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Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords is being threatened by invaders.

The only way to avert defeat is for the Time Lords to

assemble a ‘Key of Chronos’ – an extremely powerful defensive weapon. Unfortunately, although there are many parts of the Key
and many ways in which it can be assembled, the parts are scattered throughout time and space.

Each Player is a past incarnation of the Doctor. Each is on a mission to gather a set of Key Parts. To do this, they must travel the
universe, fighting enemies, gaining Assistants / Companions and using scientific Items. They must let nothing stand in their way,
not even each other.

The winner is the first Player to return to the Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords with a completed set of a ‘Key of Chronos’.

Game Board: The universe is divided up into 64 zones. The middle four zones are Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords.
The remaining 60 zones are planets throughout the universe. The colored swirly circles around the perimeter are Space/Time

118 Alien Tokens (Red): These depict the various Aliens. The blanks are not spares, but are part of the game. Information
regarding the Aliens is given in the Doctor Who Alien File.

87 Item Tokens (Blue): These depict the various Items, Weapons and Companions that Players can find and use on their
travels. Information regarding the Items is given in the Doctor Who Item File.

36 Mission Tokens (Purple): These show the various Key Parts that each Player must locate.

96 Key Part Counters (Green): 36 of these are actual Key Parts, the rest are blanks. The blanks are used in the game.

32 Starter Assistant/Companion Tokens (Purple): Each Player starts the game with one of these Companions.

1 – 12 sided Die: Is used for resolving combat / fights. 1 – 8 sided Die: Is used for determining random events.

6 Doctor Who Alien / Item Files: These files detail the powers of the various Aliens and Items that may be discovered.

12 Doctor Who Game Pieces: These represent the 12 incarnations of the Doctor. Each Player chooses a Doctor to represent
him / her on the board.

The blue item tokens are turn face down and shuffled / mixed around. One is placed faced down in each zone / planet on the
board, except for Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords.

The red alien tokens including the blanks are turned face down and shuffled/mixed around. One is placed faced down on top of
each blue item token in each zone / planet on the board.

Unused blue item tokens and red alien tokens are placed on the side out of the way and take no part in the game.
Each Player chooses a Doctor figurine and a starter Assistant / Companion. The Doctor figurines are placed in Gallifrey, the
Domain of the Time Lords and the Assistant / Companion is placed face up in front of the Player.

The purple Mission tokens are turned face down and shuffled/mixed around. Each Player then takes six and keeps them face
down in front of them. The Player may inspect them whenever the Player likes, but do not show them to other Players.

The remaining Mission tokens are turned face up and matched with the corresponding green Key Part counters. They are then
removed from the game. Blank Key Part counters are added to the remaining Key Parts to bring the total to 60. These 60 are
then turned face down, shuffled/mixed around and one is placed faced down in each zone / planet on the board.

The remaining blank Key Part counters are placed on the side and take no further part in the game except they are used when a
Player is stunned, which is explained later.

The winner is the first Player to locate and collect the six key counters that correspond to the six Mission tokens that the Player
has, and return to Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords.

Players roll the die and the highest number goes first, and then goes clockwise around the table.

During each Players turn, he/she may do one or two of these three actions in one turn.


The two actions must be different and may be performed in any order.

A move is executed by moving your game piece either one or two zones/planets in any direction including diagonally and through
Space/Time Warps. Below are some possible moves.

Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords is one zone / planet. It may only be entered by a Game Piece starting its move from an
adjacent zone / planet and entering by normal movement (i.e. without the aid of an item).

A Game Piece may only leave Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords by normal movement.

A Game Piece moving onto a Space / Time Warp planet may emerge from any Space / Time Warp planet of the same color as the
one entered. Warps can only be entered and exited through the connected zones/planets. Zones / planets connected via Space /
Time Warps are adjacent.
A Player may search any zone in which he starts or ends his move. To search a zone / planet, the Player turns the Red Alien
Token face up and looks at the Green Key Part counter but replaces it face down. The Blue Item Token may NOT be examined. If
the Red Alien Token is blank, there is no alien on that planet. The blank red token is discarded and the Player may take
everything, nothing or whatever they want from what was in the zone / planet.

Any Alien(s) in the zone / planet must all be fought and defeated before anything can be taken, unless an Item is used which
permits things to be taken without a fight.

If the Player chooses not to fight the Alien, the Red Alien Token stays face up and the Player must turn any Green Key Parts
counters in that zone / planet face up upon leaving the zone / planet. Blank Key Part counters are removed from the game as
soon as they are revealed.

A Player may declare a fight against any other Player(s) or revealed Alien(s) in the zone / planet in which he starts or ends his
move. Players in the same zone / planet may fight together against any Player(s) or Alien(s) in that zone / planet. It is up to the
Player whose turn it is to ask for any allies before a fight.

Players not invited as allies may not take part in the fight; however, they may aid either side by using Items.

Aliens only fight if they are attacked, unless otherwise stated in the Alien File card. If there are two or more Aliens and the Player
chooses to attack, then all Aliens in the zone / planet will attack him simultaneously, fighting alongside each other.

Before the die is rolled for combat, ALL Players must be allowed the opportunity to use any Items.

Each participant in the combat totals his strength: Players have a combined strength of themselves (+1), Assistants /
Companions, Weapons and Defenses according to the Doctor Who Item File.

The Victim of each attack must be stated before the die is rolled.

The Player or Alien being attacked always rolls first. The Player initiating the battle decides who rolls for the Alien.

Each participant rolls the die once each round of combat, unless an Item is used or a special Aliens power indicates otherwise.

If an Alien is defeated he is removed from the board. If a Player is defeated he is STUNNED for two turns.


If a Player defeats all Aliens in a zone / planet, he can procure whatever he wants from what they were protecting (Key Parts,
Items or Assistants / Companions). Any deals made with allies MUST be honored.
If one Player defeats another, everything the STUNNED Player has in his possession is open to be procured. If a Key Part is
taken and it turns out to be a blank, then that’s the chance you take, your procurement option is over for your turn.

If the Alien(s) defeats a Player, they take ALL Key Parts that are different from any they are already guarding. These are placed
face up in their zone / planet. Some Aliens may take more or other Items as detailed in the Doctor Who Alien File.

When a Player gets stunned, he must take two blank key parts and place them face up in front of him. These record the fact that
the Player is stunned and are not considered Key Parts. He discards one on each of his next two turns.

While the stunned Player has the two blank counters faced up, he may not move, fight, search, trade, utilize an Item, or be fought.
Any Player in the same zone / planet as the stunned Player while he has both blank counters can take anything in his possession
without a fight.

While a stunned player has only one blank counter left, he may not move, fight, search, trade or utilize an Item. Nothing may be
taken from him without fighting him and he may fight back if attacked using only his face up power.

On the turn after the second blank is discarded, the player may move, search, trade, utilize an Item and fight back if attacked. But
he may not initiate fight.

Thereafter, he takes his turn as normal with no restrictions.

A player may never have more than six Key Parts counters face down in his possession, blank or otherwise. If more are obtained,
then more must be discarded immediately to reduce the total to six. Discarded Key Part(s) must be left face up in the player’s
zone / planet, unless an Item is used to locate it elsewhere.

A player may acquire a blank Key Part counter and either discard it, or keep it to mislead other players. Discarded or revealed
blank Key Part counters are removed from the game.

Aliens guard all Key Part counters in their zone / planet. Aliens guard all Items in their zone / planet. Weapons, Assistants /
Companions and Defenses that are discarded in an Aliens zone / planet must be face up. Guarded or discarded Items must be
face down under the Alien(s) guarding them.

Aliens must be fought and defeated before anything they are guarding may be taken, unless an Item is used which permits taking
things without a fight.
Any Player in a zone / planet with unguarded material may take whatever they want without a fight because there is no Alien there
to prevent it.

Some Aliens have special powers; these are detailed in the Doctor Who Alien File.

Items may be used at any time, even on another players turn, unless otherwise stated in the Doctor Who Alien File. No Items
other than those that are already in use may be used while a fight is taking place.
Assistants / Companions, Weapons, Force Fields, Laser Screens and the Power Drainers must be kept face up of any player
possessing them as they are in constant use. Other Items are only turned face up while they are being used.

All Items not in permanent use should be kept face down and turned face up when in use.

An Item is in use as soon as it is turned face up. If two players reveal an Item simultaneously, it is settled in order: current player
then clockwise around the table.

A player may have any number of Items except Weapons, Assistants / Companions Force Fields and Laser Screens as detailed in
the Doctor Who Item File.

There are certain Items that a player may not hold in conjunction with other Items, and other Items that a player may not hold two
of. When instructed to discard for these specific reasons, the Item or Assistants / Companions must be left face up (unless the
Alien in the zone / planet will guard it) in the player’s zone / planet or placed in a different zone / planet by means of an Item.

The powers of each Item are detailed in the Doctor Who Item File.


Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords is a special zone / planet in that: Players may move into, through, or out of by normal
movement only (i.e. without the aid of an Item).

A player on Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords may not fight, be attacked, use an Item or have an Item used against them.

No Key Parts or Items of any kind (including Assistants / Companions, Weapons, Force Fields or Laser Screens) may be
discarded there nor may they or any Aliens be left there by means of an Item.


Whenever a random zone / planet is required, roll the 8 sided-die. The number indicates that numbered row on the left side on the
Game Board. Then roll the die again to determine the numbered column across the top of the Game Board. Then triangulate the
two numbers to indicate the random zone / planet.

If the random zone / planet is Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords, the player using the Item requiring the random zone / planet,
may choose any zone / planet except for Gallifrey, the Domain of the Time Lords.

The highlighted zone / planet on the board is a double zone. If there is an Alien occupying this zone / planet, the Aliens power is
doubled. Only his power is doubled, not any other attributes the Alien may possess.

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