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of the cognitive faculties that learners must be equipped with is the five
senses. Do imperfections in the functioning of the sense organs affect
learning? Explain your answer and
provide basis for your answer. Cite evidence, research, articles, etc.
-You can't comprehend or learn about the world as well as you do without these
senses, and you can't utilize your mind to solve issues without them.

2.   Is
there a limit to one’s imagination? Can you imagine something you have not
experienced first through your senses?
-It has long been understood that the frontal and posterior portions of the brain are
where the constraints on visual imagery capacity originate. Therefore, it is likely that
our ability to conceive things to great lengths is severely constrained.
-Yes, every invention had to first be "conceived" before it could be put into action

3.   Do
away with rote-memorizing instead focus on higher order thinking skills. Is it
possible to do away with
rote-memory to develop higher order thinking
-Rigid memorization is not seen as higher-level reasoning or critical thinking when it
serves as the primary method of learning. Some critics claim that requiring students
to memorize numerous words and facts stunts and stifles their originality.

4. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory
opened more doors for learners to excel.

    Explain why.

-Intelligence is not just a matter of intelligence, but of many kinds of intelligence -
including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences, according
to neuroscientist William B. Gardner. Gardner's theory of intelligence aims to capture
the full range of abilities and talents that people possess.

5.   Every
child is a potential genius. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your choice.
-According to scholar David Shenk, it is essentially difficult to ascertain a person's
genuine intellectual limitations at any age. Shenk asserts that everyone has the
capacity for genius or, at the very least, greatness. The secret is to get rid of the
misconception that talent is natural.

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