs and to disre- mental protection and external cost cutting,
gard other sectors. The intention of strategy of provided its continuous upgrading in accord-
sustainable transport is to foster the develop- ance with new traffic requirements arising in
ment of every transport sector with the aim of the course of time.

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360 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 27/2(2013) • str./pp. 351-360

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