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The student did well today.

He listened attentively and participated well in the discussion.

He was very cooperative in the class today. He also obeyed or followed corrections
very well.

He showed good attitude during the class. He has good comprehension skills.

He was very attentive and tried his best to participate in the class / activity.

He was very attentive today. His effort are there in answering all the questions
that has been asked to.

The did well in the class. He was able to comprehend instructions given. He was
open corrections.

He is a good student. He listens carefully to all the instructions / questions


He did pretty good today. He was able to understand the topic that we discuss.

He did well in the class today. He was able to understand the lesson

He was well behave during the class. He was focus and participated well in our
class discussion / lesson.

He participated well in the class today. He answered all the questions that has
been given.

The student was good in the class. But he needs to participate in the class.

He was able to follow the lesson and the teacher's instructions.

He did well in the activity that we had he tried his best to answer questions

He did quite good but he's having a hard time understanding my questions and

He was very confident in giving out his answers.

He is able to follow and comprehend today's lesson.

You were able to participate in our class today. You tried your best to understand
the lesson.

He answers the questions in the best way that he can.He actively participated in
our discussion.

He is polite and behave in class.He has eagerness to learn.

He pays attention in class and is well-behaved.He is participative.It's a pleasure

to teach him.

The student did well today.He was very participative and has good listening skills
so he didn�t need to have the questions repeated several times.

his enthusiasm in learning English is very evident

The student was very polite and attentive as well.

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