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Anubhuti singhal

ABSTRACT. was easily available, and also require

Architecture is not just about quilting the very less labour . The building
site with concrete blocks or steel construction material used today is more
columns ,it’s rather knowing about the synthetic, not sustainable, and hard to
place considering it’s social, cultural, reuse such as concrete and steel. The
and the environmental conditions . building industry consumes immense
Contemporary architecture sometimes energy and contributes majorly to the
hides the achievements of our past. world’s greenhouse gas emission.
Vernacular architecture can be defined as Vernacular architecture can be a very
the architectural form which is closely good source for creating such design.
related with our environment. .There is a There are so many benefits of vernacular
need to create balance ,a balance architecture that its use in the
between the materials ,the shape and the contemporary world today has given rise
nature .With the modern or new to a new term called the contemporary
technologies and perspective on the vernacular architectural style. This paper
mentioned values will be very helpful in will describe a series of case studies of
getting a purpose for understanding the vernacular architecture and its benefits
vernacular values.The vernacular from different zones which will function
architecture which was designed as models for a contemporary
designed in direct response to the architecture model .
materials which were locally available
like bamboo, mud, sticks, thatch , or Keywords:
grass for the construction purpose ,that contemporary,vernacular,nature.
was more energy-efficient and also zero
carbon and cheap, affordable, and also

The objective of this research paper is to modern perspectives on the traditional
understand how the vernacular can be building method will be helpful in
integrated into contemporary architecture getting the understanding towards the
and create the balance between the vernacular experiences.
materials ,shape ,and nature .How the

The survey of this research will be ● Vernacular architecture faces
conducted to collect the information many difficulties which
about how the vernacular methods have compromise their bearing
been used to create the conceptual capacity into the 21st century .
contemporary vernacular projects around ● There is an absence of reshaping
the globe .This research aims at showing it into the modern forms .
that benefits of vernacular are so ● Challenges from urbanisation,
immense .that it has been used in the globalisation and the rise of new
contemporary architecture and has given cultures.
rise to new kind of style that is
contemporary architecture. METHOD
The scope of this research paper is to
estimate the significance of continuity of
The method followed for this
heritage systems of design as linkages,
survey includes the secondary
for adaptation in contemporary design
study about the vernacular in
different zones and its
The scope of the study is being limited to
implementation into the
the traditional residential building forms
contemporary architecture.Data
and the alteration of the identified
from various research papers and
linkages in the design of modern
ebooks have also been
residential building forms and
collected..There are various
assessment of the effectiveness of such
variables that are needed to be
linkages in maintaining place adaptive
understood such as vernacular and
qualities in a post-traditional built form
vernacular contemporary
that is designed and constructed .
architecture.For case studies
buildings have been selected on
basis of how age old techniques
have been implemented to create a
modern design and case studies conditions .Vernacular architecture types
about the architects have been vary depending on the type of climatic,
selected on the basis of who natural and also the socio-cultural
practice contemporary factors. The growth of all these factors
architecture with combining the have been transmitting the code on how
old techniques and culture to to preserve energy and other
create self sufficient buildings. sustainability factors.
.Age-old traditional materials such as
NEED FOR STUDY timber,bamboo, the mud ,the
combination of mud and the bamboo
materials are now going through revival
There is a need for the development of
in that they offer more sustainability .The
the sustainable future and return to the
large-scale use of such age-old materials
green architecture also there is a need for
becomes necessary when affordability
architects to embrace the cultural
and carbon footprinting are important
building tradition ,the benefits of the
.These materials can be very useful
vernacular architecture are immense. It is
where labour intensive, and costly
very beneficial in achieving the green
materials ,such as concrete ,glass are
and sustainable architecture.So in order
used on large scale.when the balance
to produce self-sufficient buildings and
between the nature , the sor and the
progress in future we need contemporary
shape of the building is created ,the
vernacular architecture .Also there is a
vernacular architecture become the most
need of new building envelope concept
integrated architectural form where
this can be done by transposing
shared everything with natural
vernacular principles to the design of
environment .These traditional materials
contemporary building envelopes.also
and the old techniques transfers the
there is a need of facade as a balance
heritage value at localized and regional
between the nature and the architecture .

Characteristics of the Vernacular

Vernacular came into play when humans ● Orientation of the building
were forced to make use of all the block : Different types
natural resources and protect themselves orientations of the building block
from the harsh and drastic climatic
produce thermal conditions ● Water resource : water is the
demanded by the building. most important resource which
● Shading of the building block : has to be utilized delicately . For
The building including the this there are ways like water
openings, its external walls gets harvesting and recycling which
exposed to the water and the sun have to be acquired .
rays . In vernacular architecture, ● Structural Longevity of the
the overhanging eaves helps with building : The material that are
this condition providing good used for building decides the life
protection. of the building block . The
● Ventilation of the building : The materials that cost more than and
humidity of the building is uses more energy and resource in
regulated by cross-ventilation their manufacturing can be used to
inside the building. It is of get the more benefits from the
primary importance for built ups basis their recycling limit .
that are located in the hot and ● Light and Ventilation of the
humid climates . building : the building that are
● Climate Response : Vernacular climate responsive reduces the
architecture includes a age old consumption of air conditioning
traditional design which is climate and the artificial lighting .
responsive and also it is ● Technology used in the building
aesthetically pleasing. But the : features such as , fountains, jalis
traditional architecture is different water to cool building fabrics, etc
from the vernacular , they all are replaces the use of technology and
interrelated to each other . It is adds the sustainable features at
climate-responsive design that are the macro level.
built to lower the impacts of
environment, thereby reducing
energy consumption of the
building and producing self Vernacular architecture creates a
sufficient building . balanced relation between the dwelling,
the people living in it and the
Elements of the Vernacular Architecture environment while considering the
following aims of the sustainability :
● Adjusting the location potential.
● Preservation of the regional and
cultural identity.
● utilization minimization
protection and preservation of the
● utilizing eco-friendly materials.
● attaining the thermal comfort .

It is located on the road way to

Many of the contemporary architects that Pondicherry ,union territory of India .
are more towards sustainability are using This small village is located on the island
these traditional techniques in original or which is surrounded by the backwaters
the modified form, to achieve the on the three sides .The village is
required design .Architects are surrounded by the richness of the nature
embracing the tradition and heritage. The that is very helpful in enhancing the
benefits of this climatic responsive microclimate of that place . There is a
architecture can be seen since ages,the great use of the climate responsive
structure which is unsystematic and techniques,local materials ,which make
which is not environmentally friendly this place sustainable. Arulville is one of
ultimately costs the occupant . By the examples which make communicate
following the tradition we can achieve a the local architecture used in it and the
net zero building and a whole age old techniques makes it belong to the
self-sufficient building . earth .The materials which are used are
mostly in its natural form .The bricks of
CASE STUDIES various types of classes are being used in
the roof floors and the walls .The
❖ Farmhouse,Aurulville materials which are being used are
mostly of the baked clay which act as a
good insulating material .
arranged around the central courtyard
❖ Archium stone radio building and also the deep canopies provide shade
, Nepal to the building . Most of the construction
is done with the locally available rock .
The courtyard is also protected by the
extreme weather climate by the outer
wall and the locally available genesis .
In the inside of the building is the stone
wall which is the glass wall that is more
contemporary for the inside space .
This building displays the perfect
balance between the contemporary and
In this built form, locally available stone traditional architecture.
is the material used in this single-level, ,
with tone of wood, which is very sparse
in this kind of zone. The choice of the
materials used responds to the needs to
❖ The brick house ,Wada,Thane
set up a harmonious condition with the By istudio architecture.
location and also to obey with the
sustainability need ,from 1992, the
Nepalese region of Mustang have been
the part of the Annapurna Conservation
Area Project , the largest and oldest
nature reserve in Nepal. The intention of
this project is to promote the
environmental conditions and also at the
same time it improves the living
standards of the local inhabitants , that
depends on controlled tourism in shield
of the vernacular culture .
This brick house have been motivated by
The building is made from the locally both the philosophies and the works of
available stones known as genesis which the Laurie Baker and Nari Gandhi. Each
has also helped the radio building to room flows into the another, leading into
merge with the surrounding .The studios the harmonious space held by the central
and the meeting room of the building are courtyard . Climatology and the solar
path, along with jalis and arched
openings have played an essential role to This structure is located near the bank of
introduce light and wind into each river walki . This built form evolved
interior space. Exposed materials, which from the result of interaction between the
give the entire house a very earthy feel nature and the users and also the
and the construction techniques using economic environment. The materials
rat-trap bond, filler slabs, arches have that are used are picked from the konkan
contributed to the low cost of the project. architecture. The konkan architecture
This brick house is located in the middle makes use of the materials like the red
of the rural settlements in wada.The form laterite stone, which is commonly called
of the building is organic.Zoning is done chira .There is an existing mango tree
as per the climatic conditions .Passive which is adjacent to old structure that
cooling techniques are used .The was gifted to the client .This mango tree
material used for construction is the was conceptualised like the focal point of
locally available materials such as the house, this complete building was
brick,stone,wood , bamboo also provide planned around the tree in such a way
the earthly feel. Low coats and the that it act like an inborn part of the
eco-friendly methods are used for design .
example the rat trap bond,brick jalis There is also an open space in the form
providing ventilation and lighting and of a thing called Kund ,also a stepped
also the built in furniture. Minimal use of seating was designed keeping the Mango
steel ,concrete has been made. tree at its centre. The central Kund is
encircled by the livable spaces. Living
room is on the north side, and the dining
❖ Krupachhaya-A farmhouse at and kitchen on the south side and the
paud,maharashtra, bed is on the west side which is
By Anand kulkarni,Q-deisign ,pune
separated by a passage connecting to the
kitchen and the living room . The living
room is buffered on the east and west
side by the large padwi i.e., the
This structure is planned around a tree
providing it a recreational and a
thoughtful space. Floors do not require
the artificial cooling methods .For
providing the insulation roofing is done
in double-layer terracotta tiles .External
areas of the building are covered with cost-effectiveness have been the mantra
black kadappa stone. Flooring is done for this house and that is why the bricks
with the locally available material that is have been used comprehensively while
rough shahabad stone Doors and being used with other materials to
windows are made using from the provide rustic modernity. This brick
mango tree plank . This structure is a houses is associated with architecture
perfect example of coherence with the that is eco-friendly, stylish and also
nature . which is cost-effective and self sufficient
building .

❖ Cape House , This has a lot to do with this British-born

Indian architect Laurie Baker’s houses,,
by Architecture and Beyond in manipulating the positions of the
Surat bricks,creating perforations in the walls,
and the curved double walls, making the
structures climate-sensitive and
energy-efficient and zero carbon
footprint . architect Nari Gandhi born in
surat is an organic genius in his use of
rock and brick,. Increasingly,
contemporary architects are using brick
in unusual ways, making it a style
statement in luxurious homes.

This building is densely built on all the

four sides with no view or natural light,
this apartment block which is for was
meant for a five family members. Each
owner had to give up a small portion of
This unconventional name of the their property to make room for a
building is derived from the fact that a courtyard. The challenge of the
huge brick ‘cape’ which holds this architects Smruti Kamat and Lester
two-story built up house as it rises and Rozario says, was “to seize our slice of
skyline and the shape .Style, the sky”.
environmentally friendly , and
The boundary wall of the building was not even consider vernacular or
turned into a sculptural surface, when environmental factors can ultimately
they placed burnt bricks next to mud cost the hibitant – in addition to the
blocks, developing a chevron-patterned environment – more in resources than a
grey-and-red boundary wall on the sides. properly designed building.
It provides us with the perfect balance
This building , captures the spirit of the between the material ,nature ,shape
place, not only stands in the ,form.For architecture to progress we
surroundings but gives it an edge in a should definitely have the knowledge of
district which is becoming a real estate our past and the use of the various
haven. strategies to get optimu
m energy efficiency

Through our study we have realised that
the vernacular architecture plays an
important role in the revival of the green
and sustainable architecture .
We have studied many vernacular
contemporary architecture in different
SIGNIFICANCE zones and how architects have
implemented traditional techniques in
Vernacular can be termed something constructing self sufficient buildings.
specific to a particular space ,The
vernacular attaches the contemporary Most of the times modern buildings are
architecture to the green architecture badly designed for the existing climate
principles of constructing energy conditions leading to excessive use of
efficient buildings and the net zero self electrical equipment and energy for
sufficient buildings . maintaining the required thermal comfort
By applying these old traditional conditions in the indoors of the builtup
techniques any structure can be made area . With respect to the modern
self sufficient .The success of the climate buildings, vernacular buildings tend to be
responsive architecture is evident over more environment responsive in many
the course of its life, it has lessened the ways.
costs of utilities and maintenance. A
imperfectly designed structure that do
The basic need of human being is to be first time in a visual environment, should
protected from all natural forces that express the values of the times in which
were the major cause for facade envelope they are being created and at the same
to evolve. Seeking to get universal time this offer us a vision for the future.
solutions we reflect on to the old
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