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1) Preoperative phase includes

A) establishment of baseline assessment

B) preoperative interview

C) preparing patient before surgery

D) All of the above

Answer: D

2) The priority nursing diagnosis during preoperative phase is

A) Risk for bleeding related to surgical incision site

B) Self-care deficit

C) Knowledge deficit related to sugical process

D) Ineffective breathing pattern

Answer: C

3)The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client scheduled for surgery. The nurse should include
which activity in the nursing care plan for the client on the day of surgery?

a) Avoid oral hygiene and rinsing with mouthwash

b) Verify that the client has not eaten for the last 24 hours

C) Have the client void immediately before going into surgery

D) Report immediately any slight increase in BP or pulse

Answer: C) The nurse would assist the client to void immediately before surgery so that the bladder will
be empty. Oral hygiene is allowed, but the client should not swallow any water. The client usually has a
restriction of food and fluids for 6 to 8 hours before surgery instead of 24 hours. A slight increase in BP
and pulse is common during the preoperative period due to anxiety.

4) A preoperative client expresses anxiety to the nurse about upcoming surgery. Which response by the
nurse is most likely to stimulate further discussion between the client and the nurse?

A) "If it's any help, everyone is nervous before surgery."

B) "I will be happy to explain the entire surgical procedure with you."

C) "Can you share with me what you've been told about your surgery?"

D) "Let me tell you about the care you'll receive after surgery and the amount of pain you can

Answer: C) Explanations should begin with the information that the client knows. By providing the client
with individualized explanations of care and procedures, the nurse can assist the client in handling
anxiety and fear for a smooth preoperative experience. Clients who are calm and emotionally prepared
for surgery withstand anesthesia better and experience fewer postoperative complications

5) The nurse assess a client's surgical incision for signs of infection. Which finding by the nurse would be
interpreted as a normal finding at the surgical site?

A) Red, hard skin

B) Serous drainage

C) Purulent drainage

D) Warm tender skin

Answer B)Serous drainage is an expected finding at a surgical site. The other options indicate signs of
wound infection. Wound infection usually appears 3 to 6 days after surgery.

6) The nurse is working on a surgical floor and is preparing to receive a postoperative patient from the
postanesthesia care unit (PACU). What should the nurse's initial action be upon the patient's arrival?

A) Assess the patient's pain.

B) Assess the patient's vital signs.

C) Check the rate of the IV infusion.

D) Check the physician's postoperative orders.

Answer: b) Assess the patient's vital signs. The highest priority action by the nurse is to assess the
physiologic stability of the patient. This is accomplished in part by taking the patient's vital signs. The
other actions can then take place in rapid sequence.
7) In planning postoperative interventions to promote repositioning, ambulation, coughing, and deep
breathing, which action should the nurse recognize will best enable the patient to achieve the desired

A) Administering adequate analgesics to promote relief or control of pain

B) Asking the patient to demonstrate the postoperative exercises every 1 hour

C) Giving the patient positive feedback when the activities are performed correctly

D) Warning the patient about possible complications if the activities are not performed

AnswerA) Administering adequate analgesics to promote relief or control of pain

8) True or false

Postoperative phase ends form the moment the doctors closes up the incision site

Answer: False

9) ___________ takes care of patients with surgical conditions where nurse priority of care is
reestablishing the patient’s physiologic balance, pain management and prevention of complications

Answer : Surgery ward

10) Post operative phase goals includes

A) pain management

B) Restoring body homeostasis

C) Discharge planning and health teaching

D) All of the above

Answer: D

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