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1) Information About Avocado Juice

Avocado juice is a delicious drink and perfect for hot weather. Avocado juice is made
with blended avocado and added toppings such as chocolate milk.
2) Goal
The purpose of this procedure text is to make a delicious and attractive avocado juice to
3) Tools and materials
● Blender
● Knife
● Cutting board
● Glass
● Avocado
● Water
● Sugar
● Chocolate milk
● Ice cubes
4) How to make
1) First wash the avocado that we are going to cut
2) Then cut the avocado into pieces
3) Put the pieces of avocado into the blender
4) Add water to avocado
5) Add sugar that you want to
6) Add some ice cubes to the blender
7) Blend all the ingredients
8) Prepare a glass
9) Add chocolate milk into the glass
10) Pour the avocado juice into a glass
11) Avocado juice is ready to be enjoyed

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