Cursed Classes

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Cursep ers i See you tty transform, r ote alte trey TC) PUTA Nn CURSED CLASSES VER. 1.6 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TRANSFORM CURSED AFFLICTIONS INTO COMPELLING ADVENTURERS By ALex CLIPpPINGER, BRYAN HOLMES, RYAN Laner, JAcos 8. KELLoae, ASHLEY May, Isaac A. L. May, AND MATTHEW WHITBY Eprrme By Kayta Bayens, Lavour By ASHLEY May, Cover py DANA BRAGA DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries, ‘This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. 1, free tool provided by [vel This work was assembled using The G)) All other original material in this: work is copyright 2020 by Alex Clippinger, Bryan Holmes, Ryan Langr, Jacob S. Kellogg, Ashley May, Isaac A. L. May, and Matthew Whitby and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild LC - REVENANT Creating A Revenant... BECOMING CURSED Multiclassiny Cursed Doesn't Mean Evi ‘Alignment Shifting for Fun and Profi Cursed Doesn't Mean Grimdac! ROUTE OF THE AVENGER. Route or THE UMBRAGED.. Aging Under A Curse. Route or THe Drownep. Bounp SPIRIT ° WAMPIRE = ‘Creating A Bound Spirit. Creating A Vampire. Patu oF THE DARK MASTER PATH OF THE DAYWALKER... PATH OF THE ALP _. BACKGROUNDS bs: ‘Arcane Apprentice wm» PATHWAY OF THE OMNISGI} PATHWAY OF THE WASTES. LYCANTHROPE a ‘Creating A Lycanthrope CALLING OF THE WEREBEAR ‘CALLING OF THE WEREBOAI CALLING OF THE WERERAT... ‘CALLING OF THE WERETIGE! ‘CALLING OF THE WEREAPE__. CALLING OF THE WEREWOLF. ‘CALLING OF THE WERERAVEN...... CaLLine oF THE WerEcrocopite...‘3. BECOMING CURSED he process of becoming a cursed class varies widely: Whether someone is bitten, resurrected, marked, infected, overgrown, o in bb _/ some other way afflicted, docant necessarily matter from a mechanical standpoint. What satters is that the curse has now become a part of them and what happens next will impact their growth, Not all curses show their full effects instantaneously. Someone bitten by a Iyeanthrope ‘or vampire might feel alright for a little while, whereas someone whose soul has been ripped out ‘of their body and put into a suit of armor is going, to immediately take notice. For players and ‘Dungeon Masters this has a significant impact on when and how a level ina new cursed class is taken, For classes that may be steadily transformative such as the vampire, lycanthrope, or floraspawn, some time may pass between when they become afflicted with the curse and when it takes hold. ‘Mechanically speaking, it means that they won't ‘immediately gain a level in their new cursed class but instead, they will gain that level the next time they would level up. Once they have received their level their curse can manifest fully, As it turns out, they weren't “alright after all, For classes that change more dramatically or abruptly, the new cursed class level should be taken immediately. Ideally 2 Dungeon Master can ‘ime this event to occur when everyone would naturally gain a level However, Dungeons & Dragons organic game and situations arent always ideal If it's an inappropriate time to gain a level either because the party is tracking experience points or because few significant events have happened since the-last milestone was passed it might be a good time to work out a deal ‘with the afflicted player. For example, they may “advance” on their level, taking their new cursed class level early and foregoing the next Jevel-up when they reach the appropriate milestone. Communication is key when planning a cursed ‘lass. These class options generally involve a high degree of outside influence on an adventurer. One does not simply decide to “take a level in Woad Warrior” without a narrative reason. Likewise, these classes are not things that should ever be forced on.a player. If an adventurer was bitten by a vampire and their player hadn't already expressed an interest in taking levels in the vampire class, then it’s time for the DM and player to discuss the matter away from the table. Ifthe player wishes to multiclass into vampire, so be it, but if they don't ‘want to interrupt their current feveling path it's up to the DM to determine an alternate route for them to either be cured, or instead show signs of ‘vampirism as described in the vampire and vampire spawn stat blocks. MULTICLASSING To qualify for a new class you must meet the abiliry score prerequisites for both your current class and ‘your new one, as shown in the Multiclassing Prerequisites table. For example, a barbarian who decides to multiclass into the druid class must have both Strength and Wisdom scores of 13 or higher. Without the full training that a beginning ‘character receives you must be a quick study in ‘your new class, having a natural aptitude that is reflected by higher-than-average ability scores. MULTICLASSING PREREQUISITES Class Ability Score Minimum Bound Spirit Strength 13 Floraspawn Constitution 13 or Strength 13 Lich Intelligence 13 Lycanthrope Constitution 13 Revenant Wisdom 13 Vampire Charisma 13 Cursep Dorsn’r MEAN EvIL ‘Generally speaking mast vampires, werewolves, and liches you encounter will be of the evil ‘persuasion. Its not too difficult to understand why. In order to survive in a world that would consider you an abomination, you have to be willing to selfishly prioritize your strength and growth over the wellbeing of others. Though its entirely possible to be a vampire of good alignment who doesn't steal the blood of other sentient creatures 40 survive, they seldom grow to the power of a ‘vampire lord before they're overtaken by the angry mob that heard there was an undead creature in ‘their midst. However, adventurers are not ordinary people. Whether an adventurer is inflicted with their curse well into their career, or their life adventurer is set into motion by the curse they have receivedL they are not required to walk a narrow path. Even when the urge to feed or bunt is strong, they have the potential to be stronger in order to control the primal senses within them. They have the power to tell their owen story, rather than letting themselves be swallowed whole by their curse. Consider the ways a curse will and won't change ‘your character: A werewolf in the wild is a ‘werewolf, first and foremost. However, an adventurer with lyeanthropy is still at their core the person they always were. Their curse will Present new challenges, but their entire lives da not suddenly become engulfed by the affliction. They will likely still hold onto the goals, dreams, and aspirations they held before, perhaps even more tightly: Tue Goop Bounp Spirit Tobecome a bound spirit is the ultimate out of body experience. Though most golems ‘encountered in the wild may be hostile or at least highly territorial this is by their design and not their nature. Many souls are bound to inorganic ‘containers in order ta allow them to be better guardians. Some are placed in vessels as the highest form of dedication to their vows, while ‘others are foreed into these constructs against their will ‘An adventurer can still hold tightly to whatever goals and pledges were sworn in life before becoming a bound spirit. While some may view their curse as precisely that, others may look at their potentially ageless forms and see a blessing. Becoming a bound spirit may have even been their ‘own idea. THe Goop FLORASPAWN Nature beyond the influence and corruption of cothers is generally a peaceful and neutral entity: At its most primal level, nature ony wishes to ‘continue its own existence, which is no different from most humanoid creatures. While this may ‘sometimes result in man-eating plants or ‘organisms that reproduce by taking over the body ‘of.a host, its important to remember that their intent is not evil or to do harm simply for the sake ‘oft. Becoming a floraspawn of any nature shouldnt have an active impact on the alignment of an adventurer. The natural urge of any floraspawn is, ‘simply to survive. If anything, becoming more attuned to nature may draw a creature more closely to the ideas of law and neutrality as they gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Tue Goon Lich ‘Good people generally don't become liches of their ‘own accord Lichdom, unfortunately, requires feeding on the souls of reasonably intelligent living ‘creatures in order to fuel one's own survival and growth of power. That being said, cursed classes often come as curses, and a lich may not have ever ‘wanted to become a lich in the first place. How they choose to react to this change determines the ‘kind of person that they are rather than the affliction itselé, The selection of targets can have a lot ta do with separating the good fiches from the bad! liches, Rather than simply taking any soul available, the lich may be picky and only take the souls of people who are demonstrably evil or who seek to do harm to others. The lich fueled by the souls of evil cultists and murderous bandits may be a far kinder lich than one who takes their souls wherever they find them. THe Goop LYcANTHROPE ‘There are two kinds of lycanthropes in the wor those who struggle against the murderous urges of their curse and only transform once a month, generally blacking out for the event, and there are those who give in fully to it and relish it. Many ycanthropes encountered in the wild are decidedly evil, not solely as an effect of their curse but because they choose net ro fight their primal instincts to hunt and kill Their willingness or even Joy in viciously killing and consuming others is ‘what leads them down the path of evil Adventurers, however, tend to be made of tougher stuffthan other folks. An adventurer can ‘put in the effort to control their curse rather than either ignoring it or letting it control them. An adventurer inflicted with lyeanthropy may always feel as though a vicious beast is lingering, stalking at the etlges of their mind just waiting fora ‘momentto pounce and take over. Iris the adventurer’s job to chain that beast. Tur Goop REVENANT Revenants walking the world are neutral creatures by nature, Their goals tend not to be good or evil but instead single-mindedly driven toward revenge and pushed by the dwindling sands in the hourglass of their lives, With only one year to carry out their vengeance, some revenants may appear evil in nature simply because they are willing to do. whatever is necessary to complete their task. ‘However, an adventurer who has been restored to life (or unlife, as it were) is nat necessarily bound to the same strict rules as your average revenant. Their desire to continue forward and accomplish their goals leftincomplete may have, ess to do with killing their murderer and more to do with dismantling the social systems that created them, These are not goals that can be accomplished quickly by killing one person, and reckless behavior may not hetp them achieve that goal. Furthermore, adventurer revenants have less tenuous ties ta the world, and without the press of one-year time limit they can focus on how to do things properly rather than quickly. THE Goop VAMPIRE Inside the belly, nay, the soul of every vampire les ahunger that constantly gnaws at them, Vampires endlessly hunger for the life that they have lost and sate that hunger by feastingon the blood of the living, The very nature of vampirism has the ability to twist the minds and hearts of those affticted with its curse, and they may be more drawn to feed. on people who embody the life they've lost rather than simply to feed for the sake of sustenance, ‘This twisted nature can be resisted by strong hearts and great difficulty. A vampire does not necessarily have to feed on a sentient creature when a captured sheep or deer will sate their hunger just as well Like the lich, a vampire may be selective of their targets and deign evil creatures to be more suitable prey than innocents, ALIGNMENT SHIFTING For Fun Anp Prorir ‘Though changing one’s alignment isn't required when being inflicted by a curse, that doesnt mean that a character can't experience these changes. ‘Remember, however, that vampirism itself does ‘not causes person to become evil When a character's alignment shifts after receiving their affliction, it has more to do with their own ‘worldview becoming altered by the change they have endured Feeling as though they are being hhunted by those who have no-interest in how good a person they are, or as though they are hated or feared by people who refuse to understand can drive a ance kind person to become selfish and isolated for the sake of self-preservation. Alternatively, an adventurer who once. walked on darker paths may view their affliction as an awakening of sorts. Many curses come at life-or- death moments, when a person survives an event ‘that could easily have killed them but instead they walk away changed. This brash with mortality may ‘cause some people to examine their lives from a different perspective, and consider the way they ‘treat others. ‘Acshift in one’s heart comes slowly and steadily and is not something that should be rushed CursED DoESN’T MEAN GRIMDARK The idea of becoming afflicted with a curse tends to-conjure up dark imagery of one suffering and struggling against foul external forces that seek to ‘corrupt them. Many cursed classes invalve a variety of dark subjects like drinking the blood of the living, stealing souls, seeking vengeance, or being bound to 2 cold and ageless shell Curses are seldom positive things. However, adventurers make a habit of turning seldom occurrences into their daily norms. Their lives consistently revalve around bizarre coincidences, millenniaold prophecies, and chosen ones. Just because becoming a revenant means taking on a solemn and restless duty for most people doesn't mean an adventurer needs to become bogged down by it, Nothing in the vampire class description says that they have a daily broading requirement, Different adventures and campaigns have different moods, and the introduction of cursed classes doesiit necessarily mean that your upbeat and sunny campaign has to suddenly take a turn for the dark side. Take this time to consider the humor that could be found in these conditions. Perhaps the party falls under attack by a group of goblins who think the Spore Savant would make fora really goad soup. AGING UNDER A CURSE ‘Stories of vampires and liches living for thousands ‘of years have permeated the realms since time immemorial There is some truth to the immortality of chase living under a curse, but there -are alsa some myths that must be dispelled ‘Immortality is one of the end goals for many of those under these curses, however, there is always aprice for lengthening one's life. ‘One should think of the addition of a curse as a change in the way the body functions, in many ‘cases the mind of a creature will stay the same ‘especially if their will is strong. The spirit may dislike its new trappings and it’s far more likely that the cursed will die in some gruesome way rather than of old age. Still the concept of aging is a complex one that must be addressed. Bound spirits are more likely to go mad within their shells then they are to be lost to rust and failings. Being unable to fully feel or experience ‘the workd around them does something that can drive them to ever more drastic means to feel. Each of the forms the bound spirit takes has its ‘awn maintenance and iftaken care of they may live for hundreds of years. There is.a limit to what ‘the mind can take though and many let themselves: go when their spirit tells them to, often when they seach the mortality of their original body. Floraspawn differ in their immortality. A Spore ‘Savant has died once already and they generally see no change in lifespan. Vegepeople can extend their lives somewhat through the use of their photosynthesis, but almost all of them age as normal. Woad Warriors are a special exce ption for when they are about to die, they may instead fully give in to their transformation and become Wood Woads meant to protect their home forest. ‘The goal of manya lich is to continue well after the body would perish. Liches are supplied with power and life through their phylactery and with proper care, they do not have a limit on their age. Effects that age a lich are ineffective as part of their very being is suspended elsewhere. Lycanthropes see no real difference in aging even if they become more hearty, their bodies still remain as the race they once were, The process of changing forms withers any extended longevity they may have seen, Reventants remain in the world only due to their curse. Having been once dead already they no longer age within their reclaimed flesh. The unchained revenants described in these pages choose to rest when they believe their work is finally done and not a day before then. They cannot be aged through any magical means. ‘Vampires continue to live as long as they continue to feed. A well-fed vampire has no mits for how long it may live. Also, much like the revenant, ifs form is locked in and ages na longer. Vampires respond to being aged through magie with extreme hunger, they must feed quickly to nourish their bodies when exposed to such effects, Bounp Spirit They stare down, eyes peering across what was once their body as it stares back at them, lifeless. A whirl of magic covers their spectral form, urging them towards the suit of armor standing idle in the corner of the room. Her next waking memory is from within the suit of armor, she feels the ability to move and speak return. Yet she fecls trapped, bound to this form of steel. Bodies are flawed. Each person has few strengths, but they're habbled by weak and superfluous parts. A dwarf he stitches the last limb into place. His awn body has served enough of a purpose. The blood-soaked tome that sits on his desk was simple enough to follow. He should be able to: move his spirit into this new perfect form without issuc. One spell later, the cackling is replaced with a burst of booming Jaughter, as he lives once more! Deep within a sacred temple, death need not be the end of the faithful The most sacred of artefacts require a.constant guard one that humanoid bodies simply cannot accomplish. As she mutters ane last prayer nodding to the priest before lifting, hher gaze to the looming stone golem. It be her new body. One without the need to sleep, eat or drink. The perfect defender, No matter how their spirit came to be bound, they are forced into forms that are far from their normal ones. It can take weeks, even years to adjust to the feeling of being trapped in an obj Whether they see it as a blessing or a curse, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities, TRAPPED SOULS Once 4 humanoid soul all bound spirits have been trapped to a physical form without the ability to return to their body or be resurrected traditionally. Regardless of how they were bound be it through @ blood vow, curse, or binding contract they all share the same fate. It should be reiterated though that for some being a trapped sou! is a curse, whereas for others it is.a blessing of the highest order, MAny SHAPES AND SIZES Spirits ean be bound to just about anything. From everyday objects such as rugs or swords, to spectalised containers such as phylacteries.or soul jars. There is however a tendency to bind a spirit to humanoid-shaped forms mostly to serve as servants or guards. Most creators of bound spirits are surprised to discover the agency that the spirit still has rather than being instantly enslaved to their every whim bound spirits can learn and master thelr new forms with time. Once a soul finds itself in its new shell, there is a magical equivalent of homeostasis where the spirit unconsciously desires to return to the form it once was. This results in the soul's magnificent ability to alter the body to match the racial traits they: ‘once held previously, to “earry on as normal" despite the newshape they take. As you create a Bound Spirit the most important question is how and shy your character's sou was trapped inside the body of choice. While it has tbeen stated that their soul is trapped your character may have been perfectly willing to place their soul inside a golem to carry out a sacred vows or to prolong their own life, Alternatively, if they were bound by someone else answering some ‘of these questions can help flesh out your character: Who were they? Why were they creating kolems? How did they know your character? What are their motives? Did they expect your character to be a mindless slave? Quiex Bun You can make a bound spirit quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength or Constitution your highest ability score depending ‘on whether you want to focus on crushing or on withstanding heavy hits. Your nexthighest score should be Wisdom, or Intelligence if you plan to adopt the Suit of Armor archetype. Second, choose the acolyte background, THE BOUND SPIRIT Proficiency Essence Level “Bonus” Features Points Bound Body, Vt 42 Constructed Nature | — and +2 Will of the Soul 3 3rd +2 Body Augmentation = 3 Ability Seore 4th +2 Imprdvement z Soul Ese: Sth 43 oo led Nature 4 oy faites, 7th +3. Bound Body feature 5 Ability Score sth +3 improvement $ 9th +4“ Body Augmentation 5 Ability Score Lal ed improvement € Constructed Nature Vth +4 Ode} 6 Ability Score Vath odfnprorement 6 Vth 45 = 7 14th +5 Bound Body feature? 1Sth 45 Body Augmentation 8 Ability Sc Voth 45 improvement 8 Constructed Nature th +6 Fag 8 18th 6 Bound Body feature 9 Ability Score 19th 46 inom 9 20th +6 ~—_Indomitable Spirit 9 CLass FEATURES ‘Asa bound spirit, you gain the following class features. Hrr Ports Hit Dice: 1412 per bound spirit Level Hit Points at 1st Level: 12+ your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 112 (or 7)+ your Constitution modifier per bound spirit level after the Ist PROFICIENGIES Armor: None Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Tools: Mason's tools, tiaker's tools, one type of artisan’s tools of your choice ‘Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, and Reli Equipment ‘You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: * (a) a martial weapon or (b) any two simple weapons * (@) two light hammers or (b) any simple weapon + (a) adungeoneer's pack, (b) an explorer’s pack or (¢) ascholar's pack Bounp Bony Choose a body to be bound to which describes what your soul has been trapped inside: Suit of Armor, Flesh Golem, or Stone Golem. All three are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at Ast level and again at 7th, 14th, and 18th level Constru NaTuRE A spirit bound in a body doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. In addition, as an action you may make a Slam attack. This melec weapon attack deals 148-+ your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. This increases to 248 at Sth level, 348: at Lith fevel, and 448 at 17th level ‘WILL OF THE SOUL AL2nd level. you tap into the willpower that resides withia your soul This willpower is represented by essence points which can be used to-enhance certain abilities. EssENcE Pornts You have 3 essence points, and you gain more as you reach higher levels as shown in the Essence Points column of the Bound Spirit table. You can never have more essence points than shown on the table for your level. You regain all essence points when you finish a long rest. You can spend essence points to gain the following benefits: ‘Cost Speed 1 Reaction You may nee result of an You may increase the a ofan 2. Reaction Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw by 2 ‘You may regain 7 hit dice. Until you finish your next long rest, you may increase your aves or eas gain advantage 3. Reaction seo taig eoat et 3° Action 3° Action Bopy AUGMENTATION At 3rd level you gain the ability to augment the body your soul is trapped inside as you desire. You gain twoof the following Body Augmentation options of your choice. You gain another st 9th and 15th level ADDITIONAL ARMS Prerequisite: Flesh Golem or Stone Golem You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn. ANIMATED FACE ‘You gain the ability te animate your face to speak and make facial expressions. You gain proficiency in either Persuasion or Intimidation. Berserk As bonus action you may choose to go berserk, attacking the nearest enemy creature you can see. If n0 enemy is near enough to move to and attack, you instead attack the nearest object. While berserk, you deal an additional 16 damage to all melee weapon attacks. Once you become berserk, you continue to do so until no more enemies are visible. Damace ResisTANCcE You may choose one of the following types of damage; bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. You gain resistance to all damage of that type not made from magical or adamantine weapons. Darxvision ‘You gain darkvision of 120 feet ELEMENTAL ABSORPTION You may choose one of the following types of damage; acid, lightning, fire, poison, or cold. When you take damage of that type you take no damage and instead regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This feature can be used only ‘once per short rest FALSE APPEARANCE Prerequisite: Stone Golem or Suitaf armor ‘While you remain motionless, you become indistinguishable from a statue or suit of armor, Tnaaurasie Foru You become immune to any spell or effect that would alter your form, Maaicat Fists Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and imeunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. ‘MAGICAL RESISTANCE Prerequisite; Flesh Golem or Suit of Armor ‘You may as a reaction choose to gain advantage ‘on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, This feature can be used only once per short rest. REINFORCEMENT Prerequisite: Suit of Armor ‘You gain « +2 bonus to your AC. Stow Prerequisite: Stone Golem You may target one creature you can see 10 feet, You may cast the slow spell targeting them, with a Wisdom spell save DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus. + your Intelligence modifier. ‘This feature can be used only once per short re: Two Heaps Prerequisite: Flesh Golem You gain advantage on Wiselom (Perception) checks. UNBLINKING You gain immunity to the blinded condition ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th level and again at 6th, Sth, 12th, 16th, and 19th level you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores. of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead Sout Escarr (AL Sth level you gain the ability to temporarily leave your bound body. As. an action you ean detach your soul from your body, for up to 10 minutes. While outside of your body the body ceases to move, After the duration is finished your soul is trapped back inside your body. AAs a'soul, you have incorpereal movement allowing you to move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You have a fly (haver) mpeed of 40 feet. You take 1410 force damage if you end your turn inside an object, In addition, you may attempt to possess one humanoid you can see within 5 feet. The target humanoid's CR must be at least 2 less than your current level otherwise the attempt automatically ls. For example, at 8th level you may possess any humanoid with a CR 3 or less, at 6th level this becomes CR 4 and so on. The humanoid must succeed a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier) or be possessed by you for up to § minutes. While possessing a humanoid you cannot be targeted by any attack, spell or other effects. You maintain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores ‘but use the target's statistics, not gaining its knowledge class features or proficiencies. The possession ends when the body is reduced to 0 hit points, you cad a bonus action, the 5 minutes runs out, or if you are forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. Once you use this feature, it cannot be used again until you finish a Jong rest. INDOMITABLE SPIRIT When you reach 20th level, you master control over your spirit freeing yourself entirely. The duration of your Soul Escape feature is increased indefinitely While as a soul you are immune to the charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed. petrified and poisoned conditions, In addition, you may as a onus action traverse from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane or vice versa, Bounp Bopy ‘Souls can be bound to many different forms, either willingly or trapped by sinister magic. Although ‘many variations exist there are three bound bodies used: a suit of armor, a golem of flesh, and a golem of stone. Surr oF ARMOR Clanking suits of metal built 1 protect warriors the heat of battle and now just an empty steel shell. Unwavering and without expression, they are the archetypal guardian of all things magical Equipped with a soul-bound sword er covered in etched arcane runes, Suits of Armor can be a versatile melee or spell easting threat. Finest STeet Due to your body being a suit of armor, you are ill suited for wearing anything additional You have a base AC of 16 + your proficiency bonus (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). You gain na benefit from wearing armor but if you are using a shield you can apply the shield's bonus as normal Soun-Bounp WEaPon ‘A suit of armor is incomplete without a matching weapon, as such you may choose ane weapon equipped to become a soul-bound weapon. As a bonus action you may release the soul-bound weapon to allow it to hover magically in an unoccupied space withia 5 feet of you. Ifyou can see your weapon you may mentally command a bonus action to fly up to $0feet and either make: ‘one attack against a target within range of it or return to your hand. You may only be soul-bound te fone weapon at a time. If your soul-bound weapon is desirayed or you wish to bind to a new weapon, it takes I hour to soul bind to a different weapon, Aoane Runs ETcHines Starting at 7th level you can carve arcane runes into your plated body, When you gain this feature you learn how ta inscribe one major rune or two ininot runes inte your armor (see “Arcane Rune Options’), Each time you gain a level in this class, you may replace one rune you know with a different one, You gain one more major or two minor arcane rune etchings af your choice from the Arcane Rune Etchings at 14th level, Surr oF ARMOR SPELLCASTING ABILITY Intelligence is your spelicasting ability when using arcane runes. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one, Your armor functions as an arcane focus for any spells. You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands, COMFLUX Major rune. You add half your Intelligence modifice to the saving throw DC for wizard spells you cast. Derense Minor rune. As a bonus action, until the start of your neat turn your AC is increased by your Intelligence modifier. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or omg rest, EoucaTe Minor rune. Your soul-bound weapon is replaced with a spellbook, allowing it to east cantrips you know as a bonus action. EmpowereD Major rune, You learn two 2nd-level wizard spells and gain two 2nddevel spell slots. ENCHANT Major rune. Your soul-bound weapon is now ‘magical dealing an extra 1d6 damage of that ‘weapon's type. Expand Minor rune. You may take this rune, only if you have the ability to east spells. You gain an additional spell-slot of your choosing, aut af those you already have available, FLEETFOOT Minor rune. You may use a bonus action to take the Dash action, Furry ‘Major rune. You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turns. Menoinc ‘Minor rune. When taking a short-rest, you may use an extra d10 when rolling Hit Dice. Once you use this feature, you cantt use it again until you finish a Jong rest. Ostrrerate Major rune. You learn one Srddevel wizard spell and gain 3rdevel spell slot. ‘SOUL CONVERSION Minor rune. You may expend three essence points to regain one spell slot of your choosing. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest, ‘SPECTRAL ‘Major rune. When releasing your soul-bound weapon, a spectral copy of the weapon is created instead Your original soul-bound weapon remains in your hand The spectral weapon cannot be interacted with ‘Stupy Minor rune. You learn one 1stlevel wizard spell and gain one 1Istlevel spell slots. Unurr Minor rune. You learn three wizard canirips. Ever-GUARDIAN When you reach 14th level, you learn to embody the guardian nature of a suit of armor. You ean choose one willing creature you can see within 60 feet of you to become their guardian, Whenever a creature you can sec targets the creature you are guarding, if you are within 10 fect of it, you and the creature swap places and you become the target instead, You gain resistance to the incoming, damage. You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended ses of it when you finish a long rest. ARCANE MASTERY Beginning at 18th level. you may siphon the arcane energy throughout your steel body to empower your actions. Using your action, you gain arcane empowerment, For | minute you gain the following benefits: You gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can only be used to make the Attack (one weapon attack only} Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action, + You may cast an additional spell on cach of your turns. + You gain magical resistance, granting advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Once you use this feature you cantt use it again until you finish a long rest. In addition, you gain one more major or two minor arcane rune etchings of your choice from the Arcane Rune Etchings. FLesH GOLEM A grim culmination of multiple limbs, organs, and flesh of humanoids flesh golems are often dark creations. The souls trapped within them are the creators of the flesh golem, the spirit of the attached head, oran unfortunate sacrifice. Despite being gruesome amalgamations flesh golems are incredibly resilicnt and possess inhuman strength. Ever-WEAVING STITCHES Whenever you start your turn under half of your ‘maximum hit points, you main regain hit points equal to 1d4 + Constitution modifier Ifyou take acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't funetion at the start of your next turn, MIND OF THEIR OWN Starting at 1st level. whenever you take damage you can choose to-allow one of your arms to be severed. Until reattached the severed arm hasan AC 13 and 15 hit points. It acts under your mand and on your same turn during the tive order. You may only control one severed. ‘arm at a time, however this increases to two ance you reach 10thievel. If hoth arms are severed you lose the ability to attack. A severed arm has a speed of 5 feet and can make one unarmed melee attack on its turn with disadvantage unless you can see the arm and its target. You may also throw a severed arm to: make a ranged grapple attack. STRENGTH BEYOND REASON ‘Starting at 7th level you can call upon the lightning infused within your muscle tissue to become inhumanly strong. On your turn, you ean invigorate your muscles as a bonus action. While. invigorated you gain the following benefits: * Your Strength modifier is doubled. * When you make a melee unarmed attack using ‘Strength, you gain an extra 1d12 lightning damage to the attack. ‘The invigoration lasis for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious, or you end it early a8. bonus action. When it ends, you suffer 3 levels of exhaustion. 12 13 No Sense In Wastine Starting at 14th level you've now mastered the ability ta connect the limbs of the recently deceased to your body: You may harvest limbs from humanoid corpses that have been dead for no longer than a day, to gain the following benefits: # Each additional arm adds an extra 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the first creature you hit on each of your turns with a melee weapon attack, but the arms cannot aid you in any other way due to their cumbersome nature (maximum of 4) * Each additional leg adds 5 feet of movement speed (maximum af 2) * Anadditional head grants you | bonus Essence Point (maximum of 1) Tr's Aurve! Beginning at 18th level you embody the in your body, becoming an unstoppable monstrosity. Using your action, you spark lighting from your invigorated amalgam form. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: ining * An aura of lightning surrounds you in a 10 foot radius when a creature enters the area for the first time on a tum or starts its tum there it must make a Deaterity saving throw. Ona failed save, the creature takes 2412 lightning damage or half as much on a successful one. * You regain 2d12 hit points at the start af your turn, * Hyou are reduced to 0 hit points, you can make a Constitution saving throw DC 10. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by & It resets once the duration expires. Once you use this feature, you cant use it again ‘until you finish @ long rest Stone GOLEM Chiselled from slabs of stone, stone golems are the most ancient form of bound spirits. They act as guardians within tombs, protectors of lost cities, and entirely timeless. Adventurers coming face to face with a stone golem often face a near unstoppable force, swords were never crafied to cut stone. Stone Form Due to your body being entirely stone, you are ill. suited for wearing anything additional You have a base AC of 17 + your proficiency bonus {your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number} You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield you can apply the shield’s bonus as normal. In addition, you are also immune to the petrified condition. UnsTorrasie CHARGE You can use an action to charge in a 30-footlong by Sfootwide line. Any creature caught in the path must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 10+ your Strength modifier} Ona failure, the creature takes 1d12 bludgeoning damage per your Bound Spirit level and is knacked prone. On a success, the creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone. You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short rest. ESSENGE OF THE JUGGERNAUT Beginning at th level, you gain the following options to expend your Essence Points: Cost Speed Effect 7 Bonus Your next Unstoppable Charge is Action 10 ft wide You may gain immunity to one of the following damage types until 2 Reaction the start Gf your next turn: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing, You open your mouth to target one creature you can see within TO feet of you, The target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw 1G 14 against this magic, Ona failed save, the target can’t use reactions, its ipeed is halved, and it can't make more than one 3 Action ateacieon its tum In addition, the et can take an action or bonus ction on its tum, not both, The effect lasts for | minute. The target can repeat the saving throw ai the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success Gancoyze Wines Starting at 14th level your stone form is sculpted to allow for wings to protrude from your shoulder blades. You now have a flying speed of 60 feet MONUMENT OF ANNIHILATION Beginning at 18th level you may find the power to become a pure unstoppable force. Using your action you call upon the essence of annihilation. For | minute, you gain the following benefits; ‘Two spheres of annihilation appear on either fist, they do not destroy any object on your person, but grant an extra 4d110 force damage to your unarmed melee or slam attacks. © You are immune to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and paralyzed conditions and from being knocked prone, Any attacks against a Large or smaller creature forces it to make a Strength saving throw DC 18 or be knocked prone, * You deal double damage to objects and structures Onee you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest. 15 FLORASPAWN ‘Adwarven woman stands in the middl arms outstretched soaking up the sunlight, Her ‘companions wait as she performs this ritual and grows bark on her skin. Ever since she fell in the forest she's been bound ta a creature of the woods, An elf was meant to protect a grave but failed i their duty they offer themselves up to the druids there to become a Woad as penance. Now they roam the forest with club and shield in hand, ready to protect the graunds from anyone who would do thems harm The halfling farmer wakos up in the field of mushrooms granted power through their spores, she now walks the world intent on defeating the evil that plagues it. No matter what form a floraspawn takes they all act as an extension of the forest's power Many floraspawns choose a life of adventure aad even travel past the bounds of their woods, caf afield NATURE ALWAYS RETURNS The ancient power that lives within al floraspawns grants them the ability to come hack from even the most deadly wounds. Through training and exposure to the elements a floraspawn's skin grows tougher against attacks, beneath this layer of protection is the body they once had. Many floraspawns lean into this shell and use it as bot layer of protection and a deadly weapon against their foes, SynTHEsis AND THE MEANS To Erernat Lire ‘The change into a plantlike creature has many implications. While you start to change into something that is no longer considered the race you once were, you also gain a connection to the very essence of nature. With a steady supply of water, sun and sail floraspawn grow more vital ‘Synthesis is the core of most of the floraspawnis powers and new sprouts should explore the variables of this newfound eneray, CREATING A FLORASPAWN While creating your flaraspawn, consider the elements that eame together to create them in the first place. A background will help inform many of these decisions. A sage may have found an ancient ritual while an outlander could stumble inte & grove and get changed by its denizens, What drove you to accept your new changes? Did you always have this connection to nature? Were you a person in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was this always your goul? You should also decide how your stance has changed since you've started training your new form, Those who become foraspawns can feel the heart of nature itself flowing through them. This may change their perspective on deities ancl nature itself. Those that were adventurers before this may have a very different backstory from those that changed while living daily life as a simple hunter: or farmer. Quick Bun You can make a floraspawn quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Constitution or Strength your highest ability score depending on if you wish to lean into your synthesis abilities or focus on raweombat, Your nextchighest score should be Dexterity or Wistdom ifyou wish to focus on survival within the wilderness. Second, choose the outlander background. Ciass FEATURES ‘As a floraspawn, you gain the following class features. Hrr Ports Hit Dice: 146 per floraspawn level Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Const modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) +your Constitution modifier per floraspawn level after the Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: None Weapons: All weapons must be made from natural materials; club, greatclub, light hammes quarterstaff, sling Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength Skills: Choose three from Survival, Nature, Investigation, Perception, and Stealth EQuirMenT ‘You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: ® (a) 2 clubs or (b) a greatclub # (a) sling and 20 sling bullets or(b) a quarterstaff * (@)a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explores's pack ‘THE FLORASPAWN Synthes Proficiency Temporary Hit Bonus” Features Points Pool Way of Wood, Ist 42 Natural Defense Synthesis a Way of Wood feature and 3nd Ability Score 4th + iinprévement 18 Sth +3 Extra Attack 20 J 6th +3 Wood Walker 24 7h 25. perch Wood 28 Ability Score 8th +3 improvement a2 Sth 44 Splinters 36 Vth +4 Hungry 44 ‘Way of Wood feature Blessin 15th +5 the Mother ne 16th 45—Abblity Score 3 Improvement Way of Wood 18th +6 feature 72 Ability Score 19th 46 ienherente 16 20th «+6 “Forest Tyrant 80 W ‘Way OF THE Woop At Istlevel you determine what ritual or natural phenomenon has changed you. Choose the way of Spore Savant, Vegepeople, or Wood Woad all detailed at the end of the class description. The way you choose grants you features at Ist level and again at 3rd, 7th, 14th and 18th level NaTurRAL DEFENSE Also beginning at 1st level, the transformation into a living plant has made your body more hardy and flexible. Your AC becomes 11 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, SYNTHESIS ‘At 2nd level, you have learned to enrich yourself through your connection to nature. You gain a pool of special temporary hit points. These special temporary hit points stack with other temporary hit point bonuses and can be recovered through communion with nature. Spending at least 1 minute within the sunlight, standing on solid earth or seithin water that has a depth of 3 feet or more hegins to fill your temparary pool of hit paints. Being subjected to any of these conditions gives you 1 hour of special regeneration. This effect does not stack with itself. Under this effect, your pool regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn level + half of your Constitution bonus to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn, If you maintain 1 hour of synthesis, you do not need to eat this day, if you maintain 4 hours of synthesis you no longer need ta sleep within the next 24 hours, Synthesis fails to work an planes you are not used to, You must spend 7 days within a new plane before you learn how to invoke synthesis. ‘Some abilities connected to-your hit point poo! require your target to make a saving throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as fatlows: Pool save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier, Asrity Score IMPROVEMENT When you reach 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forge taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead, Extra ATTACK of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, Starting at 7th level you know your way through any forest or swamp. When traveling through forest or swamp terrain, you receive advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks. Difficult terrain in these areas does not slow you down and whl these types of terrain your synthesis grows stronger. While in a forest or swamp your pool regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn level + your constitution bonus toa minimum of 1 hit point per turn. SPLINTERS ‘AL Oth level when an attack cuts through your hearty bark, you retaliate in full As a reaction, when your temporary hit points are reduced by & ereature, you may choose to cause your bark to break away in a hail of splinters. You may either propel your bark at a single target up to 60 feet away or allow it to explode in a 5 foot area around you. Each creature affected must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Pool save DC. A target takes half of your pool maxirmm - half your remaining pool hit points in piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a sticcessful one. ‘You may use this ability a number of times equal ta your Constitution modifier and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest Hunory Roots _ Beginning at 11th level the first time each turn you are exposed to magical effects that restore hit points, you may instead add these hit points ta your synthesis pool When you use this effect, instead of normally rolling one or mare dice to restore hit points with a spell you instead use the highest number possible for each die and restore that amount to.your pool Any amount over your pool is divided evenly and given ta all creatures standing in a 5 foot area around you, BLESSING OF THE MOTHER ‘Starting at 15th level, you are able to infuse others with nature's blessing. Asa bonus action, you can touch a creature and draw power from your synthesis pool to grant temporary hit points to that creature, up to half of your current pool When a creature has these temporary hit points reduced to you may use your reaction to bolster their bark: with an additional supply of temporary hit points up to a maximum of your level Forest TYRANT ‘At 20th level you have bound the spirit of nature to your body and have learned how to bolster yourself with ancient power. As an action, you turn into an avatar of the forest. You become a large size creature and your current synthesis pool hit points double in size. Your Strength and Constitution each increase by +6. Your maximum for these scores is now 26 Your pool can no longer be restored while in this form and at the start of each of your turns, you lose 20 temporary hit points from your pool All melee attacks you make have the siege property, dealing double damage to ‘objects and structures. As an action, or when your pool has been fully depleted, you revert back to your normal form. Any temporary hit points remaining in the pool stay for 10 minutes, after which the pool is reduced to Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish along rest. Ways OF THE Woop Floraspawns are created through several ritals and acts.of nature. The ways of the wond are what give a floraspawn their power. Spore SAVANT ‘A Spore Savant was exposed to the spores af a myconid sovereign after their death. Perhaps. they ‘were wandering caves and fell into a colony. Spare Servants are generally mindless members of the colony who do the bidding of those within it however, there are few that break free af those bonds and retain their minds and those few are known as Spore Savants, When a creature retains control over its own mind the myconids elevate it and extend their power to the creature so it may live without the colony, Many of the savants are allowed to see the world and through their connection to the colony they share information that would otherwise be hidden. They can act as the eyes and cars of a colony or simply act on their new interests with their newfound power, Spore Savants have learned how to harness the: spores that make up their bodies in uniquely terrifying ways, They thrive in the darkness and are fierce warriors that control the battlefield through their very essence. Cotiecrive TaoucHT Starting at Lst level you have become part of a spore collective and communicate with the collective through rapport spores. You may choose any Intelligence skill to become proficient in or alternatively, you may select any tool proficiency instead You may change this skill or tool proficiency each time you finish a long rest. ‘Spores in SUNLIGHT ‘Also at 1st level, while in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on Wistlom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Also, you ean see normally in darkness both magical and noamagical to a distance of 120 feet hoe DARKLIGHT PHOTOSYNTHESIS Beginning at 3rd level a Spore Savant is able to ‘engage their synthesis in darkness, When you are standing in darkness, either magical or natural for at least 1 minute you gain the properties af synthesis as if you were standing in sunlight. At ‘L44th level, this ability works in both dim light and complete darkness. Sickeninc Srorzs ‘Also at 3rd level, you have learned how to release deadly spores that attack the nerves. As a bonus action, you may release a cloud of spores from your body, All creatures in a 5 foot area around you must make a Constitution saving throw against your pool save DC or be stunned for one round, Using this ability takes: 10 points from your pool Oncea creature has made its saving throw against the spores it becomes immune to the effect far the next 24 hours. BIOLUMINESCENT CLOUD At 7th have learned how to protect yourself from sunlight by creating a cloud of darkness that flickers with bioluminescent spores. ‘Asan action, for 1 minute you may ereate this cloud which functions as a darkness spell centered on you. You may select a number of creatures within 60 feet equal to half your Constitution modifier, these creatures are immune to the effects of the cloud, Using this ability consumes 5 points ‘of your synthesis pool when used and 5 more at the start of each round While this ability is active, your pool ean no longer be restored. You may disable the cloud as a bonus action during your turn, otherwise it stops working automatically when your poo! can no longer pay the cost. Funcan Fury When you reach 18th level you have learned how to control your spores to restore vitality As a reaction when an ally within 60 feet is reduced to O hit points, you can infect them with your spores. ‘The ally remains at 0 hit points but gains temporary hit points equal to those in your pool your pool resets to O While your ally has these temporary hit points they no longer need to make death saving throws however, they cannot be healed by any means. Also, while under this effect your ally can extra weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack. This ability can only be used once and resets after finishing a long rest. DesiGninc A Spore SAVANT ! . Just like other races, na two myconids laok the a seine nd spore svi hve pea ogee cof design potential. When brainstorming your own jon Foenthewacie workd ae savant, draw inspat ‘marvelous fungi to desenbe their appearance. ‘© Gyromitra esculenta (Brain Mushroom) - A texture sure to tempt any ilithid. . = This ste Mestsartensieorzesrediauel ba resembles blood This fungus can work sspeciy el rs baci be tg i . er ay Tet nhc i — ean Sees brownand white that tered to grow slong vertical nutes, ‘ on creme re es ara mop of hal oreven a beard Gran especialy [mI mop specially overgrown spore savant “+ Mycena chloraghos (Night Light Mushroom) Micka mercenaria greencolorin the dark, s0it's not advised far {fears igs hk Cap A we | Lact white rmustroom with a vivid blue underside, allowing you to colar your spore savant as boldly as you like. Furthermore, your spore savant could adopt another property from this mushroom. by turing their blood indi «+ Phallus indusianus (Veded Lady) - This mushroom — | > Features 3 "lacey" skirt of whvte fungus under the ap which cout ake fort nately growing veil oF other feature on an adventurer . arg marseala ie Bande world, Lies fagus features a white sem, a bight red ‘with white spots all over, aa OaD WARRIOR Wood woads are created through sacrifice. ‘Generally the result of a ritual from certain druid circles, wood woads are only partially alive and exist to serve for specific tasks. The ritual used is ‘meant to consume the creaturc’s heart, creating 9 binding with a tree that will birth a newly sprouted woad from its roots. There are legends that speak of wood woads who have not lost their hearts. They retain aspects of their former selves, memories and passions from their past life. These creatures are known as Woad Warriors. ‘The Woad Warrior is.a tireless defender, their connection to the forest itself has enriched them with knowledge of battle and the skills to protect those they choose, While the Woad Warrior is able to make their own choices on who they serve the: forest holds a special place for them and they carry its roots woven into their thick armored bark Tucker Taz0Ry At Ist level you gain proficiency with all martial weapons and shields. As an action, while holding a weapon in your hand, the metal within the weapon: changes to petrified wood After the weapon leaves your hand it returns to the original metal it was made from. At 7th level any weapon converted in this way counts as magical for overcoming resistances. Remnrorcep Natural Derensz Beginning at 1st level your specific transformation has made you even more durable. Your AC becomes 14 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum, of 2) + your proficiency bonus. However, you now have wilnerability to fire damage and you are denied your proficiency bonus to your armor dass until the start of your next turn when you take fire damage. PErRiriep BARK ‘At 3rd level as long as hit points remain in your pool you gain resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. This effect also extends to other creatures when affected by Blessing of the Mother. Srreap Roots At Tth level you have learned how to sow your roots into the ground under your feet. As a bonus action while on solid ground you take root as long asyou are not standing on metal or stone that is more thea 1 foot thick. You may spread your roots up to 20 feet in any direction from where you are standing and you may also spend hit points from your pool to increase the distance your roots travel, 5 hit points for every 10 feet further toa maximum of 60 feet. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. While your roots are planted underground and you are standing ina square occupied by them, you cannot be knocked prone or pushed any distance. Root Striper ‘Also at 7th level, you may use 10 feet of your movement to step magically into one living tree within 5 feet of you. You then can emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of you that you can sce. You appear ia an occupied space within 5 fect of the second trec. Both trees must be Large co bigyer. As a bonus action, you may also use ¢ ability to pass through your nctwork of roots, You may appear anywhere along your root network as Jong as you pass through only connected squares. ‘Once you use the ability to pass through your roots your mavernent speed is reduced to 0 for that turn. Nature's NourisHMENnT ‘At Lath level, while standing over your roots your synthesis is bolstered. While you are standing over your roots, your pool now regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn level + double your Const modifier to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn, This effect only occurs when you are standing aver your roots and ends if you do not start your turn over them, STALWART DEFENDER ‘At 18th level, when an ally és in-danger you may Spread your roots and come to their aid Asa reaction when an ally within 60 feet of you is the subject of an attack after the roll has been made ‘but before damage has been dealt, you may lay your roots in a line towards your ally and ‘ly travel through them to defend them. is moved to an unoccupied square within 55 feet and the attack now targets you. You have Fosistance to the damage dealt by the attack, This ability consumes 40 temporary hit points from your pool VEGEPEOPLE Vegepygmics are known as terrible little creatures that roam the jungles. and swamps of the world The ereation of these strange creatures happens through exposure to a substance: known as russet mold Most accounts of russet mold say it is am alien substance, all accounts speak of its dangers. When a creature infected with the mold dies its body becomes a hast for more vegepygmies. In rare cases a host is not dead but the mold believes they are. It is at this point that the ressset mold bonds to the creature instead of using it as a host This rare occurrence is seen as a sign of the end times by vegepygmies and they quickly toss the reature out of their colonies, Vegepeople can control the russet mold toa finite scale, They can create more vegepyamies from their flesh and even raise up plant-tke mounts from dead animals, Ail Vegepeople share a second consciousness with the mold that lives inside them, and it is a constant power struggle 0 get the mold to obey their demands. Motpy Marrow ‘Starting at 1st level, russet mold has bonded into your bones and ongans. You gain damage resistance against piercing and lightning damage. ‘Vink GRAPPLE ‘Also at Ist level, you have learned how to grapple a creature at a distance using your vines. You may attempt a grapple ata distance of 10 feet. Creatures can be moved or shoved at this distance, you may only grapple one creature this way, You may grapple an additional ereature at 3rd level, Teh level and 18th level Motp Smarino Beginning at 3rd level you have learned haw to shape your vines and mold into impressive ‘weapons, You may take any nomagical meleo ‘weapon you have in your possession and perform a special ritual with it, The ritual takes 1 full hour and destroys the original weapon in the process, ‘You gain proficiency in this weapon and can summon the weapon in a mass of vines as a bonus action, You may only have one weapan absorbed at a time, Each time you select a new weapon, you smust perform the ritual again, RusseT WeaPon At 7th level you can now absorb even magical ‘weapons with your Mold Shaping feature. The weapons you absorb are no longer destroyed in the process, As a bonus action, when attacking with 3 Mold Shaped weapon you may spend temporary points from your pool equal to 5 your floraspawn level. For every 5 hit points you spend from the pool you may add an extra 1d6 force damage to the attack. ‘Taorxy Mount Also at 7th level, you have learned how to spread the mold to a creature of the: beast type to turn it into a faithful companion. As an action, you may spread your spores to a beast type creature within 5 feet or through your vines if the creature is currently vine grappled. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your pool DC or take 246 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour if they fail Once this ability takes effect on a ‘creature you cannot use it again until you finish @ long rest. i the creature dics within that time period or has already been dead for less than 24 hours you raise the creature up as a medium or large size ‘version of the thorny (Volo's Guide ta Monsters) ‘Your thorny serves you as a mount, both in Combat and out and you have an instinctive bond with it that allows you to fight as a scamless unit. While your thorny is within 1 mile of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. You can't have more than one thorny bonded to you ata time. The thorny dies only ifit starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. Promy Pais At L4th level, you can now spread the russet mold into any humanoid or giant inorder to create loyal vegepygmy servants. As an action, you may spread your spores ta a humanoid or giant type creature within 5 feet or through your vines if the creature is currently vine grappled The creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your pool DC or take 2d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour if they fail Once this ability takes effect on a creature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. If the creature dies within that time period or has already been dead for less than 24 hours its body becomes a host for several vegepygmies. You create 1 newborn from a Small corpse, 2 froma Medium corpse, 4 from a Large corpse, 8 from a Huge corpse, or 16 from a Gangantuan corpse, The vegepygmies are born from the corpse 24. hours after the mold has set in. The vegepygmies follow you and unless given orders they take the Dodge action to defend themselves. (On each of your turns you can use a Bonus Action to mentally Command your vegepygmies if the creatures are within 60 feet of you. Each time you issue your vegepygmies orders you must spend 2 points from your pool for each creature controlied that turn. You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general Command such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands the creature only defends itself against Hostile creatures Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete. After 24 hours, the vegepygmies all turn into compost and cannot be restored to life. Russet REAVER When you reach 18th level all weapons created by Russet Weapon have the reach property and now inflict an extra 2d6 poison damage on every swing. Asa bonus action after dealing damage with a Russet Weapon you may immediately attempt to grapple the creature “Youll never settle down and find a husband if you ‘spend all day in the library;' they said She tired of hearing about how late nights studying would give her wrinkles, Now her desicrated face is creased with laugh lines, and the cackle of her voice echoes throughout the halls of the abandoned university, While they threw their lives away to-the pursuit of shallow mortal joys, she dedicated her lifc to cracking open the mysterics of the universe. His funeral was a warm and pleasant affair. His children thanked him for all he had done, and his grandchildren laid flowers at his feet before he left them. The daffodil from his great-granddaughter thas since turned to dust between the pages of his favorite magic tome but he still watches over her descendants from the tower up on the mountain, Fortune favors the bold they say. and she was. ‘never ane to turn away from risk Tucking her phylactery into the rogue's bag of holding was typically her way of saying, “You go on ahead I'l see you next week.” When she did this the party knew to flee to.a safe distance because things ‘were about to get very, very explosive. Not Enoucn Hours In A Day The world is.filled with so much knowledge, more than most mortals could ever hope to absorb ina single lifetime. When one life is not enough powerful magic users pursue dark arts to extend their own existence into undeath. Many liches are believed tobe consumed by the madness that drives them to such extremes, but some are all too clear of mind. Selfishly focusing on their goals by any means necessary. That being said, not all liches are self-centered and some devote their nearendless lives to helping others Be Stitt My Heart With their desiccated, hollowed body carrying no heartbeat, the “life” of a lich is maintained within another mechanism. A piylactery is the heart of a lick, containing the souls that fuel them, as well as the magic runes that preserve their existence, While some liches may he tempted ta hide their phylacteries away, adventuring liches must struggle with the balance of protecting the trinket that preserves their unlife while also needing it x both their functioning spelibook and their magical focus. CReaTING A Licn When creating your lich consider what drove them to the pursuit of undeath. What events brought them face to face with the fear of their own mortality? Did they choose to become a lich, oF ‘was the curse accidentally inflicted upon them? What goals will they pursue with potentially unlimited time? Will boredom become an issue? Liches need to reqularty consume the souls of reasonably intelligent creatures to preserve themselves. How do they feel about taking the souls of others in order to preserve their own lives? Are they picky about the souls they take, or will anyone do? How do they treat their phylactery, and how do they regard others who might get close to it? 24 Soul Consumption Immortal Pathway Ability Score Improvement Reaper's Greed Immortal Pathway Feature Ability Score Improvement Ability Score Improvement Immortal Pathway Feature Ability Score Improvement ‘Ability Ses lity Score Demilich Quick Buu ‘You can make a lich quickly by following these suggestions, First, make Intelligence your highest ability score so you can better cast spells. Your nexthighest score should be either Dexterity or ‘Constitution to increase your chances of survival. ‘Next, choose the sage background Third, choose the mage hand, light, and chill touch cantrips along with the following Ist-level spells for your spellbook dissonant whispers, cause fear, feather fall, mage armor, and detect magic. Cass FEATURES Asa lich, you gain the following class features: Hrr Ports Hit Dice: 146 per lich level ‘Hit Points at Ist Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier ‘Hit Points at Higher Levels: 146 (or 4) + your ‘Constitution modifier per lich level after the 1st ‘PROFICIENCIES: Armor: None ‘Weapons: Daggers, darts, quarterstaffs, light ‘crossbows ‘Tools: None ‘Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution ‘Skills; Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Religion EQuirMEnT ‘You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: © (a) a quarterstaff of (b) a dagger + (@) a dungeoneer's pack, (b) an explorer’s pack ‘or (¢) ascholar's pack * Aphylactery, which acts as your arcane focus and spellbook (see feature) PHYLACTERY ‘Your sou! in tied to an object that allows you to live forever wo long as you keep it supplied with the Mfe-force of others, While you have at least 1 soul in the phylactery, any spell whose sole purpose bx to return you fo life can substitute your phylactery as the sole material component required to cast the spell Your phylactery acts as the arcane focus for your lich. spells, When you die and your phylactery contains at Jeast 1 soul change, your body reformns next to your phylactery within 148 days. Hf you die and your phylactery is either destroyed or doesa’t contain any soul charges you can only be returned to life ‘through the normal use of such spells. Asa reaction when you see a suitable creature dic within 60 fect of you, you can eapture its soul charge and feed it to your phylactery. Your phylactery ean hold a maximum number of soul charges equal to 1 + your lich level Suitable creatures for your phylactery must meet all of the following requirements: ‘The creature is not an undead or construct, ‘+ The creature has a Challenge Rating 1/2 or higher ‘The creature can understand at least one language. ‘When you finish a long rest, your phylacte ry regains 1 soul charge. When you finish a short rest where you expended at least 1 of your Hit Dice to fegain hit points, your phylactery gains | soul charge if i's below ies maximum capaciry. SPELLCASTING You have learned how to weave magic into your phylactery much a8 you would a spellbook. If you ‘once had a spellbook you may siphon the magical inscriptions from the book into your phylactery. ‘See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook “for the general rules of spellcasting and the “Spells List” section below for the lich spell list. Canrerrs. ‘At 1st level, you know three cantrips af your choice from the lich spell list. You learn additional lich cantrips of your choice at higher bevels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Lich table. PHYLACTERY STORAGE At Ist level your phylactery may contain 4 Lsttevel lich spetts of your choice. Your phylactery is the record of the lich spelts you know, except your cantrips, which are fixed in your mind PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS ‘The Lich table shows how many spell slots you hhave to cast your lich spells of Ist level and higher. ‘To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot ‘of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. ‘You prepare the list of lich spells that are available for you to cast. To do 0, choose a ‘number of lich spells fram your phylactery equal to ‘your Intelligence modifier + your lich level (minimum of one spell) The spells must be ofa level for which you have spell slots. For example, if youre a 3rd-level lich, you have four Ist-level and two 2ndJevel spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of Ist or 2nd level in any ‘combination chosen from your phylactery. I you prepare the Ist4evel spell magic missile, you can cast itusinga istlevel or a 2ndlevel slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells ‘You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of lich spells requires time spent aligning with your phylactery and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. ‘SPELLCASTING ABILITY Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your lich spells since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spelicasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a lich spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC= & «your proficiency borax « your Intelligence modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bors « your intelligence modifier ar Rrrva Castine ‘You can cast a lich spell as.a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell within your phylactery. You don't need to have the spell prepared. LEARNING SPELLS OF 18T LEVEL AND HIGHER Each time you gain a lich level, you can add one lich spell of your choice into your phylactery for free. Each of these spells must he of a level for ‘which you have spell slots, as shown on the Lich table. On your adventures, you might find other ‘spells that you can add to your phylactery (sce the “Your Phylactery” sidebar) Your PrrLacrery ‘The phylactey is a mierae of your sous, instilling noaledge into your very essence is one of the feasons you have taken up this path asa lich. You hare leamed te record raw magical information into the phylactery so it may better serve you in the fature. You may tecond new magic into your piylactery wen you come acts a spellbook, sre, Tome or even the phylactery of another lich. When you find a spell on the lich spell list that is of Vaorter gist oscar ted ye if it sof a spell level you can prepare, and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it: Sl a pew ices Soe ee oe oe re deciphering the unique system of notation used by those who wrote it You must practice the spell until you understand the saunds or gestures required, Sco oes ari For each evel ofthe spel, the pracess takes 2 hours sed.costs $0 gn The coat rearerentsreaterial expend as you experiment with the Spottt hosel os hee run you need be record it Once you have spent this time and money yourcan prepare the spel just ke your other spells A traditional phylactery is an smnulet inthe shape of & small bor. However, aphylactery can take on any foe as long a5 the inside of the amulet can be ingcrived with slver-eiched arcane sigils of naming, mimartaity, and dare magic: Some fs regen lgalrgl angi ecklaces oF rings), bottles hollow crystal orbs, o¢ other creative containers, —_—— ST Lich SPELLS ‘Carreips (0 LeveL) Chill Touch ‘Control Flames? Dancing Lights Fire Bolt Frost Infestation" Light Mage Hardt Mending Message Minor ilusion Poison Spray Prestidigitation Ray of Frost ‘Shocking Grasp Spare the Dying Toll the Dead" ‘Ist Lever ‘Absorb Elements" Alarm ‘Armor of Agathys ‘ems of Hadae Bare ‘Buming Hands Cause Fea? Chromatic Orb Color Spray Command ‘Comprenend Languages Detect Magic Disguise Self Dissonan: Whispers Earth Tremar* Expeditions Retreat False Life Feather Fall Find Farilise Fg Cloud ce Knife! Identify Jump Mage Armor Magic Missile Pratectian from Evil and Good ay of Sickness Shield Silent Image Tasha's Hideous Laughter ‘Witch Bait 2mo Lever Arcane Lock Blindness/Deafress Blur Cloud of Daggers Grown of Madness Darkness Darkvision Detect Thoughts Exthbind™™ Enlarge/Reduce Flaming Sphere Gentle Repase Hold Person Kock Levitate Meifs Acid Arrow Mind Spike Mirror image Misty Step. Phantssmal Force Ray of Enfeeblement ‘Scorching Ray ‘See tnvisibil Shadow Blade™® Spider Cheb Web Sap Lever Animate Dead Bestow Curse Chainvoyance Dispe! Rag Enemies Abound" Erupting Earth” Fear Feign Death Forel hy Gaseous Form Life Transference™=* Magic Grele ‘Melf's Micute Meteors" Speak with Dead String Cloud Tongues Vampire Touch dives Leven Tw Leven, Arcane Eye Crown of Stars" Ranihment Delayed Blast Fireball bighe heres comgehiee Finger of Death Death Ward ‘Mirage Arcane Dimension Door Plane Shift (Oiiluke’s Resilient Sphere Pawer Word Pain Shadow of Mod" Prierutic Spray Stosein teens Comey 51H Leven — hetie Set Brn Leven. Coudicitt Antimagic Field Danse Macabre" Earthquake Dominate Person Fabled Enenvation = Maddening Darlaness*t Hold Monster Power Word Stun ede Nelo reens Den Lave Planar Binding Gate Serving Power Word il Seeming Paychie Seream™*t See Ske Time Sep Telepertation Circle Weird Wallof Force Wish 6TH Leven eae Gate Circle of Death Create Undead Disintegrate Eyebite Han Scatter! Soul Cage" Sout ConsuMPTION Starting at 2nd level, you can consume the soul charges stored within your pylactery to reaain power, As a bonus action while your phylactery is ‘on your person, you can consume I soul charge in your phylactery and choose one of the following cffects: + Regain hit points equal to 144+ your Intelligence modifier. * Recover an expended Ist-level spell slot. ImMorTAL PATHWAY ‘At 3rd level you choose a pathway that will define your unending immortal existence: the Pathway of the Baelnorn, the Pathway of the Omniscient, or the Pathway of the Wastes. The pathway you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th and 14th level ABILITY ScoRE IMPROVEMENT ‘When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores ‘of your choice by 1..As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature Using the optianal feats rule, you can forgo ‘taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead, Rearer’s GREED Beginning at Sth level when multiple creatures eapable of feeding your phylactery die simultaneously (such as from the same area of ‘effect spell), you can use your reaction to capture a ‘number of souls up to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum 2) DEMILICH At 20th level if you're redluced to O hit points or as an Action on your turn, you can consume: all but 1 of the soul changes in your phylactery to take on a demilich form. Your body disintegrates into a Tiny floating skull and swirling cloud of dust. Your phytactery is carried within the dust cloud of your form; your other possessions are left behind in your space. Your demilich form has the following additional features: ‘© Your hit points and hit point maximum are equal to 4x your lich level ‘= Your walking speed is replaced by an equal flying speed (hover) * You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. ‘+ Ifyou are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw and only half damage if you fail You regain a number of expencied spell slots of a.combined level eqqual to the number of soul charges expended * Youdon't need to perform somatic or verbal components for your lich spells, and your phylactery continues to act as your arcane focus. ‘Your transformation lasts 10 minutes or until you are reduced to 0 hit points. Soul charges you aceumulate during this transformation must be immediately spent as part of the same reaction used to acquire them. When the transformation ends, you die, When you are returned to life, you can't use this feature for 7 days from the point at which you were revived. IMMORTAL PATHWAYS ‘As you gain more arcane knowledge, you find ways in which to shape your very spirit. An immortal pathway represents a new power manifested. PATHWAY OF THE BAELNORN — ‘When an elven mage is nearing the end of their lives they are sometimes called on to become something greater. They are asked to live longer ‘than their time would allow them so they may continue important studies for the elven people. ‘There are times where the elven magics used to make a Baclnorn have been spread further, 9 seeing a Baelnorn outside of the elven people possible but rare. In recent times a Bacinorn is no longer made, but are instead converted through a ssanctifying ritual The impurities of undeath are leased from the lich to ereate a freshly awakened Bacinorn, (Grrr oF THE SELDARINE ‘When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, your phylactery feature changes. You no longer have a phylactery and all soul charges flaw into your boxy instead You must spend 24 hours converting the ‘energy inside the phylactery into your enriched form, This process transfers all the souls residing inside the phylactery. You are required to use an arcane focus to cast spells. Suitable creatures for your phylactery have further limitations * The creature is not an undead or construct, © The creature has.a Challenge Rating 1/2 or higher. # The creature can understand at least one Jan guage. * The creature must be evil aligned or is known to have committed a vile act that you bore witness to.or the creature willingly sacrifices itself to you in death, ‘Also when you die your body reforms through the magic of the Seldarine ever an 8 hour period. ‘You cannot reform another body until another 7 days have passed RESILIENT FoRM ‘Also at Sed level as a reaction when you take damage of a specific type you can use 1 soul charge to become resistant to that damage type for 1 minute, Toucn or Ererna Rest ‘At 6th level, you may use an action to make: a melee touch attack against a creature within feet. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8+ your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus or fall unconscious for 1d4 turns. While in this state, the creature is intangible between the ethereal plane and your own and it cannot be targeted by other effects, In this state you can send a nightmare to the creature, the nightmare causes 1d10 psychic damage to the creature at the end of each of its earns, When the effect ends the creature is unaware of what happened and has no recollection of the nightmare or dream it experienced. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and ‘regain all uses after you finish a long rest, ‘You can also use this-effect on an ally, sending the ally a dream instead of a nightmare, While in the dream the creature restores 1d 10 hit points at the end ofeach of its turns, Inaz oF ANCESTRY ‘At L4th level the Baelnorn can consume several of its charges to create a duplicate of itself from ite replacement body. For every 3 changes consumed the duplicate remains for one turn. The duplicate, appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, it cannot move or be moved from this space, ‘The duplicate mimics your action on each af its turns. It can pick different tangets for these actions, When itcasts a spell it uses your spell slots to do so. The duplicate’s attacks make use of your spell save DC and attack bonuses. The duplicate can be targeted, it has your armor class and halfof your hit points. If the duplicate is reduced to 0 hit points it vanishes instantly. You ‘may use this ability once and regain use of it after you finish a long rest, PATHWAY OF THE OMNISCIENT ‘Whereas other liches may look upon souls like scraps of wood to fuel their fire, the Omniscient views souls like books. Tasty delicious books full of information to be devoured. The lives swirling within a lich’s phylactery are not that of sheep or cattle, they are at least modestly intelligent eroatures and it would he terribly wasteful to.not ‘use: every part of the soul Kwow.enc SyrHon ‘When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, you ean draw upon the collective experience of the souls you have collected When you make an Intelligence ability check, you may expend 1 soul in your phylactery to add +5 to the roll Known Source ‘Also at 3rd level you choose one creature type aberrations, beasts, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, or plants. Alternatively, you can select two races of humanoid (such as gnolls and orcs) as mown source's. When you collect a soul from a known sourer, it counts as an additional soul You have advantage on knowledge checks to recall information about these types of creatures. You may choose an additional known source ‘when you reach 6th level and again at 14th level EXPERIMENTAL VULNERABILITY At 6th level, your accumulated experience allows you to twist your spells to your advantage. When you target a Known Source creature, you can expend a number of souls equal to half the creatures CR (rounded down, minimum of 1) If the spell requires a saving throw you can force the creature to make the save at disadvantage, Ifthe spell requires an attack roll you make the roll at advantage, and for this casting of the spell the target becomes vulnerable to the: damage type of the spell or loses one level of resistance or immunity. KNOWLEDGE Is PowER ‘At 14th level when you capture a soul from a Known Sourec creature you regain hit points equal to their CR. PATHWAY OF THE WASTES Alich who travels in the dry arid wastes of the -world has found a way to use their own organs as phylacteries, effectively granting them five ‘phylacteries. Your form is skeletal and gaunt, your sskin dried and desiccated and your soul split in smaniy parts. Most liches who follow this pathway lived their mortal lives in dry arid reqions, Tue Five Sours ‘When you choose this pathway at 3rd level, your phylactery feature changes. You have 8 phylacteries: your stomach, intestines, lungs, liver, and beart. The five organs are placed in special ‘ritual jars and collectively store consumed souls. ‘You can store a number of souls equal to 5 + your lich fevet When you die, you can reform next to any one of your five phylacteries regardless of your distance ‘tothat organ, Ifone of these phylacteries ix destroyed they are permanently destroyed forever. If all five phylacteries are destroyed, your physical form crumbles to dust, Only a. wish spell can restore an organ, and the spell can only restore ‘one organ per casting, Desert Sout Also at Sed level you gain resistance to fire damage and you do not need to drink or suffer from the effects of dehydration. If you are affected by an ability that alters your form (such polymorph spell}, you can choose to succeed on the saving throw if you wish. Dsicaatina Tovcn At 6th level, as an action when you touch a living creature, the creature must succeed on a ‘Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. The creature suffers necrotic damage equal to your lich Level and you gain an equal number of temporary hit points, or half as much on a successful saving throw and you gain no temporary hit points. If you kill a creature in this. way, their body turns to salt and crumbles, This leaves no trace of the creature, Revivify and raise dead will not restore the ercature to life and gentle repose has no effect on the salt, Dust To Dust ‘At L4th level ax-an action you can expend 5 soul charges from your ptylacteries. If you do so your form becomes that of an air elemental but appears as a sandstorm. This functions identically to the Druid Wildshape class feature. While i thiss form, whenever you take the attack action you ean tuse a bonus action to use your Desiccating Touch, LYCANTHROPE Bear pelts were fetching a high price in the northern mountains. Unscrupulous hunters were beginning to venture into the dens where their prey slept for the winter. They did not know that these mountains were under the protection of a ranges, only that they were turned back from their pursuit by a tall-standing brown bear that told them “Get out” ‘As ahalt-elf she was not an imposing figure. The bandits that surrounded her knew na fear, but neither did she, As she stretched her arms and fingers upward an eerie caw echoes off of every surface and her night-black feathers become silhouetted before the moonlight. Now they knew fear There were rumors swirling in the town that a rakshasa was on the prowl. The town guard was on high alert for a vile and powerful fiend. What mo ‘one knew to look for was the halifing thief who crept through the shadows in the night with catlike grace and stripes on his furry face. UNCONTROLLED Fury Alycanthrope has a powerful beast lingering at the fringes of their mind always wanting to escape and hunt. Even while in complete control of their actions, someone trying to hide their primal secret can find it difficult to ignore this rage Lunar POWER The moon and its phases are the biggest influences on when the other has control over your body. The closer to the full moon the more difficult those urges.are to control However, many lycanthropes track the phases of the moon and take precautions to protect their loved ones. These protections include chaining themselves up and keeping the moon out of sight. CREATING A LYCANTHROPE _ As you create your lycanthrope character consider how you came into your power. Were you born as a lycanthrope? Were you attacked by a creature and afflicted with a.curse? Were you the subject of an alchemist’s experiment? Were you given as a sacrifice to a lycanthrope willingly or otherwise? Deo-you even know how you came about your curse, or is that one of the great mysteries that you seek to uncaver? Consider how you deal with these aspects of your life. Lycanthropes who have always possessed their gift or who have lived with it for many years may be better equipped to handle: the duality of their lives whereas the newly cursed may struggle with the changes they endure. How do you view your lycanthropy? Would you inflict another with it ifyou could? Would it be a gift given toa friend or a curse saved for your worst enemy? How do you feel about other lycanthropes? Would you cure it if you could? INFLICTING LYCANTHROPY ‘Many players will want to know: bow can they infect ther elloy party members wth thet lis? the ‘Simple answer it whenever the DM deems it possible. However, as ths sa class itis fecommended that if you allow your players to infect one another that they must take their next level in Lycanthrope. THe LycanTHROPE Level Proficiency Bonus Transformation Duration Ist 10 min and 20min ard 30min 4th 40 min Sth 50 min 6th ‘Vhour Ith ‘Thour, 10 min 8th Thour, 20 min 9th Thour, 30° Oth Thour, 40 min Vth ‘Thour, 50 min 2th 2 hours 13th 2 hours, 10 min 14th 2 hours, 20 min 15th 2 hours, 30 min 16th 2 hours, 40 min Vth 18th 19th Quick BuiLD You can make a lycanthrope quickly by following these suggestions, First, make Strength your highest ability score. Your next-highest score should be Dexterity or Constitution if you wish to focus on survival within the wilderness, Second, choose the hermit background. Third, choose lther Werebear, Wereboar, or Werewoll as your primal calling selection, Remember to add a second saving throw designated by your primal calling, Primal Calling, Transformation, Lunar Sensitivity Lycanthrapic Resistance Savage Attacks Ability Score Improvement Extra Attack Primal Calling Feature Savage Control, Beast Speak Ability Score Improvement Lunar Sensitivity Improvement Lycanthropic Immunity ‘Wild Combatant Ability Score Improvement, Primal Calling Feature (Natural Predator Supernatural Senses Lunar Sensitivity Improvement Ability Score Improvement Greater Savage Control Prirnal Calling Feature Ability Score Improvement Legendary Lycanthrope Cass FEATURES Hrr Poms Hit Dice: 148 per lycanthrope l Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 18 (or $)+ your Constitution modifier per lycanthrope level aftce Ast PROFICIENGIES Armor: None Weapons: Sickle, dagges club Tools: None Saving Throws: Constitution Skills: Choose two from Nature, Religion, Animal Handling, Perception, Deception, and Intimidation Equirment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: * (a)a longbow and 20 arrows or (b) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts * (a) wo simple melee weapons or (b) one martial melee weapon * (a)a dungeoneer's pack oF (b) an explorers pack + Two daggers PRIMAL CALLING At Ist level your bloodline begins to exhibit itself, Choose Wereape, Werebear, Wereboar, Werecrooodile, Wererat, Wereraven, Weretiger, or Werewolt, You gain the Transformation Lycanthrope class feature and your choice grants you abilities at the Ist, 6th, 12th, and 18th levels, Starting at 1st level your transformation will ‘grant you natural attacks. The damage for these attacks are as follows: * Bite, tusk and beak attacks deal 1d6 piereing damage. © Claw attacks deal 1d6 slashing damage, © Fist attacks deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage, é ‘TRANSFORMATION ‘Also at st level, as an action, you can transform into your animal form or your hybrid form. When you change form you can stay in that form for up to 10 minutes per Lycanthrope level before changing hack. The equipment you are carrying or wearing is not transformed You cannot cast spells while transformed in either your hybrid or animal forms, and cannot use abilities which require your volce while in your anioal form, While in your animal form you are considered a beast, Regardless of which form you take you have the shapeshifier tag, When you die, you revert fo your true form. While in your animal form you use the statistics of the beast that you become but retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores as well as your hit poiats. In your hybrid form you retain all your statistics except where noted in your Primal Calling feature. You can use this ability twice, you regain all uses alter you finish a short oF long rest Asa Lycanthtope you are moon. Each night you must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC based on the phase of the moon. For places that have no moon, the: DC is 5 Failure indicates you must transform into your beast form. Ifyou ean see the moon you suffer disadvantage on the saving throw. You can choose to fail the saving throw if you wish. This does not count as a.use of your Transformation class feature. Moon Phase Saving Throw DC Full 20 Waxing/Waning 5 Crescent 10 New 3 If you failed the saving throw, your character must obey the following rules below: + You stay transformed until dawn. ‘+ You cannot control your transformation until dawn, * Your character must hunt and kill a living small or larger creature and cat of its flesh. Until you do each round you want to perform an action other than attacking.a living creature, you must make another Wisdom saving throw to see if you can do-so. Failure indicates you must take the attack action that turn or suffer 1410 psychic damage that cannot kill you. + Ifyou do not kill a creature before dawn you gain 4 Ievels of exhaustion when dawn arrives. This ability improves at the 9th level in the following ways listed: ‘+ Ifyou fail your saving throw you can choose to transform into either your beast or hybrid form, unless you failed the save by S or more. Failing by 5 or more defaults to your beast form. * You no longer need to make saving throws to perform actions other than attacking. * Failing to kill a creature before dawa gives one level less of exhaustion (three levels} ‘This ability further improves at the 15th level as shown: © You no longer need to make Lunar Sensitivity saving throws regardless af the moon phase. * You no longer need to kill a living creature at night. You no longer gain exhaustion from failing to kill a creature at night LycaNnTHROPIC RESISTANCE Beginning at 2nd level, while in your animal or hybrid form you reduce damage from slashing, piercing and bludgconing damage from non- ‘magical weapons that aren't silvered by an amount equal to your Lycanthrope level Additionally, you have vulnerability to damage from silvered weapons regardless of which form you are in, SaVAGE ATTACKS At 3rd level while in your hybrid or beast form whenover you roll damage dice from natural attacks, you can reroll 1s and 2s You must take the new result. Extra ATTACK Beginning at Sth level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. SavacE CONTROL By 7th level you can use your shapeshifting feature 4 times before needing to finish a long rest. Brast SPEAK ‘Also beginning at 7th level you are always affected by the speak with animals spell but only for animals that are the same as your animal form. At 14th level this expands to all beasts, LycANTHROPIC IMMUNITY Starting at 10h level, you no longer take extra damage from silvered weapons. Additionally, beasts see you more as one of their own than your actual creature type. Beasts are not bothered by your presence unless they succeed on a Perception check when you are using stealth to hunt them. ‘WILD COMBATANT At 11th level whenever you use the Attack action, you can use: your bonus action to make one additional attack with a natural weapon. Instead of a natural attack youcan attack with the weapon specified in your Primal Calling feature. NATURAL PREDATOR Starting at 12h level your damage from your natural altacks increases to 1d8 damage of the ‘same type. These attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance and immunity. SUPERNATURAL SENSES Beginning at 14th level whenever you roll a Wisdom (Perception) check, you also know ifthere are any creatures that are affected by illusion or transmutation spells or any creatures with the Shapeshifter tag within 30 feet. GREATER SAVAGE CONTROL At 17th level, you ean use your shapeshifting feature an unlimited number of times. LEGENDARY LYCANTHROPE ‘At 20th level, when you shift into your animal form, you may choose to become Huge. Should you become Huge you gain all of the following benefits: * All of your speeds increase by 10 ft. * Your AC becomes 15 whilein your animal form lower. + You gain temporary hit points equal to your total hit points that lasts until you leave your animal form, © Your attacks deal 2 more dice of damage and their reach increases by 5 ft. * You gain +4 on your Strength and Dexterity scores while in this form. These benefits last for 10 minutes and then you must change back to your natural form. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you've finished a long rest. PRIMAL CALLINGS You have several different callings available to you, depending on the curse that's been afflicted CALLING OF THE WEREBEAR Infamous for their ability to reject their violent impulses, werebears achieve a balance between their primal and former lives that other lycanthropes do not know. However, it isnit uncommon for other lycanthropes to consider this a-weakness of the werebear: a kindness they reject in favor of the hunt, PRIMAL CALLING After selecting this calling at Ist level, your animal form isa brown bear. In your hybrid or bear forms you gain a bite and a claw attack. You are ‘considered proficient with these attacks as well as, with greataxes. You are proficient in Strength ‘saving throws. While in your bybrid form, ifyou're not wearing armor your AC becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your strength modifier. Grizziep STRENGTH At 6th level you gain a climb speed equal to your base walking speed. Additionally, whenever you use your transformation feature you gain temporary hit points equal to your Lycanthrope level Unsine ToucHness 12th level whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution madifier. BLoopruirsty Race ‘At 18th level, you are not rendered unconscious when reduced to 0 hit points as long as you dealt damage to a foe before the end of your tuum and have not cast a'spell You are still dying and need to make death saving throws as usual. You are still subject to damage at 0 hit points as described in the death saving throw section of combat, CALLING OF THE WEREBOAR Perhaps more than other Iycanthropes Wereboars, embrace their change. They use their strength with reckless abandon, they enjoy allowing their ‘primal urges to guide them and where most other Iycanthropes are solitary or form packs the Wercboar goes wherever it likes and makes friends with whoever entertains them the most. Primat Canine After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal form is a boar. In your hybrid or boar forms you again a tusk attack. You are considered proficient with these attacks a5 well as with mauls. You are proficient in Strength saving throws. While in your hybrid form if you're mot wearing armor your AC becomes 10+ your deaterity modifier + your strength modifier Feral Hoo Beginning at 6th level your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally. your Proficiency Bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses your Strength modifier Gonmnc Cuarce At 12th level ifyou move at least 10 fect towards. target and strike with a natural attack, you rofl an extra d6 for damage, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Strength modifier. Rock Sreapy STRENGTH Starting at 18th level creatures damaged by your melee weapon attacks and natural attacks are pushed back 5 feet. 39 CALLING OF THE WERERAT Wererats are famous in most lange cities and are likely the mast prolific lyeanthropes in exist Sometimes considered a scourge for their habits they make for excellent thieves. Their al to talk to normal rats also gifts them with a huge information network, allowing them to operate nearly unseen. PRimat Canine After selecting this calling at 1st level, your animal form is a giant rat. In your hybrid or giant rat forms, you gaina bite attack. You are considered proficient with these altacks as well as with shortswords and hand crossbows. You are proficient in Intelligence saving throws. While in your hybrid form if you're not wearing armor your AC becomes 10 + your dexterity modifier + your intelligence modifier. FRIEND OF THE DARKNESS At 6th level, you gain darkvision and you have advantage with Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Additionally, your Proficiency Bonus is doubled for Dexterity (Stealth) checks. DARTING ATTACKS Starting at 12th level, whenever you use your bonus action with the Wild Combatant feature, you can make two natural attacks instead of one. If you do these attacks only deal damage equal to the ability modifier you used to attack. LerHar Precision Beginaing at 1th level when you score a critical hit with your natural weapons, roll an extra 148 for damage CALLING OF THE WERETIGER CALLING OF THE WEREAPE Proud, bloodthirsty hunters who pride themselves on their lycanthropic heritage as a noble would their own bloodline, Weretigers operate alone or sometimes in small prides. They are often seen as the opposing end of the primal spectrum when compared to Wereboars. For as much as the Wereboar enjoys basking in dirt and enjoying the animalistic side of themselves, the Weretiger focuses on the intellectual aspects of their farm, By combining their sharp minds and sharper reflexes, they consider themselves to be the perfect hunter, Ast level, your animal Tiger. In your hybrid or tiger forms, you ain a bite and a claw attack. You are considered proficient with these attacks as well as with scimitars and longhows, You are proficient in Charisma saving throws. While in your hybrid form if you're net wearing armor your AC becomes 10+ your dexterity modifier + your charisma modifier. Feune BLessina Beginning at 6th level, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you gain darkvision and you have advantage with Wisdom: (Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight. ‘RECKLESS ATTACKS 12th level, whenever you use your tion with the Wiki Combatant feature, you can make two natural attacks instead of one. Ifyou do these attacks only deal damage equal to the ability modifier you used to attack, Pouncine Hunter ‘At 18th level, as a reaction to a creature moving within 30 feet you can move directly towards them and make: a melee attack roll If yo hit, the target is knocked prone. ‘One might think that given the similarities between the great apes and humanoids, the curse of the Wereape would be somehow lesser, One would be wrong. Wereapes are willing to throw themselves completely into the primal instincts of their calling without ever losing the spark of intellect that guides them to the use of tools and tactics. PRIMAL CALLING ‘After selecting this calling at Ist level, your animal form is an ape. In your hybrid or ape forms, you ain a fist attack, You are considered proficient with this attack, as well as with greatelub and greataxes and can wield them in one hand, You are proficient in Strength saving throws. White in your hybrid form if you're not wearing armor your AC becomes 10 +your dexterity modifier + your strength modifier, Srrono Grip Beginning at 6th level. you gain a climb speed equal to your base walling speed. When you hit a Creature who has not taken damage this turn with your fist attack, your attack deals an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 12th level and 346-at 18th level CrusHine Smasn ‘AL 12th level, when you score a critical hit with your slam attack the creature must suecced on a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to.8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier oF become stunned until the end of their next turn. Suaxe Orr DeatH Starting at 18th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points you may use your reaction to expend and roll a number of hit die up to your Constitution modifier. You regain a number of hit points equal to the amount rolled and suffer a level of exhaustion equal to one half the amount of hit die used (rounded down, minimum 1). 40 CALLING OF THE WEREWOLF The most well known of all the lycanthropes, and for good reason, They're more primal than the boar, more cunning than the rat, more dangerous than the bear, and more in tune with their primal souls than the tiger They are the apex predator of all the lycanthrapes and thase who ignore these facts are only regulating themsclves to becoming future prey. PRIMAL CALLING ‘Aiter selecting this calling at Ist level, your animal form is a wolf. In your hybrid or wolf forms, you gain a bite and a claw attack. You are considered proficient with these attacks as well as with spears. You are proficient ia Strength saving throws. While in your hybrid form if you're not wearing armor your AC becomes 10+ your dexterity modifier + your strength modifier STALKING HUNTER Beginning at 6th level, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you gain darkvision and you have advantage with Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell or sight. Canto Reriexes At 12th level creatures adjacent to-you provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they took the Disengage action. Additionally, whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack its speed drops to 0 for the rest of the turn. This stops any movement they may have been taking, Expert TRACKER Starting at 18th level you can unetringly track the last creature you dealt damage to. This works as long as you and the target are-on the same plane of existence. "WERERAVEN Quick, clever and elegant is the raven, Though the: primal calling of the Wereraven may not be as wild and bloodthirsty as that of a wolf or boar, their intellect and predisposition to mischief make the Wereraven a fearsome figure. Wereravens are. opportunists and are always looking for an opening to take advantage of a situation. PRIMAL CALLING When yoott use your transforn level your animal form is a Medium-sized raven, In your hybrid or raven forms, you gain a beak attack, ‘You are considered proficient with this attack as well as with slings, battleaxes, greataxes and handaxes. You are proficient in Intelligence saving throws. While in your hybrid form if you're not wearing armor your AC becomes 10-+your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifiee tion feature at Lst Quorn THE RAVEN At 6th level, your flying speed increases by 30 feet. In hybrid or animal form you have advantage on any Charisma (Deception or Performance) check male to mimic the vaice or sounds of other creatures, NEVERMORE Beginning at 12th level your presence heralds doom in the collective unconscious, When you transform, each creature of your choice that can see you within 60 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to $ + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of cach of their turns, ending the effect on themselves on a success. Evastve FucHt AL 18th level your flight speed increases a 30 feet. You do not provoke opportunity attacks while flying, You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws while flying and if an effect would cause you to take half damage on.a success, you wstead take no damage, ee

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