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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier



Unit price (F CFA) Total price (F CFA)

N° ITEMS Units Quantities


1.2 Site installation

1.2.1 Bringing an removal of equipments from site Ls 1.00 925 000 925 000

Bringing of a container with: meeting space, storage of

1.2.2 materials, construction of a work place for steel bars, toilets Ls 1.00 2 400 000 2 400 000
as well as securitiy facilities

Temporary electrical installation for night display and

1.2.3 Ls 1.00 350 000 350 000
facilities for water

Installation, commissioning and

1.2.4 Ls 1.00 1 600 000 1 600 000
dismantling freight elevator

Mobilization, assembly, disassembly and folding of wooden

1.2.5 Ls 1.00 3 850 000 3 850 000

1.2.6 Guardian month 14.00 60 000 840 000

1.2.7 Electricity consumption month 14.00 100 000 1 400 000

1.2.8 General site layout of the project Ls 1.00 348 000 348 000

1.2.9 End site cleaning Ls 1.00 350 000 350 000

1.2.10 Building grounding Ls 1.00 125 000 125 000

Sub total: site installation 12 188 000



2.1 *Earth works (subjected to recommended geotechnical and geophysical studies)

Pit Excavations 3.65m deep for ribbed rafts on the building

2.1.1 m³ 2 044.00 3 500 7 154 000
surface (see structural plans)

2.1.2 Foundation's earth filling m³ 1 789.63 4 500 8 053 335

Supply and Installation of the compacted pozzolan

thickness. 80 cm under raft for soil consolidation and
2.1.3 m³ 320.38 12 000 3 844 508
drainage at the bottom of the excavation (according to the
indications of the structural plans)

2.1.4 Evacuations of excavated earth to a suitable place m³ 560.97 3 000 1 682 910

Subtotal: earthworks 20 734 753

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 1 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

2.2 Foundations (subjected to recommended geotechnical and geophysical studies)

2.2.1 Lean concrete

Concrete of 5m thickness at 150 kg/m3 for excavation

a m3 25.05

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 11.2725 14 000 157 815

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 22.545 23 000 518 535

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 75.15 5 500 413 325

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

e m³ 0.16032 240 000 38 477
toc nails)

Materials 1 128 152

Work force 451 261

Subtotal 1 579 413

2.2.2 Reinforced concrete for raft foundation (Béton armé pour radiers (waterproofed)

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for ribbed raft 3

a m 186.79
foundations as well as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 84.05 14 000 1 176 769

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 104.6017 23 000 2 405 839

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 149.43 23 000 3 436 913

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 1308.00 5 500 7 194 000

f Rebars kg 16 810.99 520 8 741 714

g Fastening wire Rlx 190.00 2 500 475 000

h Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 980.64 2 100 2 059 346

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

i m³ 1.195 240 000 286 908
toc nails)

Materials 25 776 488

Work force 10 310 595

Subtotal 36 087 083

2.2.3 Reinforced concrete for bottom of elevator pit (waterproof)

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for bottom of elevator

a m3 1.72
pit as well as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 0.77 14 000 10 833

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 0.963 23 000 22 148

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 1.38 23 000 31 641

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 13.00 5 500 71 500

e Rebars kg 206.35 520 107 303

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 2 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

e Fastening wire Rlx 3.00 2 500 7 500

e Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 9.03 2 100 18 959

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

f m³ 0.083 240 000 19 810
toc nails)

Materials 289 694

Work force 115 878

Subtotal 405 572

2.2.4 Reinforced concrete for pillar starters (waterproof)

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for column starter as well

a m3 24.35
as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 10.96 14 000 153 405

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 13.636 23 000 313 628

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 19.48 23 000 448 040

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 171.00 5 500 940 500

e Rebars kg 2 922.00 520 1 519 440

f Fastening wire Rlx 33.00 2 500 82 500

g Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 127.84 2 100 268 459

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 1.169 240 000 280 512
toc nails)

Materials 4 006 484

Work force 1 602 594

Subtotal 5 609 077

2.2.5 Reinforced concrete for concrete ground tighteners (waterproof)

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for conccrete tightener as 3

a m 4.97
well as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 2.24 14 000 31 298

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 2.782 23 000 63 988

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 3.97 23 000 91 411

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 35.00 5 500 192 500

e Rebars kg 596.16 520 310 003

f Fastening wire Rlx 7.00 2 500 17 500

g Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 26.08 2 100 54 772

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.238 240 000 57 231
toc nails)

Materials 818 704

Work force 327 482

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Subtotal 1 146 186

2.2.6 Reinforced concrete for concrete ground beams (waterproof)

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for ground beams as

a m3 14.91
well as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 6.71 14 000 93 912

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 8.348 23 000 191 997

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 11.93 23 000 274 281

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 105.00 5 500 577 500

e Rebars kg 1 788.79 520 930 171

f Fastening wire Rlx 21.00 2 500 52 500

g Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 78.26 2 100 164 345

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.716 240 000 171 724
toc nails)

Materials 2 456 430

Work force 982 572

Subtotal 3 439 002

2.2.7 Reinforced concrete for concrete walls of substructure

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for concrete walls of 3

a m 7.52
substructure as well as waterproofing elements

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 3.38 14 000 47 356

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 4.209 23 000 96 816

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 6.01 23 000 138 309

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 53.00 5 500 291 500

e Rebars kg 902.02 520 469 048

f Fastening wire Rlx 11.00 2 500 27 500

g Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 39.46 2 100 82 873

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.361 240 000 86 594
toc nails)

Materials 1 239 996

Work force 495 998

Subtotal 1 735 994

2.2.8 Reinforced concrete for stairs basis (waterproof)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs basis m3 0.20

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 0.09 14 000 1 266

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 0.112 23 000 2 587

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 4 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 0.16 23 000 3 696

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 2.00 5 500 11 000

e Rebars kg 20.09 520 10 446

f Fastening wire Rlx 1.00 2 500 2 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.010 240 000 2 314
toc nails)

Materials 33 809

Work force 13 524

Subtotal 47 333

2.2.9 Waterproofing at rear of substructure

Supply of bituminous products behind foundations for

a m² 230.00

b Surface preworking m² 230.00 900 207000

Supply of Flintkote around foundations, to be primed in 2

c m² 230.00 4 800 1104000

d Geocomposite membrane for waterproofing foundations m² 230.00 8 500 1955000

Materials 3 266 000

Work force 1 469 700

Subtotal 4 735 700

2.2.10 Elevations for foundations (substructure)

a Filled mortar blocks th. 20 cm on the periphery for bases m² 230

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 52 14 000 724 500

c Ciment ordinaire CPJ35 sac 302 5 500 1 660 313

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R u 2 875 420 1 207 500

Sikacem-type supply for capillarity breaking by mortar for can of 20

e 4.00 55 000 220 000
basement agglomerates litres

Materials 3 812 313

Work force 1 334 309

Subtotal 5 146 622

2.3 *Foundation raft and ground slab preparation

Soil preparation including straightening and compaction for

2.3.1 m2 390.00 200 78 000
raft foundation

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 5 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Soil preparation including straightening and compacting for 2

2.3.2 m 560.00 200 112 000

Supply and laying of coarse sand bed 05 cm thick for

2.3.3 m3 28.00 14 000 392 000

Supply and installation of 400 micron polyane film over the

2.3.4 m2 560.00 525 294 000
entire layer of sand and behind the support

Floor slab (built part and access roads) in reinforced

2.3.5 concrete dosed at 350 kg/m3 with a thickness of 12 cm m3 67.20 165 000 11 088 000
including mass waterproof

Geotechnical services, plate load and density test for

2.3.6 Ls 1.00 PM PM
verification of the filling layer (for apron)

Materials 11 964 000

Work force 4 187 400

Subtotal 16 151 400

Summary for foundations

Materials 72 260 822

Work force 19 821 612

Subtotal 92 082 434


3.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various

a m3 30.97
sections (look for structure)

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 13.94 14 000 195 105

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 17.343 23 000 398 881

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 24.78 23 000 569 830

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 217.00 5 500 1 193 500

f Rebars kg 3 096.90 520 1 610 388

g Fastening wire Rls 35.00 2 500 87 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.991 240 000 237 842
toc nails)

Materials 4 293 045

Work force 1 717 218

Subtotal 6 010 263

3.2 Elevator shaft

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m3 11.12

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 5.01 14 000 70 087

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 6.230 23 000 143 288

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.90 23 000 204 697

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 78.00 5 500 429 000

e Rebars kg 1 001.24 520 520 644

f Fastening wire Rls 12.00 2 500 30 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.356 240 000 85 439
toc nails)

Materials 1 483 155

Work force 667 420

Subtotal 2 150 575

3.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and

a m3 2.34
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.05 14 000 14 712

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.308 23 000 30 078

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 1.87 23 000 42 968

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 17.00 5 500 93 500

e Rebars kg 233.52 520 121 432

f Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.075 240 000 17 935
toc nails)

Materials 328 124

Work force 147 656

Subtotal 475 780

3.4 Stairs

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs m 2.80

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.26 14 000 17 640

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.568 23 000 36 064

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.24 23 000 51 520

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 20.00 5 500 110 000

e Rebars kg 252.00 520 131 040

f Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.108 240 000 25 805
toc nails)

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Materials 379 569

Work force 170 806

Subtotal 550 375

3.5 Beams of various sections (loof for structurals)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams m 25.71

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 11.57 14 000 161 948

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 14.395 23 000 331 093

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 20.56 23 000 472 990

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 180.00 5 500 990 000

e Rebars kg 3 084.72 520 1 604 054

f Fastening wire Rls 35.00 2 500 87 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

g m³ 0.987 240 000 236 906
toc nails)

Materials 3 884 492

Work force 1 748 022

Subtotal 5 632 514

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

3.6 *Slab deckings

Hollow deck dosed at 350 kg/m3, including beams, slabs

a and 4 cm thick compression slab reinforced with welded m² 362.00 35 700 12 923 400

Materials 12 923 400

Work force 5 169 360

Subtotal 18 092 760

3.7 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th:

a m3 8.13
20 cm

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 3.66 14 000 51 232

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 4.554 23 000 104 740

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 6.51 23 000 149 629

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 57.00 5 500 313 500

e Rebars kg 975.84 520 507 437

f Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.047 240 000 11 242
toc nails)

Materials 1 165 279

Work force 524 376

Subtotal 1 689 655

3.8 Ground floor masonry

a Blocks th. 10 cm m² 125
b Blocks th. 15 cm m² 459

c Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 26 14 000 367 684

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 153 5 500 842 609

e Vibrated blocks of 10 x 20 x 40 u 1 721 280 481 880

f Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 6 305 300 1 891 500

Materials 3 583 672

Work force 1 254 285

Subtotal 4 837 958

3.9 *Electricity and plumbing

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 250 000 250 000

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 9 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Materials 250 000

Work force 87 500

Subtotal 337 500

Summary for ground floor

Materials 28 290 737

Work force 11 486 642

Subtotal 39 777 379

Lot N°4: First floor

4.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various 3

a m 34.97
sections (look for structure)

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 15.73 14 000 220 280

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 19.580 23 000 450 349

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 27.97 23 000 643 356

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 245.00 5 500 1 347 500

f Rebars kg 3 496.50 520 1 818 180

g Fastening wire Rls 40.00 2 500 100 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 1.119 240 000 268 531
toc nails)

Materials 4 848 196

Work force 1 939 278

Subtotal 6 787 474

4.2 Elevator shaft

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m 10.22

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.60 14 000 64 404

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.725 23 000 131 670

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.18 23 000 188 100

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 72.00 5 500 396 000

f Rebars kg 920.06 520 478 429

g Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.327 240 000 78 511
toc nails)

Materials 1 364 615

Work force 614 077

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Subtotal 1 978 692

4.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and 3

a m 3.99
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.79 14 000 25 109

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 2.232 23 000 51 334

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 3.19 23 000 73 334

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 28.00 5 500 154 000

f Rebars kg 398.55 520 207 247

g Fastening wire Rls 5.00 2 500 12 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.128 240 000 30 609
toc nails)

Materials 554 132

Work force 249 359

Subtotal 803 491

4.4 Stairs

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs m 2.65

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.19 14 000 16 686

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.483 23 000 34 115

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.12 23 000 48 735

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 19.00 5 500 104 500

f Rebars kg 238.38 520 123 957

g Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.127 240 000 30 512
toc nails)

Materials 366 005

Work force 164 702

Subtotal 530 708

4.5 Beams of various sections (look for structurals)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams m 10.56

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.75 14 000 66 551

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.916 23 000 136 060

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.45 23 000 194 372

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 74.00 5 500 407 000

f Rebars kg 1 267.64 520 659 175

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Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

g Fastening wire Rls 15.00 2 500 37 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.406 240 000 97 355
toc nails)

Materials 1 598 013

Work force 719 106

Subtotal 2 317 119

4.6 *Slab deckings

Hollow deck dosed at 350 kg/m3, including beams, slabs

a and 4 cm thick compression slab reinforced with welded m² 357.20 35 700 12 752 040

Materials 12 752 040

Work force 5 100 816

Subtotal 17 852 856

4.7 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th: 3

a m 9.16
20 cm

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.12 14 000 57 703

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.129 23 000 117 970

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 7.33 23 000 168 529

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 65.00 5 500 357 500

f Rebars kg 1 099.10 520 571 534

f Fastening wire Rls 13.00 2 500 32 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

g m³ 0.053 240 000 12 662
toc nails)

Materials 1 318 398

Work force 593 279

Subtotal 1 911 678

4.8 *Masonry first floor

a Blocks th. 10 cm m² 103
b Blocks th. 15 cm m² 502

c Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 27 14 000 381 352

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 159 5 500 873 931

e Vibrated blocks of 10 x 20 x 40 u 1 415 280 396 200

f Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 6 909 300 2 072 700

Materials 3 724 182

Work force 1 303 464

Subtotal 5 027 646

4.9 *Electricity and plumbing

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 12 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 375 100 375 100

Materials 375 100

Work force 131 285

Subtotal 506 385

Summary for first floor

Materials 26 900 683

Work force 10 815 367

Subtotal 37 716 050


5.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various

a m3 34.97
sections (look for structure)

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 15.73 14 000 220 280

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 19.580 23 000 450 349

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 27.97 23 000 643 356

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 245.00 5 500 1 347 500

f Rebars kg 3 496.50 520 1 818 180

g Fastening wire Rls 40.00 2 500 100 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 1.119 240 000 268 531
toc nails)

Materials 4 848 196

Work force 1 939 278

Subtotal 6 787 474

5.2 Elevator shaft

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m3 10.22

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.60 14 000 64 404

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.725 23 000 131 670

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.18 23 000 188 100

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 72.00 5 500 396 000

f Rebars kg 920.06 520 478 429

g Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.327 240 000 78 511
toc nails)

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 13 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Materials 1 364 615

Work force 614 077

Subtotal 1 978 692

5.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and

a m3 3.99
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.79 14 000 25 109

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 2.232 23 000 51 334

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 3.19 23 000 73 334

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 28.00 5 500 154 000

f Rebars kg 398.55 520 207 247

g Fastening wire Rls 5.00 2 500 12 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.128 240 000 30 609
toc nails)

Materials 554 132

Work force 249 359

Subtotal 803 491

5.4 Stairs

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs m 2.65

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.19 14 000 16 686

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.483 23 000 34 115

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.12 23 000 48 735

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 19.00 5 500 104 500

f Rebars kg 238.38 520 123 957

g Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.127 240 000 30 512
toc nails)

Materials 366 005

Work force 164 702

Subtotal 530 708

5.5 Beams of various sections (look for structurals)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams m 10.56

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.75 14 000 66 551

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.916 23 000 136 060

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.45 23 000 194 372

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 14 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 74.00 5 500 407 000

f Rebars kg 1 267.64 520 659 175

g Fastening wire Rls 15.00 2 500 37 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.406 240 000 97 355
toc nails)

Materials 1 598 013

Work force 719 106

Subtotal 2 317 119

5.6 *Slab deckings

Hollow deck dosed at 350 kg/m3, including beams, slabs

a and 4 cm thick compression slab reinforced with welded m² 357.20 35 700 12 752 040

Materials 12 752 040

Work force 5 100 816

Subtotal 17 852 856

5.7 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th:

a m3 9.16
20 cm

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.12 14 000 57 703

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.129 23 000 117 970

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 7.33 23 000 168 529

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 65.00 5 500 357 500

f Rebars kg 1 099.10 520 571 534

f Fastening wire Rls 13.00 2 500 32 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

g m³ 0.053 240 000 12 662
toc nails)

Materials 1 318 398

Work force 593 279

Subtotal 1 911 678

5.8 Second floor masonry

a Blocks th. 10 cm m² 103
b Blocks th. 15 cm m² 502

c Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 27 14 000 381 352

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 159 5 500 873 931

e Vibrated blocks of 10 x 20 x 40 u 1 415 280 396 200

f Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 6 909 300 2 072 700

Materials 3 724 182

Work force 1 303 464

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 15 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Subtotal 5 027 646

5.9 *Electricity and plumbing

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 375 100 375 100

Materials 375 100

Work force 131 285

Subtotal 506 385

Summary for second floor

Materials 26 900 683

Work force 10 815 367

Subtotal 37 716 050

Phase N°6: Third floor

6.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various 3

a m 15.17
sections (look for structure)

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 6.83 14 000 95 601

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 8.498 23 000 195 452

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 12.14 23 000 279 217

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 107.00 5 500 588 500

f Rebars kg 1 517.48 520 789 090

g Fastening wire Rls 18.00 2 500 45 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.486 240 000 116 543
toc nails)

Materials 2 109 402

Work force 843 761

Subtotal 2 953 163

6.2 Elevator shaft

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m 10.22

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.60 14 000 64 404

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.725 23 000 131 670

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.18 23 000 188 100

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 72.00 5 500 396 000

f Rebars kg 920.06 520 478 429

g Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 16 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.327 240 000 78 511
toc nails)

Materials 1 364 615

Work force 614 077

Subtotal 1 978 692

6.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and 3

a m 3.99
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.79 14 000 25 109

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 2.232 23 000 51 334

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 3.19 23 000 73 334

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 28.00 5 500 154 000

f Rebars kg 398.55 520 207 247

g Fastening wire Rls 5.00 2 500 12 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.128 240 000 30 609
toc nails)

Materials 554 132

Work force 249 359

Subtotal 803 491

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 17 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

6.4 Stairs

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs m 2.65

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.19 14 000 16 686

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.483 23 000 34 115

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.12 23 000 48 735

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 19.00 5 500 104 500

f Rebars kg 238.38 520 123 957

g Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.102 240 000 24 410
toc nails)

Materials 359 903

Work force 161 956

Subtotal 521 859

6.5 Beams of various sections (look for structurals)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams m 10.56

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.75 14 000 66 551

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.916 23 000 136 060

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.45 23 000 194 372

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 74.00 5 500 407 000

f Rebars kg 1 267.64 520 659 175

g Fastening wire Rls 15.00 2 500 37 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.406 240 000 97 355
toc nails)

Materials 1 598 013

Work force 719 106

Subtotal 2 317 119

6.6 *Slab deckings

Hollow deck dosed at 350 kg/m3, including beams, slabs

a and 4 cm thick compression slab reinforced with welded m² 357.20 35 700 12 752 040

Materials 12 752 040

Work force 5 100 816

Subtotal 17 852 856

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 18 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

6.7 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th: 3

a m 9.16
20 cm

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.12 14 000 57 703

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.129 23 000 117 970

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 7.33 23 000 168 529

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 65.00 5 500 357 500

f Rebars kg 1 099.10 520 571 534

g Fastening wire Rls 13.00 2 500 32 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.053 240 000 12 662
toc nails)

Materials 1 318 398

Work force 593 279

Subtotal 1 911 678

6.8 Third floor masonry

a Blocks th. 10 cm m² 103
b Blocks th. 15 cm m² 502

c Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 27 14 000 381 352

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 159 5 500 873 931

e Vibrated blocks of 10 x 20 x 40 u 1 415 280 396 200

f Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 6 909 300 2 072 700

Materials 3 724 182

Work force 1 303 464

Subtotal 5 027 646

6.9 *Electricity and plumbing

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 375 100 375 100

Materials 375 100

Work force 131 285

Subtotal 506 385

Summary for third floor

Materials 24 155 787

Work force 9 717 104

Subtotal 33 872 890

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 19 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Phase N°7: Fourth floor

7.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various

a m3 15.17
sections (look for structure)

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 6.83 14 000 95 601

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 8.498 23 000 195 452

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 12.14 23 000 279 217

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 107.00 5 500 588 500

f Rebars kg 1 517.48 520 789 090

g Fastening wire Rls 18.00 2 500 45 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.486 240 000 116 543
toc nails)

Materials 2 109 402

Work force 843 761

Subtotal 2 953 163

7.2 Elevator shaft

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m3 10.22

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.60 14 000 64 404

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.725 23 000 131 670

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.18 23 000 188 100

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 72.00 5 500 396 000

f Rebars kg 920.06 520 478 429

g Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.327 240 000 78 511
toc nails)

Materials 1 364 615

Work force 614 077

Subtotal 1 978 692

7.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and 3

a m 3.99
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.79 14 000 25 109

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 2.232 23 000 51 334

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 3.19 23 000 73 334

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 28.00 5 500 154 000

f Rebars kg 398.55 520 207 247

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 20 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

g Fastening wire Rls 5.00 2 500 12 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.128 240 000 30 609
toc nails)

Materials 554 132

Work force 249 359

Subtotal 803 491

7.4 Stairs

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for stairs m 2.65

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.19 14 000 16 686

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.483 23 000 34 115

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.12 23 000 48 735

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 19.00 5 500 104 500

f Rebars kg 238.38 520 123 957

g Fastening wire Rls 3.00 2 500 7 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.102 240 000 24 410
toc nails)

Materials 359 903

Work force 161 956

Subtotal 521 859

7.5 Beams of various sections (look for structurals)

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams m3 10.04

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.52 14 000 63 224

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.620 23 000 129 257

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.03 23 000 184 653

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 71.00 5 500 390 500

f Rebars kg 1 204.26 520 626 216

g Fastening wire Rls 14.00 2 500 35 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.385 240 000 92 487
toc nails)

Materials 1 521 338

Work force 684 602

Subtotal 2 205 940

7.6 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs (waterproof)

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th:

a m3 89.30
20 cm

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 21 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 40.19 14 000 562 604

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 50.009 23 000 1 150 212

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 71.44 23 000 1 643 160

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 626.00 5 500 3 443 000

f Rebars kg 10 716.26 520 5 572 457

g Fastening wire Rls 121.00 2 500 302 500

h Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 468.84 2 100 984 557

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

i m³ 0.514 240 000 123 451
toc nails)

Materials 13 781 942

Work force 6 201 874

Subtotal 19 983 816

7.7 Fourth floor masonry

a Blocks th. 10 cm m² 103
b Blocks th. 15 cm m² 502

c Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 27 14 000 381 352

d Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 159 5 500 873 931

e Vibrated blocks of 10 x 20 x 40 u 1 415 280 396 200

f Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 6 909 300 2 072 700

Materials 3 724 182

Work force 1 303 464

Subtotal 5 027 646

7.8 *Electricity and plumbing

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 375 100 375 100

Materials 375 100

Work force 131 285

Subtotal 506 385

Summary of fouth floor

Materials 23 790 614

Work force 10 190 378

Subtotal 33 980 993

Phase N°8: Roof terrace

8.1 Columns for elevations

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for columns of various 3

a m 1.00
sections (look for structure)

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 22 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 0.45 14 000 6 294

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 0.559 23 000 12 867

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 0.80 23 000 18 382

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 7.00 5 500 38 500

f Rebars kg 99.90 520 51 948

g Fastening wire Rls 2.00 2 500 5 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.048 240 000 11 508
toc nails)

Materials 144 499

Work force 57 800

Subtotal 202 298

8.2 Elevator shaft

a Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for elevator shaft m 10.22

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 4.60 14 000 64 404

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 5.725 23 000 131 670

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 8.18 23 000 188 100

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 72.00 5 500 396 000

f Rebars kg 920.06 520 478 429

g Fastening wire Rls 11.00 2 500 27 500

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.327 240 000 78 511
toc nails)

Materials 1 364 615

Work force 614 077

Subtotal 1 978 692

8.3 Lintels, tighteners and bay support

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for lintels, tighteners and

a m3 2.78
bay support

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 1.25 14 000 17 514

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 1.557 23 000 35 806

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 2.22 23 000 51 152

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 20.00 5 500 110 000

f Rebars kg 278.00 520 144 560

g Fastening wire Rls 4.00 2 500 10 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 0.089 240 000 21 350
toc nails)

Materials 390 383

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 23 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

Work force 175 672

Subtotal 566 055

8.4 Beams of various sections (look for structurals), spoilers and way of technical sheath

Reinforced conrete of 350 kg/m3 for beams, spoilers and 3

a m 114.86
way of technical sheath

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 51.69 14 000 723 633

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 64.323 23 000 1 479 427

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 91.89 23 000 2 113 467

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 805.00 5 500 4 427 500

f Rebars kg 13 783.48 520 7 167 409

g Fastening wire Rls 156.00 2 500 390 000

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

h m³ 4.411 240 000 1 058 571
toc nails)

Materials 17 360 006

Work force 7 812 003

Subtotal 25 172 009

8.5 Reinforced concrete for plain slabs (waterproof)

Reinforced concrete slab of 350 kg/m3 for plain slab th:

a m3 23.76
20 cm

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 10.69 14 000 149 688

c Quarry gravel 5/15 ton 13.306 23 000 306 029

d Gravier de carrière 15/25 ton 19.01 23 000 437 184

e Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R bag 167.00 5 500 918 500

f Rebars kg 2 851.20 520 1 482 624

g Fastening wire Rls 33.00 2 500 82 500

h Waterproofing type Sika Hydrofuge FC or similar litres 124.74 2 100 261 954

Work accessories (formwork wood, boxes of ordinary and

i m³ 0.137 240 000 32 846
toc nails)

Materials 3 671 325

Work force 1 652 096

Subtotal 5 323 421

8.6 Roof floor masonry

a Blocks th. 15 cm m² 70

b Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 3 14 000 44 056

c Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R sac 18 5 500 100 961

d Vibrated blocks of 15 x 20 x 40 u 962 300 288 600

Screed masonry th 2.0cm on roof terrace slab with some

e m³ 8.76

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 24 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier

f Fine sand 0/2 m³ 3.51 13 500 47 322

g Sanaga sand 0/5 m³ 7.01 14 000 98 149

h Classical cement dangoté/Cimaf 42,5R sac 52 5 500 286 000

Materials 865 088

Work force 302 781

Subtotal 1 167 869

8.7 *Electricity and plumbing

a Wall reservations for piping Ls 1.00 38 000 38 000

Materials 38 000

Work force 13 300

Subtotal 51 300

Summary of roof terrace

Materials 23 833 916

Work force 10 627 728

Subtotal 34 461 644

station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 25 of 26

Architecture, Construction, rénovation, aménagement intérieur, mobilier, immobilier



GENERAL TOTAL 321 795 441

The present invoice is fixed at F CFA:



station Neptune Yassa, Douala, Cameroun 26 of 26

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