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Chapter 4

Classroom Testing:
The Planning Stage


Nursiah and cahyani fatonah

Why Teacher-made test?
They are used to determine whether students
have learned what they were expected to
learn or to level or degree to which students
have learned the material. They may be used
to measure learning progress and
achievement and to evaluate the effectiveness

of educational programs.
Photo by Gaby Baldiskaite on Unsplash
Deficiencies in Teacher-Made Tests
❖ Ambiguous questions. When a statement or word can be
interpreted in two or more ways, we have ambiguity.
❖ Excessive wording. Too often teachers think that the more wording
there is in a question, the clearer it will be to the student.
❖ Lack of appropriate emphasis.
❖ Use of inappropriate item formats. Some teachers use different
item formats (such as true- false or essay) solely because they feel

that change or diversity is desirable.

Classification by Stimulus Material
1. The way test results are used determines whether we are engaging in
formative or summative evaluation.) or mathematics.)n type; free answer and
structured answer; essay and objective.
2. Classificationn by Stimulus Material
We generally think of tests in terms of a series of verbal problems that
require some sort of verbal response.
3. Classification by Purpose
Criterion versus Norm-Referenced Inter- pretation
(To describe the status of the individual.)
Achievement versus Performance
(The educational process is not restricted to achievement in such areas as
reading, science, social studies, or mathematics.)
Formative versus Summative Evaluation

(The way test results are used determines whether we are engaging in formative
or summative evaluation.
Planning the Teacher-Made Test
● Developing the Test Specifications
● Purpose of the Test
● What Is to Be Tested?
● Specifying the Course Content
● Defining Behavioral Objectives
● Table of Specifications
● When to Prepare Specifications
● Preparing the Table of Specification
● Determination of Weights
Differences between the Essay and Objective Test
1. Essay tests require an individual to organize
and express his answers in his own words. 4. The quality of the essay test is
Objective Test require that the individual dependent largely on the skill of
either supply a brief answer (one or two
the reader objective test, on the
words) or choose the correct answer from
among several alternatives. skill of the test constructor.

2. An essay test consists of fewer questions but 5. Essay tests afford both the
calls for more lengthy answers. An objective student and grader the
test has more questions but ones taking less
opportunity to be individualistic.
time to answer.
Objective tests afford this
3. In the essay test, the student spends most of freedom of expression (item

his time thinking and writing. In the objective writing only to the test-maker
test (especially the multiple-choice), most of
the student's time is spent on reading and
6. On objective tests the examinees’ tasks and
the scorers’ criteria tend to be more explicit.

7. Objective tests are more susceptible to

essay tests are more susceptible to bluffing

9. The score distribution in the essay test may

from one reader (scorer) to another; on the
objective test, the distribution is determined

completely by the test.

■Factors to Consider When Selecting an
Item Format
Factors to consider include the following:

(a) the purpose of the test, (b) the time

available toprepare and score the test, (c)
the number of pupils to be tested, (d) skill
tested, (e) difficulty desired, (f) the physical
facilities available for reproducing the test,
(g) the age of the pupils, and (h) your skill in
writing the different types of items.

Photo by Syed Hussaini on


There are some guidelines and specific

suggestions that should be considered
by the classroom teacher when she
changes into an item writer.

Preparing the Test Item and

Computer-Assisted Item Writing

● Know the subjectmatter thoroughly

● Know and understand the pupils being tested

● Be skilled in verbal expression

● Be thoroughly familiar with various item formats

● Be persevering

● Be creative

● The two most commonly used approaches for

constructing criterion-referenced tests are the
empirical approach and the universe-de- fined
approach. In the former, items are selected on
the basis of their ability to discrim- inate
between pupils who have been taught the
material and those who have not. In the latter,
items are generated on the basis of item-

generation rules.
Thank you!

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