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Online Networking: The
Advantage of Facebook to
Conduct Business in CMIS
Sto. Rosario Senior High

When a business sets its strategy, it is normally based on the assumption

it’s a piece of work that will sustain and inform their activities for several
years, with business growth and success as a core goal.
Under regular circumstances, strategic planning, when done well takes into
account many factors including economic predictions, the future trading
environment, competitor activity, technological advances, financial
projections and changing customer needs. These insights then feed into a
creative and coherent strategic plan that a company can use to move
forward confidently.
Research Design

The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey. This design is

considered apt because it enables the researcher to generate data through the

standardized collection procedures based on highly structured research instruments

and well defined study concepts and related variables. The survey methodology

was utilized to collect information from a model of Facebook to conduct a business

in CMIS Sto. Rosario senior high school. An arrangement of survey was composed

by the group of researchers to gather data and information. In the perspective of

Kumekpor “social survey may be said to be an objective, quantitative

approach to the study of the social processes within a well-defined area at a

given time through one or more institutions by means of an interview schedule, a

questionnaire, and the data thus obtained related statistically”. and Area of Study

Social review goes for seeing several particular issues at a specific time,

therefore examines the opinions of the public regarding main “social,

economic and political issues” Fraenkel et al. To enhance the reliability and

validity of the survey.

Locale of the Study

Integrated School was Located at Sto. Rosario City of Malolos, Bulacan and CMIS

was formerly Malolos Elementary School which was founded in 18th of December

year 1913, CMIS was founded in year 2012 (founded by former Ambassador

Bienvenido Tantoco Sr.) For our School ID it is a 323606 that actually see in the

id of students.

The School Name is City of Malolos Integrated School in Sto. Rosario actually the

School Name was Added and it is City of Malolos Integrated School Sto. Rosario,

Malolos City, Bulacan.

Then the Short Name or short term is called CMIS-STO.ROSARIO, the Previous

Name is Malolos Elementary School But today was already change it because

there's a high school and senior high school so the school is upgraded. The Address

of the school is Sto. Rosario, City of Malolos and the Municipality is Malolos City

and it is Region III , Province of Bulacan and it is Division of Malolos City.

For the Legislative District it is 1st District, the Curricular Class is Secondary and

the Date of Operation was in Sunday, January 01, 2012. And we discover that the

Sub-Classification is DepED Managed. The School Type of this is School with no

Annexes and the Class Organization is Monograde Telephone the fax number is

Population and samples

The locale was purposefully chosen since no research on this issue had been

undertaken in this area with similar respondents. Additionally, the researcher

chooses this subject because of the technology that exists in our day. There were

total of _ students enrolled on _ in _. If the researcher conducted survey, there will

only be a total of _ students that will be left.

In terms of the numbers you selected above, the sample size n and margin of error

E are given by

x = Z(c/100)2r(100-r)

n = N x/((N-1)E2 + x)

E = Sqrt[(N - n)x/n(N-1)]

Where N is the population size

r is the fraction of responses that you are interested in, and Z(c/100) is the critical

value for the confidence level c.

If you'd like to see how we perform the calculation, view the page source. This

calculation is based on the Normal distribution, and assumes you have more than

about 30 samples.
About Response distribution: If you ask a random sample of 10 people if they like

donuts, and 9 of them say, "Yes", then the prediction that you make about the

general population is different than it would be if 5 had said, "Yes", and 5 had said,

"No". Setting the response distribution to 50% is the most conservative

assumption. So just leave it at 50% unless you know what you're doing. The

sample size calculator computes the critical value for the normal distribution.

Wikipedia has good articles on statistics. If 50% of all the people in a population of

20000 people drink coffee in the morning, and if you were repeat the survey of 377

people ("Did you drink coffee this morning?") many times, then 95% of the time,

your survey would find that between 45% and 55% of the people in your sample

answered "Yes".

The remaining 5% of the time, or for 1 in 20 survey questions, you would expect

the survey response to more than the margin of error away from the true answer.

When you survey a sample of the population, you don't know that you've found the

correct answer, but you do know that there's a 95% chance that you're within the

margin of error of the correct answer.

Try changing your sample size and watch what happens to the alternate scenarios.

That tells you what happens if you don't use the recommended sample size, and

how M.O.E and confidence level (that 95%) are related.

Validation procedure

The study used frequency and percentage analysis with the following formula. To

solve this given problem we are require to use the given formula which is

Percentage = F(N)x100.

Percentage = F(N)×100


F = frequency

N = Population
Research Instruments

Our research instruments are chosen a questionnaire and there they are:



1. Name of the Respondents:


2. Name of school:



3. Grade & Section: __________________________

4. Age

( ) 16 ( ) 21

( ) 17 ( ) 22

( ) 18 ( ) 23

( ) 19 ( ) 24

( ) 20 ( ) 25
5. Sex/Gender

( ) Male ( ) Female

6 .Civil Status

( ) Single ( ) Taken

Part 2

What age are always using Facebook now in city of Malolos integrated school?

( ) 10. ( ) 18

( ) 11. ( ) 19

( ) 12. ( ) 20

( ) 13. ( ) 21

( ) 14. ( ) 22

( ) 15. ( ) 23

( ) 16. ( ) 24

( ) 17 ( ) 25
Part 3 :

Instructions: Essay

How can you use Facebook to conduct business despite of pandemic?

Part 4 :

Instructions: Give at least 10 popular businesses this pandemic that can be

endorsed on Facebook?

- -

- -

- _

- _
Data Gathering Procedure

To collect a primary data, we structured survey questionnaire which consist a four

major parts. For the first part which is Respondents profile that in this part is

recorded the personal identity of the respondent to the question listed. For the

Second part which is Age of always using Facebook now in CMIS Sto Rosario

senior high school is here the initial question for students or like social experience

that also if comparable it contains the list of ages of young people who are possible

at that age are already using of Facebook.

for the third part of the which is "Uses of Facebook to conduct a business" we use

to apply this question or this making essay to know what is on the minds of the

students or good causes and bad causes of it for them to know him/her mindset

regarding using Facebook. And for the last part which is “famous businesses in this

pandemic” we used this question to find out where and what businesses are similar

or often seen by students on the trending Facebook platform. The result of the

retrieve copies of the questionnaire were tabulated. Then the data were analyzed

and interpreted through the use of the most appropriate procedure.

Statistical Treatment of data

Marketing activities that would cost thousands of dollars through other channels

can be used on Facebook for a fraction of the cost. This makes it ideal for small to

medium businesses with a limited marketing budget. Larger businesses can also

trial marketing concepts and themes through Facebook before committing to

bigger campaigns. Your Facebook page is a place where you can publicize your

business name, address and contact details, and briefly describe your products and

services. You can also talk about your staff, history, or any other aspect of your

business that is likely to attract other Facebook users and create interest in what

you do. You can use Facebook to 'talk' to existing and potential customers by

posting and receiving messages. But don't use Facebook to aggressively promote

your products or services. You'll have much greater success if you share

information related to your business that is actually useful or interesting to other

users. This increases your credibility and promotes your business by building long-

term relationships with other users. For example, a veterinarian could post tips for

looking after pets, timing them according to when particular health issues arise.
You should also listen as much as you talk. Paying attention to what the market

thinks about your business, your industry, a product or a marketing campaign can

provide valuable insights. Facebook can analyze all the information that millions

of users enter into their profiles. As the owner of a business page, you can pay to

use this information to deliver targeted advertising to a specific group. Customers

can post after-sales questions on your Facebook wall, and your staff can answer

them there. This is often more efficient than staff answering phone calls, and

allows other customers to read common questions and answers without having to

approach you individually.

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