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Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti

“Xarici dil” kafedrası

2021-2022-ci il kollokvium sualları
Magistr- 30 sual

1. Order words to make up a sentence.

1. heat 2.Can 3.Thermoplastics 4.Melted 5. Be

A) 1,2,5,4,6,3
B) 4,6,1,2,5,3
C) 3,2,5,4,6,1

2. Order words to make up a sentence.

1.sections 2.Timber 3. Is cut 4.To 5.The required 6.Generally

A) 6,2,3,4,5,1
B) 2,3,4,5,6,1
C) 2,1,3,6,4,5

3. Order words to make up a sentence.

1.the hardness 2.of a 3.affects 4.material 5.durability

A) 1,2,4,3,6,5
B) 5,2,6,1,4,3
C) 4,3,1,6,4,5

4. Order words to make up a sentence.

1.can 2 .be forged 3. always 4. before 5. be heated 6. it 7. metal 8. must


5.Order words to make up a sentence.

1. grid 2.simply 3.calculating electric 5.seems 6.the capacity 7.of

A) 3,6,7,4,1,5,2

6.Order words to make up a sentence.

1.Enlarged 2. drawings 3. components 4. Active size 5. their 6. than 7. larger 8.

a) 1,2,5,4,7,6,8,3
b) 1,2,3,8,6,7,4,5
c) 1,2,8,3,7,6,5,4
7. Order words to make up a sentence.

1.Whole 2. drawings 3. machines 4. general 5. arrangement 6. or 7. on 8. structures

9. shown 10. are.
a) 1,3,8,6,9,10,5,7,2
b) 1,3,6,8,10,9,7,5,2
c) 1,2,8,3,7,6,5,9,10
8.Order words to make up a sentence.

1.the 2.bridge 3.overall 4 the 5.of 6.span 8.width 9.measured 10.the

a) 1,3,6,7,9,11,10,8,5,4,2

b) 1,2,4,5,8,10,11,9,7,6,3

c) 1,6,3,9,7,11,10,8,5,4,2

9. Find the synonym to the highlighted word.

The rate of power consumption-the amount that is being consumed at a particular


a. last

b. specific

c. appointed

10.Find the synonym to the highlighted word.

Other additives can also be used in reactions.

a. additions

b. mixtures

c. liquids
11. Find the synonym to the highlighted word.

The ends of cables are permanently anchored.

a. released

b. fixed

c. installed

12. Find the synonym to the highlighted word.

Some materials can extend significantly.

a. slowly

b. constantly

c. considerably

13. Find the synonym to the highlighted word.

Some materials conduct heat better than others.

a. transmit

b. load

c. change

14.Use basic geometry to complete the sentence.

The area of right –angle triangle is equal to the length of one adjacent

side ……the length of the other adjacent side divided by two.

a) equal
b) multiplied by
c) square

15.Complete the sentences with a proper word.

For the first phase, engineers are faced with the problem that every ….. metre of
volume taken up within the rocked will add millions of dollars to its ticket into

a) cubic
b) mass
c) gravity

16.Complete the sentences with a proper word.

Each extra gram of …. added to the craft will increase the fuel needed to propel it
upwards against the pull of gravity.

a) square
b) mass
c) cubic
17.Complete the sentences with a proper word.

The extra fuel in turn, will …. a little more, further adding to the total weight of the

a) weigh
b) cubic
c) gravity
18. Match the related sentence.

The wheel will have to fit very tightly on the axle.

a) it needs an interference fit

b) it needs a clearance

c) it will contract

19. Match the related sentence.

The hole will widen with the high temperature.

a) it will contract
b) it will blind
c) it will expand
20.Match the related sentence.

The shaft will shorten and narrow slightly as it cools.

a) there will be too much play
b) it will contract
c) it will expand
21. Answer the following question.
How are the elements of Compound combined?
a) by a chemical reaction
b) by mixing together
c) by breaking into pieces

22.Answer the following question.

What is mixture?

a) it consists of two or more elements mixed together

b) it consists of only one element
c) it consists of many elements which are chemically bound

23. Choose the correct translation

If each angle in a triangle is 600, then the lengths of its sides are equal.
a) Əgər üçbucaqlının hər bir bucağı 60 dərəcədirsə bu zaman onun tərəflərinin
uzunluğu bərabər olur.
b) Əgər düzbucaqlının bucaqları 600 dərəcədirsə deməli tərəflərinin uzunluğu da
bərabər olur.
c) Hər bucağın 600 olduğunu nəzərə alsaq, o zaman onun tərəflərinin uzunluğu da
bərabər olacaq.

a) Если каждый угол в треугольнике составляет 60 градусов, то

длина всех его сторон равна.
b) Если каждый угол в прямоугольникe составляет 60 градусов,
то длина всех его сторон равна.
c) Если принять во внимание, что каждый угол составляет
60 градусов, то все стороны равны.
24. Choose the correct translation

Increasing the cross-sectional area allows the conductor to carry more current

a) Keçiricinin en kəsiyinin sahəsinin artırılması onlara daha çox cərəyanı

təhlükəsiz ötürməyə imkan verir.
b) Keçiricinin en kəsiyinin sahəsinin azaldılması onlara daha çox cərəyanı
ötürməyə imkan verir.
c) Yarımkeçiricinin en kəsiyinin nöqtəsinin artırılması daha çox cərəyan
ötürülməsinə imkan verir.
а) Увеличение площади поперечного сечения позволяет проводнику
благополучно пропускать больше тока.
b) Уменьшение площади поперечного сечения позволяет провод-
нику благополучно пропускать больше тока.
с) Увеличение точки поперечного сечения позволяет полу-
проводнику благополучно пропускать больше тока
25. Choose the correct translation

A theodolite – an optical device used for measuring angles.

a) Teodelit bucaqları ölçmək üçün cihazdır.

b) Teodolit bucaqların ölçülməsi üçün istifadə edilən optik cihazdır.

c) Teodolit kvadratları ölçmək üçün istifadə edilən cıhazdır.

a) Теодолит- прибор, используемый для изменения углов.

b) Теодолит- оптический прибор, используемый для измерения углов.

с) Теодолит- оптический прибор для измерения квадрата.

26.Conversational topic “Drawings” should include:

 Drawing types and scales

 Types of views used on drawings
 Design calculations
27. Conversational topic “Measurement” should include:

 Horizontal and vertical measurements

 Linear dimensions
 Centerlines and offsets
28. Conversational topic “Dimensions” should include:

 Key dimensions of circles and pipes

 Dimensional accuracy
 Precision and tolerance
29. Conversational topic “Numbers and calculations” should include:

 Decimals and fraction, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

 Area, size and mass, weight, volume and density
 Measurable parameters; Supply, demand and capacity; input, output and
30. Conversational topic “Materials Technology” should include:

 Material types; Metals and non-metals

 Elements, compounds and mixtures
 Composite materials

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