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NSS : 322051817001 NPSN : 20517712
Jl. Lolaras 14 Telp./Fax. (0341) 385876 Karangkates Sumberpucung Malang
Email :

Give the best answer for the following questions!

Malang, March 20th, 2022
Attention to :
Human Resources Department
PT Bank Negara Indonesia
Jl. Sudirman No. 11, Malang

Dear Sir/Madam,
Based on the information I obtained from the official website of PT Bank Negara Indonesia that your
company is looking for a Bank Teller. I intend to apply for this position.
The undersigned bellow :
Name : Naemira Aqela Latifa Lexiputri
Address : Jl. Selasih No. 56 Karangkates Sumberpucung
Place, Date of Birth : Malang, October tenth 1999
Gender : Female
Phone Number : +62812-8888-0000
Recent graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Malang University. My specialization is
Finance Accounting. I consider myself that I have qualifications for this position. I have some
computer skills, like using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Accounting software. I like to learn
something new and I can work effectively under pressure.
As a consideration, I enclose my:
1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate
2. Copy of Academic Transcript
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Copy of KTP
5. Copy of Indonesian Police Sertificates (SKCK)
6. Recent photograph, size 4×6
Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to an opportunity to work with you in the
Best Regards,

Naemira Aqela Latifa Lexiputri

1. What should Naemira enclose with her application letter as the consideration?

Good morning all everbody

This is an announcement for all passengers travelling on the 10.30 flight JKT 1322 to
This flight is delayed by an hour because of bad weather.
Thank you for your attention.

2. What does the announcement tell about?

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the University
of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen
years later he won the Nobel Prize for Physics.
NSS : 322051817001 NPSN : 20517712
Jl. Lolaras 14 Telp./Fax. (0341) 385876 Karangkates Sumberpucung Malang
Email :

For the next ten years he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in the
early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved to the United
States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 74.

3. What happened to Albert Einstein when he was twenty six years old?
How to Use a Computer
You need:
1. CPU
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Mouse
5. Printer (Optional)
6. Speakers (Optional)
Here are the steps to operate a computer:
1. Before plug of powering up the computer system, make sure that the power cable is
connected to the back panel of the CPU and is plugged into the electric socket.
2. Make sure the video cable is already connected to the monitor and the back panel of CPU
3. Make sure other devices such as mouse and keyboard have connected to the back panel of
CPU in the right side. Other hardware can also be connected such as speaker, printer, and so
4. When everything is plugged in securely, then press the power button on the CPU is usually
located on the front panel of the CPU.
5. The computer will display the Windows logo and displays the desktop image
6. Once the desktop image appears then the computer is ready to operate
7. The proper way to shut down or turn off the computer system is by clicking on the ‘Start’
button and choosing the ‘Turn Off Computer’ option. This then will display the options to
‘Standby’, ‘Restart’, or ‘Turn Off’ the CPU. Click ‘Turn Off’ to turning off the computer.

4. How are the steps to shut down the computer properly?

Dino : Hi, my sister. Are you doing your assignment?

Dina : Yes. This is so boring. I want to go to school again.
Dino : Let’s pray that this pandemic will end soon.
Dina : Is the virus really dangerous?
Dino : Yes, Dina. WHO even declares Covid-19 a pandemic.
Dina : Really? That’s why we have to stay at home?
Dino : Yes. Because we can easily get infected if we make contact with other people outside. Who
knows that someone get infected? That’s why we must stay at home and avoid direct contact
with people, except our family at home.
Dina : It’s so sad. I miss my friends.
Dino : Yes, I miss my friends, too. But we must obey the rules and keep ourselves safe.
Dina : Okay. Mom said we also have to exercise and eat healthy foods, right?
Dino : Absolutely! You’re smart, Dina.

5. Why do we have to stay at home in a pandemic era?

NSS : 322051817001 NPSN : 20517712
Jl. Lolaras 14 Telp./Fax. (0341) 385876 Karangkates Sumberpucung Malang
Email :

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