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A Feedback Linearizing Control Scheme for a

PWM Converter–Inverter Having a
Very Small DC-Link Capacitor
Jinhwan Jung, Student Member, IEEE, Sunkyoung Lim, Student Member, IEEE, and Kwanghee Nam, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper addresses a control method of reducing based on the measurement of the dc-link current at the inverter
the size of the dc-link capacitors of a converter–inverter system. side [2], [3]. However, it is not easy to install a current sensor
The main idea is to utilize the inverter operation status in on the dc link, since there is a prior necessity to reduce the
the current control of the converter. Specifically, the infor-
mation on the load power is incorporated in synthesizing the stray inductance of the bus-bar system between capacitors and
converter current control input so that a proper dc voltage insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT’s). The current sensor
level is maintained. We describe the dynamics of load cur- installation problem becomes more serious as the inverter
rent and apply feedback linearization theory to obtain an input power rating becomes large. Instead of a dc-link current sensor,
output linearized system. Theoretically, this control strategy is Habetler [4] utilized a load current estimator. However, it has a
effective in regulating the dc voltage level, even though the
dc-link capacitor is arbitrarily small and load varies abruptly. performance limit during the transient periods, since it involves
The superior performance is demonstrated through simulation a low-pass filter.
and experiment. An experiment was performed with a 9-kW With the advent of high-speed central processing unit (CPU)
pulsewidth modulation converter–vector inverter system having and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology,
a 75-F dc-link capacitor. the controllers of a pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converter
Index Terms— Converter–inverter system, feedback lineariza- and a vector inverter can be implemented in a single CPU
tion. board. We consider such control systems, in which current
controllers of the converter and inverter can communicate
I. INTRODUCTION quickly. It is not a problem whether the control board has
a single CPU or double CPU’s, as long as the converter

M OST variable-speed drive systems use an ac/dc/ac

power conversion procedure. The dc-link in the middle
provides decoupling between converter and inverter, so that
controller can utilize the inverter operation status in real time.
Kim et al. [5] proposed a fast dc-link voltage control algo-
rithm for the PWM converter–inverter system having a very
they are driven independently. However, a large capacitance small dc-link capacitance. They utilized the motor state vari-
is required for the dc link of voltage source inverters, and ables in constructing a converter current controller. However,
electrolytic capacitors are used for this purpose. Capacitors, they utilized the assumption that the motor is in steady state.
however, are normally bulky and expensive. Moreover, in However, in this paper, we obtain a complete description of the
the case of electrolytic capacitors, the capacitance decreases dc-link voltage dynamics without assuming any steady-state
gradually due to the outgassing. Hence, the dc-link capacitor condition. In the description of the load current, the motor state
is the major lifetime-limiting factor of the inverter system. variables are utilized, such as voltage, current, electric angular
In this paper, we consider a way of reducing the dc-link velocity, and current errors. We apply feedback linearization
capacitance as small as possible. As the dc-link capacitance is technique [6] to the model and obtain an input–output lin-
reduced, the converter current response should be correspond- earized system. By constructing a feedback control based on
ingly fast to counteract a possible dc-link voltage fluctuation the linearized model, we achieve a theoretically perfect dc-
caused by a sudden change in the motor operation. This link voltage regulator. The proposed scheme does not require
problem has been studied by many researchers [1]–[5]. Mostly, a dc-link current sensor, nor any extra additional sensor. The
they utilized the methods of compensating the inverter power feedback linearization technique has been applied to electric
Paper IPCSD 99–41, presented at the 1998 Industry Applications Society servo drives [7], [8] and induction motor drives [9], [10].
Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 12–16, and approved for publication Ulivi et al. [9] developed an alternative model of an induction
Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. Manuscript motor, which was a multivariable nonlinear system with four
released for publication March 18, 1999. electrical state variables and two inputs: stator voltages and
J. Jung was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Pohang Uni- slip frequency. They also proposed the exact linearization
versity of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea. He is now with
the Machine Tool Engineering Department, Hyundai Precision and Industrial achieving the input–output decoupling of the closed-loop
Company, Ltd., Kyungki-Do 449-910, Korea. system via static state feedback. Marino et al. [10] designed
S. Lim and K. Nam are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, a nonlinear adaptive state feedback input–output linearizing
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea. (e-
mail:; control for a fifth-order model of an induction motor which
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(99)06517-2. includes both electrical and mechanical dynamics.
0093–9994/99$10.00  1999 IEEE

Fig. 1. Main circuit of PWM converter–inverter system.

The feedback linearization technique has been also applied axis of which is aligned to the source voltage, we obtain
to a PWM rectifier [11], [12]. The PWM rectifier has a
structural nonlinearity, since its differential equations contain (1)
a product of the dc-link voltage and its time derivative. Con-
ventional control algorithms avoid this problem by considering (2)
this slowly variable voltage as a constant in the equations.
Although this hypothesis does have the advantage of allowing where denote the source voltages, the
simple controls, it does not, however, allow high performance converter terminal voltages, the line currents, and the
regarding the speed of transient states. angular velocity of the source voltage. Note that the superscript
Hereafter, we illustrate the basics of the feedback lineariza- on the variables signifies the quantities in the synchronous
tion [6]. Consider a single-input single-output system reference frame.
Assume that the unity power factor is achieved through
making with a proportional plus integral (PI) regulator
and a coupling compensation term , where
denotes a PI controller. If we neglect the power stored
where are in the inductor, the current flowing from the source to the dc
smooth functions, and is a control input. link is equal to . Then, from Fig. 1, the voltage
The Lie derivative of with respect to vector is defined equations for the dc-link capacitor are given by
by . Similarly,
, and we let . (3)
We assume that , but . We define a
coordinate transformation map by (4)
Letting a new coordinate , we
obtain that where is the load current and is the voltage over the
dc-link capacitor . Note that is the unknown quantity.
In this paper, an underlined assumption is that the current
controllers of inverter and converter are built in such a way
that they communicate quickly. In this case, one can use
the information on the motor variables in determining the
If we choose , then it follows that converter current control input. Specifically, one can use the
motor variable in obtaining and .
We assume that an integral plus proportional (IP) controller
is used in the motor current control, as shown in Fig. 2. Note
that an IP controller is different in structure from a PI controller
in that the proportional gain does not lie in the forward
where , and is a path of the loop. There is an important reason for using an IP
new control input. The second equation is called zero dynam- controller in the motor control, and it will be shown later. Note
ics, and if is asymptotically that denote the stator current and voltage
stable at the origin with , the system is called minimum of the motor, and the proportional and integral gains
phase. of the IP current controller. Let be the current
errors of the IP controller of the motor, i.e.,
, where are the current commands.
II. CONVERTER DYNAMIC MODEL INCORPORATING Further, we define the motor variables as follows.
MOTOR VARIABLES denote the stator, rotor, magnetizing inductances,
The main circuit of the PWM converter–inverter system is the stator resistance, the electrical
shown in Fig. 1. In the synchronous reference frame, the angular velocity of the motor, and the rotor flux of the



Fig. 2. Motor current-control block diagram using IP controller.

motor. With the rotor flux orientation scheme, we let a
nonzero constant and ; thereby, it follows that
Fig. 3. Step-by-step procedure for the feedback linearization.



In the following theorem, we describe the dynamics of the Fig. 4. Control scheme for the linearized plant.
variables .
Theorem 1: Assume that the induction motor is controlled
based on the rotor flux orientation scheme and that the
stator currents are regulated by IP controllers. Choosing state
variable, input, and output as ,
and , we obtain from (3), (4), and
(5)–(8) that , and is a vector
of motor variables.
(9) Proof: Differentiating both sides of the real power
(10) , we obtain that


Applying (3) and (5)–(8), follows.

Remark: If a PI controller is used in the current control,
there is a need to differentiate , which is complex.
However, as is shown in (5) and (6), differentiation of
is not necessary in the case of the IP controller. This is
the reason for adopting the IP controller, instead of the PI


A. Feedback Linearization
We apply feedback linearization technique to the nonlinear
model (9) and (10).

Fig. 5. The nonlinear converter controller for a converter–inverter system.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6. Motor speed, inverter and converter currents, and dc-link voltage responses with C = 0
100 F to a step speed command ( 1800 to 1800 r/min).
(a) Only PI controller. (b) PI controller plus load current compensation. (c) Proposed nonlinear controller.

Theorem 2: With a coordinate change and a nonlinear feedback



system (9) is transformed into the (input–output) linearized

system such that



where and is a new control input.

Remark 1: Note that the linearized system has a stable zero
dynamics. The zero dynamics of is described by


where denotes a nominal dc-link voltage. In obtaining

(15), we utilized . Since
, the dynamics of are asymptotically stable,
although it has other driving terms. Hence, we can say that
it has stable zero dynamics and that the linearized system is
minimum phase.
Remark 2: Note that the linearizing feedback (12) contains
. Hence, the crucial point in realizing the linearizing con-
troller is centered on the availability of , which is the time
derivative of the load current. In this approach, we obtain
with the use of the state variables of the motor. Normally, it is
completely neglected, even in the load current compensation
scheme. With a more complete description of the load current,
the input–output linearization is achieved. Specifically, with
the nonlinear coordinate transformation (11) and the nonlinear Fig. 7. Motor speed, inverter and converter currents, and dc-link voltage
feedback (12), the relationship between the dc-link voltage responses with C = 100 F when a step load is applied.
and the new input becomes linear.
Remark 3: It is an onerous task to derive the desired control In obtaining the second equation, we utilized (3). On the other
input (12). Note that the identity was hand, we calculate the same node value from the right-hand
used in obtaining and . side, such that
Proof: We may prove this mathematically. However,
for a better illustration, we prove this graphically, step by (17)
step. Note that system (9) with input (12) can be drawn as
Fig. 3(a). Note that source voltage is cancelled by the
Equating (16) and (17), and utilizing , we obtain that
term in (12). The -axis current is expressed by
, as shown in Fig. 3(c).
. Then, Fig. 3(a) simplifies to Fig. 3(b).
The value of node in Fig. 3(b) can be calculated from the
B. Nonlinear Controller for Constant DC-Link Voltage
left-hand side, such that
We construct a controller based on the linearized model (13).
Note from and (13) and (14) that the
dc-link voltage is not affected by the load current, although
the dc-link voltage affects the load current. The dc-link voltage
is described by an isolated second-order linear system. As a
method for keeping constant, we use two PI controllers,
(16) as shown in Fig. 4. The internal and external loops look after
current and voltage controllers of the existing PWM converter.

Fig. 8. Experimental setup.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 9. Motor speed, inverter and converter currents, and dc-link voltage responses with C 6
150 F to a step speed command change ( 1500 r/min).
(a) Only PI controller. (b) PI controller plus load current compensation. (c) Proposed nonlinear controller.

Then, the final nonlinear control input is determined by IV. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

A. Simulation Result
Simulation was performed under the following environ-
ments: motor power rating kW (four pole),
, mH, mH,
mH, source voltage (line to line),
and it is depicted in detail in Fig. 5. The information on the mH, F, and V. Fig. 6 shows the
motor drive is transferred to the converter controller to realize responses of motor speed, inverter current, converter current,
the proposed control. and dc-link voltage when a step speed command (





Fig. 10. DC-link voltage response with C 75 F to a step speed command
change ( 1200 r/min). (a) Only PI controller. (b) PI controller plus load
current compensation. (c) Proposed nonlinear controller.

r/min) is applied to the motor running at r/min (b)

under no-load condition. During the speed transient period, the
Fig. 11. (a) Inverter and converter phase current when motor speed changes
maximum inverter -axis current flows. For the first period, the 0
from 1200 to 1200 r/min. (b) Source phase voltage and current under the
motor speed decreases to zero. However, since the motor was same condition.
running in the negative direction, the regenerative power flows
into the dc link, making -axis converter current negative.
only a PI controller and with a PI controller plus load current
After the motor direction has been changed, the power flows
compensation, respectively, while Fig. 9(c) shows the case
into the dc link with a positive -axis converter current. At the
with the proposed nonlinear controller. Note from Fig. 9 that
points of sudden change in converter -axis current, dc-link
the proposed nonlinear controller shows the best dynamic
voltage fluctuates with the existing control schemes. Fig. 6(a)
performance in regulating the dc-link voltage.
and (b) shows the results with only a PI controller and with
Fig. 10 also shows dc-link voltage responses to a step speed
a PI controller plus load current compensation, respectively.
command change ( 1200 r/min) when the dc-link capacitance
However, with the proposed nonlinear controller, the dc link
is reduced further to F. In this experiment, the
does not change at all, even with a small capacitance (
power variation is about 4 kW. Fig. 10(a) and (b) shows
F) [Fig. 6(c)]. Fig. 7 shows the speed, currents, and
the cases with only a PI controller and with a PI controller
voltage responses when a step load torque (30 N m) is applied
plus load current compensation, respectively, while Fig. 10(c)
to the motor running at 1800 r/min. No dc-link voltage
shows the case with the proposed nonlinear controller. The
fluctuation is observed, even under this circumstance.
conventional method that utilizes only a PI controller results
in the severe fluctuation and fails to hold the dc-link voltage
B. Experimental Result during the period of speed change. The PI controller plus load
Fig. 8 shows the control block diagram of the experiment. A current compensation [Fig. 9(b)] also exhibits the fluctuation,
single 32-b processor (TMS320C31) was used for controlling but recovers the dc-link voltage after a short while. The pro-
both converter and inverter. We used a motor, the parameters posed nonlinear controller [Fig. 9(c)] shows an almost perfect
of which are the same as the ones listed in the simulation part. performance in regulating the dc-link voltage. Fig. 10 suggests
Further, we chose it such that mH, dc-link voltage that, with the proposed control scheme, the dc-link capacitance
V, and F, F. The deadtime interval was can be reduced to less than 100 F for a 5-kW inverter.
set to be 5 s, and the PWM frequency was 4 kHz. The PWM Fig. 11 shows the phase current responses of inverter
signals were generated by two erasable programmable logic and converter under the same experimental condition as in
devices (EPLD’s) for converter and inverter. Fig. 10(c). Fig. 11(a) shows a motor phase current response
Fig. 9 shows motor speed, inverter and converter current, and a source (converter phase) current response to a step
and dc-link voltage responses to a step speed command change speed command (1200 r/min) when the motor is running at
( 1500 r/min) when dc-link capacitance is F. In 1200 r/min. Fig. 11(b) shows the source voltage and source
this experiment, the power variation in the inverter system current responses, from which one can check that unity power
was about 5 kW. Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows the cases with factor is preserved.

V. CONCLUDING REMARKS [11] P. Rioual and H. Pouliquen, “Non linear control of PWM rectifier by
state feedback linearization and exact PWM control,” in Proc. IEEE
By utilizing the inverter information in the current control PESC’94, 1994, pp. 1095–1102.
of a converter, we can regulate the dc-link voltage effectively. [12] D. Lee, K. Lee, and G. Lee, “Voltage control of PWM converter using
feedback linearization,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, 1998,
Conceptually, the use of load prediction in the converter con- pp. 1491–1496.
trol is helpful in regulating the dc-link voltage having a very
small dc-link capacitor. The proposed scheme was derived by
applying feedback linearization theory to the dynamic model
which contained a complete description of the load current.
Jinhwan Jung (S’96) was born in Seoul, Korea,
Another key technique was the use of an IP controller in in 1972. He received the B.S. degree from Pusan
the motor current control to circumvent the differentiation of National University, Pusan, Korea, and the M.S. and
current commands. From a theoretical viewpoint, it is possible Ph.D. degrees from Pohang University of Science
and Technology, Pohang, Korea, in 1994, 1996,
to regulate dc-link voltage perfectly. The experimental results and 1999, respectively, all in electrical engineer-
supported the good performance of the proposed scheme. With ing.
the proposed method, one can reduce the dc-link capacitance He is currently a Senior Research Engineer with
the Machine Tool Engineering Department, Hyundai
drastically, which is very desirable in reducing the size and Precision and Industrial Company, Ltd., Kyungki-
cost of an inverter, or one can replace the large aluminum Do, Korea. His main interests are ac motor control
electrolytic capacitor bank with a polypropylene film capacitor, for high-speed operation and power converter/inverter systems.
enhancing the lifetime and the reliability of inverter.

Sunkyoung Lim (S’96) was born in Korea in 1974.
[1] J. W. Dixon, A. B. Kulkarni, M. Nishimoto, and B. Ooi, “Characteristics He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical
of a controlled-current PWM rectifier-inverter link,” IEEE Trans. Ind. engineering in 1996 and 1998, respectively, from
Applicat., vol. IA-23, pp. 1022–1028, Nov./Dec. 1987. Pohang University of Science and Technology, Po-
[2] L. M. Malesani, L. Rossetto, and P. Tomasin, “AC/DC/AC PWM hang, Korea, where he is currently working toward
converter with reduced energy storage in the DC link,” IEEE Trans. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.
Ind. Applicat., vol. 31, pp. 287–292, Mar./Apr. 1995. His main interests are nonlinear control theory
[3] R. Wu, S. B. Dewan, and G. R. Slemon, “Analysis of a PWM ac to dc and three-level converter/inverter systems.
voltage source converter under the predicted current control with a fixed
switching frequency,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 27, pp. 756–764,
July/Aug. 1991.
[4] T. G. Habetler, “A space vector-based rectifier regulator for AC/DC/AC
converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 8, pp. 30–36, Jan. 1993.
[5] J. S. Kim and S. K. Sul, “New control scheme for ac-dc-ac converter
without dc link electrolytic capacitor,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’93, 1993,
pp. 300–306.
[6] A. Isidori, Nonlinear Control Systems, Communications and Control Kwanghee Nam (S’83-M’86) was born in Seoul,
Engineering Series, 3rd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1995. Korea, in 1956. He received the B.S. and M.S.
[7] B. Grčar, P. Cafuta, and M. Žnidarič, “Practical robust stabilization degrees in chemical technology and control and
of PMAC servo drive based on continuous variable structure control,” instrumentation engineering from Seoul National
IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 11, pp. 708–714, Dec. 1996. University, Seoul, Korea, in 1980 and 1982, re-
[8] B. Grčar, P. Cafuta, M. Žnidarič, and F. Gausch, “Nonlinear control of spectively, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in
synchronous servo drive,” IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., vol. 4, pp. mathematics and electrical engineering from the
177–184, Mar. 1996. University of Texas, Austin, in 1986.
[9] G. Ulivi and A. De Luca, “Design of an exact nonlinear controller for He is currently a Professor in the Department
induction motors,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 34, pp. 1304–1307, of Electrical Engineering, Pohang University of
Dec. 1989. Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea, where he
[10] R. Marino, S. Peresada, and P. Valigi, “Adaptive input-output linearizing serves as Academic Dean of the Information Graduate School and Director of
control of induction motors,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 38, pp. the Information Research Laboratory. His main interests are ac motor control,
208–221, Feb. 1993. high-power drives, power converters, and nonlinear systems analysis.

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