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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the

present moment." ~ Buddha

"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper
or your self-confidence." ~ Robert Frost

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." ~
Henry Ellis

"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance." ~ Will Durant

"It is not length of life, but depth of life." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Education is the movement from darkness to light." ~Allan Bloom

"It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and
friends and family." ~ Philip Green

"Life is a long lesson in humility." ~ James M. Barrie


It's a pleasure to teach (name), (he/she) has a great attitude and personality.
(name)'s knowledge of the material is excellent.
(name)'s knowledge of the material is very good.
(name)'s knowledge of the material is good.
(name)'s English skills aren't yet as good as the others in the class but (he/she)
has good potential.
(He/She) has great levels of participation in all class activities and seems to
enjoy learning English.
(He/She) always asks questions to improve (his/her) English. (He/She) needs to
overcome (his/her) shyness and speak more often.
(He/She) readily participates in class activities.
(He/She) is a polite and friendly child who always tries (his/her) best.
(He/She) is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.


(He/She) has excellent English vocabulary skills.

(He/She) has very good English vocabulary skills.
(He/She) has good English vocabulary skills.
(His/Her) vocabulary skills need a bit of work. (
His/Her) vocabulary skills still need a bit of work but they are always improving.
(His/Her) English skills in vocabulary are good, and improving.
(His/Her) English skills in vocabulary are good, and somewhat improving.
(He/She) needs to focus on (his/her) vocabulary in order to keep perfecting
(his/her) English skills. However (his/her) vocabulary still needs a lot of work.
(His/Her) vocabulary has grown and improved a lot lately (He/She) has good
vocabulary skills, but needs to practice making sentences.
(He/She) has a good vocabulary, and uses it well.
(His/Her)limited vocabulary makes it hard for (him/her) to improve in certain areas
of English.
(He/She) needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain reading

(His/Her) pronunciation is very good.
(His/Her) pronunciation is good.
(He/She) needs to focus on (his/her) pronunciation in order to keep perfecting
(his/her) English skills.
(His/Her) English skills in pronunciation are good, and somewhat improving.
(His/Her) pronunciation is pretty good but could use a little improvement.
(His/Her) pronunciation could use a little more work but it is constantly
(He/She) should try and overcome (his/her) fear of speaking. However (his/her)
pronunciation still needs a lot of work. (He/She) needs to practice the L/R sounds.

(His/Her) shyness often inhibits (his/her) ability to contribute (his/her)



He/She) finds English more challenging but has worked hard to maintain good
I think (he/she) will go on improving at a very good rate if (he/she) continues on
this track.
(He/She) is a good learner, so these skills should keep on improving rapidly.
I think that if (he/she) keeps up the good effort (he/she) has been making (he/she)
will improve consistently over time.
(With a little more effort on (his/her) part I am sure (he/she) will have much
success in (his/her) future English studies.
If (he/she) keeps up the good work (he/she) should reach excellent levels of
I am sure that (he/she) will do very well in English if (he/she) continues to do
good work as (he/she) has been doing. If (he/she) learns to focus and concentrate I
am sure (he/she) will do very well in (his/her) future English studies. I think
with (his/her) positive attitude (he/she) can make an added effort and succeed at
learning excellent English skills. I am sure (he/she) can do it.
(He/She) will surely do well in (his/her) future English studies if (he/she) keeps
up the good work and (his/her) positive attitude.
I appreciate the work that (he/she) is doing, and I know that (he/she) will do
If (he/she) applies (him/her)self, and learns to speak more, (he/she) could become
an excellent English speaker in a short time.

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