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ALSS 301: Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Research Objectives

 To explain the role of artificial intelligence in agriculture in Botswana.

 To assess how artificial intelligence would be implemented and integrated in farming in
Botswana by farmers.
 To determine the benefits of artificial intelligence in agriculture in Botswana to farmers.
 To describe the advancement and impact artificial intelligence would have in the agriculture
economy in Botswana.

Research Questions

 How artificial intelligence would improve efficiency of agricultural production in Botswana?

 What are the challenges farmers in Botswana would face when integrating artificial
intelligence in agriculture?
 How artificial intelligence embedded with other technology could be used to monitor crops
in farmers in Botswana?
 Why the use of artificial intelligence combined with automated robotic systems could be the
future of farming in Botswana?

Data Analysis

A word-based technique will be used to find patterns in the data collected. In order to simplify the
data and identify patterns within it, metaphors will be employed, making it simpler to relate the
facts to the theory. The keyword context method will be used as well to analyse data looking at
particular keywords that keep reoccurring in order to establish logical reasoning. To determine how
a certain text is similar or distinct from one another, compare and contrast method will be utilized.

Timeline for research proposal

Month 1

 Consider research problem

 Conduct ongoing, extensive literature reviews to find experts in the subject and
knowledge gaps

Month 2 -3

 Finalise research problem

 Develop research design
 Write research proposal

Month 4

 Submit research proposal to supervisor

Month 5-6

 Write your literature review

Month 7-11

 Develop data collection tools

 Collect relevant data
 Write up data collection
 Analyse the data collected

Month 12-16

 Write a draft of the research

 Review draft
 Create final edit of research
 Submit the research to your supervisor

Literature Review

There are going to be challenges that come along with integrating artificial intelligence in agriculture,
( Dmytro Lenniy , 2022) argues that issues around privacy and security will be a cause for concern.
Threats of cyber attacks and data breaches are bound to happen and would pose a great danger to
farmers as hackers could reduce their agricultural production efficiency and give data to their
competitors so they can be a step ahead. Another challenge that will be presented is the lack of
experience in emerging technologies by farmers, most farmers in Botswana may lack technology
literacy and this could be a problem when dealing with advanced technologies such as artificial
intelligence and automation using robots, farmers would most likely need help adopting to the use
of such technology.

The use of artificial intelligence in irrigation systems could not only help with water management
and water conservation but it could also make sure that crops get enough water through smart
irrigation systems (Wiley-Scrivener,2022) the author elaborates on how the use of artificial
intelligence embedded with sensors could be used to monitor crops and guarantee that they get
sufficient water through smart irrigation systems which use sprinkler systems combined with an alert
system. Soil water sensor are used to see how much water is absorbed by the soil and how much is
lost by the soil as well, this type of technology is useful as it allows for farmers to manage their water


Budget Items Costs

Personnel P 28 550
Accommodation P 45 270
Travel P 37 850
Stationary P 20 500
Consumables P 15 640
Telecommunications P 21 255
Equipment P 38 450

Total Costs P 207 515


The Digital Agricultural Revolution: Innovations and Challenges in Agriculture Through Technology
Disruptions. (2022, May 17). Wiley-Scrivener.

Lenniy, D. (n.d.). Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Rooting Out the Seed of Doubt. Why Adopting
AI Is Such a Challenge for Farmers.

Shah, D. (n.d.). mplementation of artificial intelligence in agriculture for optimisation of irrigation

and application of pesticides and herbicides. Sciencedirect.

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