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Date: August 22, 2022


I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to relate visual images to sound
and silence using quarter note, beamed eighth notes and quarter rest in a rhythmic pattern.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Rhythm: Sounds and Silence
B. References: MELCs, K-12 Curriculum Guide, T.G. pp. 1 – 5 and L.M. pp. 2-5
C. Materials: chart, PowerPoint

III. Procedure:
1. Motivation
(Refer to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 1)
Place on the table all the instruments or objects that produce sound and do
the following activities:
- Strike a tin can and lift your hand to rest.
Ask: What sound did you hear?
(Ans: Sound of a drum)
Did you hear a sound when I lifted my hand?
(Ans: No)
- Tap an arm chair then lift your hand to rest.
Note: Ask the same questions as given in the first example.
- Strike an empty bottle then lift your hand to rest.

2. Presentation
(Refer to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 2)
Show a picture of a family.
Ask: Do you have a sister or brother?
How do they help your parents in doing household chores?
(Ans: by cleaning the shelves, sweeping the floor and washing dishes, etc.)
How about you? How do you help your parents at home?

Show the class the chart of the song “Ang Amon Pamilya”.
Say: Let us now listen to the song “Ang Amon Pamilya”.

Play the song again and let the class create rhythmic patterns by writing on the
board a vertical line (|) for the sound heard and quarter rest ( ) for silence.
Say: Let us now interpret the rhythmic pattern of “Ang Amon Pamilya” by
clapping for every vertical line (|) in producing the sound and open hands
for every quarter rest ( ) for silence or rest.

3. Discussion
Ask the following questions:
 How did you respond to the activities? (Ans: Clap for every
vertical line and open hand for every quarter rest.
 What is the symbol for sound? (Ans: Vertical line)
 What did we do when we see this symbol (|) (Ans: clap)
 What did we do when we see this symbol (|)? (Ans: palms together
to prolong the sound)
 What is the symbol for silence? (Ans: Quarter Rest)
 What did you do when you see this symbol ( )? (Ans: open
 What is the difference between sound and silence? (Ans: Sound is
anything that we hear and silence is the period of time with no

4. Independent Practice
Himua ang kombinasyon nga ginpaakita sa laragway.






5. Application
Lantawa ang masunod nga mga laragway. Isulat ang simbolo sang kada laragway
sa blangko sa idalum agud makahimo sang isa ka Rhythmic Pattern.
*Dumdumon ang paggamit sang simbolo:
a) - wala sing tunog
b) | - may ara sing tunog

1. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5.

- What visual image did we use for sound? (Ans: |)
- What visual image did we use for silence? (Ans: )
- How did you differentiate sound from silence?
(Ans: We clapped, tapped and stomped to produce sound and open
hand for silence)

6. Generalization
 What is sound and what is silence?
(Ans: Sound is anything we hear. Silence is a period of time with no
sound or without sound.)
 What symbol is used for sound and for silence?
(Ans: Vertical line (|) is used for sound and quarter rest ( ) is used for

7. Closing Acitivities
(Refer to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 4)
Sing the song “Ang AMon Pamilya” with enjoyment while clapping
for the sounds heard and open hands for silence.

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write your answer on a piece of paper.
1. What does (|) represent in the rhythmic pattern?
A. note B. sound C. silence D. rest
2. What does the ( ) represent in the rhythmic pattern?
A. tone B. sound C. note D. silence
3. Which activity shows love for music?
A. A boy participated in clapping the rhythmic patterns of a song.
B. A girl did not join her group mate in their musical activity.
C. A pupil went out of the room while the class is singing a song.
D. A pupil did not participate in chanting the rhythmic patterns.
4. Which symbol represents sound?
A. / B. * C. % D.
5. What is the order of movements of sound?
A. Rhythm B. Ostinato C. Graph D. Instrument

V. Assignment:
(Refer to LM Lesson 1, Hilikuton 5)
Memorize the song learned. Practice clapping for sound and open hands for silence in the
following rhythmic pattern.

M.L. _______________
I.D. _______________


Grade II - Hope
Date: August 23, 2022


I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the different types
of Filipino artists when they create portraits and still life (different lines and colors).

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Still Life Painting
B. References: MELCs, K-12 Curriculum Guide, T.G. pp. 173 - 174 and L.M. p. 106
C. Materials: chart, PowerPoint
D. Values Integration: BEING ORGANIZED

III. Procedure:
1. Motivation
Ask: “Children, what do you do when you arrange things at home or in school?

2. Presentation
The teacher will show pictures of Still Life Paintings.

Ask: “Are you familiar of Still Life Painting?

Do you know some famous Filipino artists and painters?”
Ask: What can you say about the pictures? Can you describe them?
Say: “Just like drawing everyday life activities, artists sometimes draw man-made
objects or objects from nature. The masterpiece of an artist sometimes conveys to
the viewers his ideas, experiences and interests.”

3. Discussion
Look at the following pictures painted by renowned Filipino artists.
The following works of art are done by Fernando Amorsolo.

These artworks are painted by Mauro Malang Santos

Compare the paintings presented above by Fernando Amorsolo and Mauro
Malang Santos. Do they look alike or do they differ?

4. Independent Practice
Identify the following illustrations if it is a Still Life Painting. Say “YES”
if it is otherwise, say “NO”.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

5. Application
Let each pupil draw their chosen objects. Give them at least 10 minutes to
conduct the activity.
What object did you draw?
What is your model in drawing the object?
Were you able to draw the likeness of the object? Why?

Show the real objects to be used as model for a Still Life drawing. Let the pupils
draw them. Refer to Activity 1 of Lesson 7.

6. Generalization
There are many kinds of artists. They draw in unique ways and forms.
Some painters draw faces of people while others make portraits of nature. Still
Life drawings are drawings of non-living objects, arranged in a specific way, to
create meaning or a visual effect.

IV. Evaluation:
Direksyon: Pun-an ang mga linya sa parapo sang husto nga tinaga. Magpili halin sa mga
tinaga nga yara sa sulod sang kahon sa idalum.



Kinahanglan ang mga _____________ para makadrowing sang mga bagay kag
makahimo sang matahum nga obra nga lain sa mga ginaobra sang imo kaeskwela. Ang
mga linya nga ______________ kag ________________ importante para
makadrowing. Para mangin matahum ang imo ginaobra, kinahanglan maggamit sang
__________ agud ini mangin makagalanyat sa pana-awan sang iban. Kinahanglan man
ang pasensya sa pagdrowing agud mapasanyog ang abilidad sang kada isa. Ang
ikasarang sa paggmait sang linya importante gid nga dapat matun-an sa pagdrowing sa
mga _____________ nga gusto mo.
V. Assignment:
Maggamit sang mga kurte. Magdrowing sang mga butang nga gusto mo ipakita.
Duagi ini agud mangin makagalanyat sa panan-awan sang iban.

M.L. _______________
I.D. _______________


Grade II - Hope
Date: August 30, 2022


I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to differentiate the contrast
between shapes and colors of different fruits or plants and flowers in one’s work and in
the work of others.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Contrast and Overlap
B. References: MELCs, K-12 Curriculum Guide, T.G. pp. 167 - 169 and L.M. pp.
C. Materials: chart, PowerPoint
D. Values Integration: HELPFULNESS

III. Procedure:
1. Motivation
Ask: “Do you eat fruits? Why? What fruits do you like most?
Song (Tune: Magtanim ay Di-Biro)

Masustansya ang Prutas

Lyrics written by: Marilou Larios Palestra
Ang prutas masustansiya
Kaunon kada aga
Ang saging kag kapayas
Lanzones kag bayabas.
Magkaon sang prutas
Agud kita ang maluwas.
Sa mga masakit
Nga sa lawas nagahalit.

2. Presentation
Say: “Philippines is abundant with plants, leaves, and fruits with varied colors.
These are usually found in rural areas most especially in the farm.

3. Discussion
Ask: “Have you gone to a farm?” Let’s pretend that we are in a farm as we read
the story together.

In the Farm
Written by: Mariolu Larios Palestra

It’s Saturday, Mark and Marie have no class. “We are free today. Let’s
visit Tito Andoy in the farm”, said Mark. “Yes, I’m sure there are lots of fruits
there. Fruits are good for our health. We will bring a basket,” said Marie.
In the farm, they say fruit-bearing trees like mangoes, chicos and macopas.
There are also bananas, guavas and papayas. “Let’s ask for some of these fruits
from Tito Andoy”, said Mark. “Yes, it’s proper to ask permission first,” answered
After asking permission, they gathered fruits like yellow and green
mangoes, round brown chicos and yellow bananas. They enjoyed climbing
macopa tree and gathered its green and red fruits. They also picked few ywllow-
green guavas and oblong papayas. “I’m sure, Mama will be happy for these,”
Marie said. “Yes, she likes to eat fruits”, answered Mark.
After gathering fruits, the two children went home with their basket full of
different kinds of fruits.

What are the different kinds of fruits they saw in the farm? Describe each
fruit: its shape and color. Which color is dark? Which is light?

4. Independent Practice
Lantawa sang maayo ang kada laragway kag butangan sang tsek () kon ang
drowing nagapakita sang overlap kag ekis naman () kon wala.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

5. Application
Magkuha sang papel. Magpanumdom kag maghimo sang kaugalingon nga
disenyo sang mga butang ukon paborito nga prutas kag ubrahon ang overlapping.
Duagan kag patahumon.

6. Generalization
Ang pagdrowing sang isa ka butang sa likod sang isa pa ka butang
makatuga sang ginatawag nga overlap. Magkuha sang papel kag idrowing ang
imo sabat.

IV. Evaluation:
Direksyon: Magkuha sang papel kag idrowing sa kahon ang masunod nga mga laragway
kag duagi ini.





V. Assignment:
Direksyon: Basaha ang masunod nga mga dinalan. Magsulat sang ADLAW kon husto
ang ginapabutyag sini kag BULAN naman kon indi ini husto.
1. Ang pagdrowing sang is aka butang sa likod sang isa pa ka butang makahimo sang
2. Ang tadlong nga linya nagaliko-liko.
3. Pwede man gamiton ang istilo sang pag overlap sa pagdrowing sang mga butang kag
mga letra.
4. Ang isa ka disenyo nga ginalakipan sang mga geometrikon nga mga kurte nagahatag
sang matahum nga interpretasyon sa mga ideya nga gusto ilaragway sang artist.
5. Indi kinahanglan ang imahinasyon sa paghimo sang is aka artwork.

M.L. _______________
I.D. _______________


Grade II - Hope
Date: August 24, 2022


I. Objective:
The learner demonstrates understanding of body shapes and body actions in
preparation for various movement activities

II. Subject Matter:

E. Topic: Body shapes and actions.
F. References: MELCs, K-12 Curriculum Guide, T.G. pp. 243 - 246 and L.M. pp.
G. Materials: Pictures, PowerPoint,

III. Procedure:
6. Motivation
Let the pupils sing “Walking, Walking”
Ask: What body movements did you perform?
What shapes were you able to produce?
How did you do it?
Can you show it?

7. Presentation
The teacher will show a picture of different body shapes.

8. Discussion
Ask: What body shapes can be seen in the picture?
What body shapes can be demonstrated over a longer period of time.

9. Independent Practice

10. Application
Magsanay lumakad nang tuwid sa pamamagitan ng pagsunod sa sumusunod na
panuto. Isagawa ang bawat hakbang na may bilang na apat.
1. Lumakad paharap.
2. Lumiko sa kanan at muling lumakad paharap.
3. Lumiko ulit sa kanan at muling lumakad paharap.
4. Muling lumiko sa kanan at lumakad muli paharap hanggang sa makabalik sa
dating lugar.

6. Generalization
Maaaring gamitin ang katawan sa pagsasagawa ng mga kilos at sa bawat
kilos ay may kaakibat na hugis ng katawan. Dapat panatilihin ang tamang tikas
ng katawan.

IV. Evaluation:
Tingnan ang larawan ng batang nakatayo nakaupo at naglalakad. Ilarawan ang ayos at
hugis ng kanilang katawan gamit ang rubrics.
Rubrics sa Paglalarawan
E (Excellent) - napakahusay ng pagsasagawa ng galaw
G (Good) - mahusay na naisagawa ang galaw
P (Poor) - hindi wasto ang galaw

V. Assignment:
Panuto: Kumpletuhin ang bawat pangungusap.

1. Ang natutuhan ko ngayon ay________________________________________________


2. Nalaman kong__________________________________________________________
3. Gusto ko pang malaman___________________________________________________

M.L. _______________
I.D. _______________


Grade II - Hope
Date: August 31, 2022


I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to discuss the important
of food and balanced diet.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Healthy Foods.
B. References: MELCs, K-12 Curriculum Guide, T.G. pp. 376-380 and L.M. pp.
C. Materials: chart, PowerPoint,
D. Values Integration: HEALTHY HABITS

III. Procedure:
1. Motivation
Ask: What are your favorite foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Draw them on each plate.
After finishing, ask the pupils:
a. Are your favorite meals healthy? Why do you say so?
b. How much food can you eat?
c. Is it okey to eat too much or too less? Why?

2. Presentation
Tell the pupils that it is important to eat just right to avoid malnutrition.
Ask the pupils, “How do you know how much food should be eaten every
Draw a big pyramid on the board and ask if the pupils are familiar with it?
Build the levels of food pyramid with the pupils. Identify food to be eaten
in right amounts.

3. Discussion
Ask: What can you recall about malnutrition?
Say: Making food choices about the right food to eat based on the food
pyramid will help develop healthy individuals. The Food Guide Pyramid
teaches the principle of eating the right amounts of a variety of foods every
day. They should eat more vegetables and fruits. Eating foods from
animals, dried beans and nuts should be in moderation. Eat just enough
foods rich in fats, oil and sugar.

4. Independent Practice:
Direksyon: Gamit ang Food Pyramid Guide, magplano sang mga pagkaon
nga imo kaunon para sa pamahaw, panyaga kag panyapon.

5. Application
Direksiyon: Kumpletuha ang mga masunod nga dinalan.
1. Kon magkaon ako sing diutay, ___________________________________.
2. Kon magkaon ako sing damu, ____________________________________.
3. Kon magkaon ako sing tama-tama lang, ____________________________.
6. Generalization
Say: Ang mga bitamina nagabulig husay sang mga buluhaton sang lawas.
Nagaantos ang lawas sang tawo nga may kakulangan sa bitamina.

IV. Evaluation:
Direksyon: Isulat ang T kon husto ang dinalan kag F naman kon indi husto.

______1. Ang bata nga nagaangkon sang tam- an kadamo nga pagkaon naga-antos sang
______2. Ang bata nga nagapatuyang kaon nagaantos sang obesity.
______3. Ang bata nga obese makahimo lamang sang mga limitado nga mga butang.
______4. Ang bata nga obese maniwang ang hitsura.
______5. Ang bata nga obese kulang sa pagkaon nga masustansiya sa protina kag

V. Assignment:
Direksyon: Maglista sang lima ka klase sang bitamina kag minera nga makuha sa
pagkaon sang masustansiya.

M.L. _______________
I.D. _______________


Grade II - Hope

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