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Globalization of Markets and the Asia, Africa, and Europe all

Internationalization of the Firm contributed to the growth of cross-

border trade.

Globalization of markets - refers to Globalization evolved out of a

the gradual integration and growing common desire of civilizations to
interdependence of national reach out and touch one another.
It is a culmination of people’s
Declining trade barriers and rapid recognition, thousands of years ago,
changes in communications, of the wonders of difference and
manufacturing, and transportation discovery.
technologies are enabling firms to
internationalize much more rapidly Cross-border trading opened the
and easily than ever before. world to innovations and progress by
giving societies the opportunity to
Globalization allows companies to expand and grow.
outsource value-chain activities to the
most favorable locations worldwide. Trade through the ages fostered
civilization; without it, the world
A value chain is the sequence of would consist of warring tribes bent
value-adding activities the firm on getting what they need through
performs in the course of developing, combat.
producing, marketing, and servicing a
product. Phases of Globalization

Firms source raw materials, parts, We can identify five distinct phases in
components, and service inputs from the evolution of globalization since
suppliers around the globe. the 1800s, each phase was
Globalization has also made it easier accompanied by radical technological
for companies to sell their offerings advances and internationalization
worldwide. trends.

These trends are transforming national The First Phase of globalization

economies. began in about 1830 and peaked
around 1880.
Growing world trade and foreign
direct investment (FDI) provide It was associated with the use of water
buyers with a wider choice of and steam power to mechanize
products than ever before. production and power ships and
Global competition and innovation
frequently help to lower consumer International business became
prices. widespread due to the growth of
railroads, efficient ocean transport,
Firms with cross-border business and the rise of large manufacturing
create millions of jobs that raise living and trading firms.
standards around the world.
Invention of the telegraph and
Globalization is not new. In early telephone in the late 1800s enabled
history, civilizations in the information flows between and within
Mediterranean, Middle East. nations and aided early efforts to
manage companies’ supply chains.
General Agreement on Tariffs and
The Second Phase of globalization Trade (GATT), which reduced
began around 1900 and was barriers to international trade and
associated with the rise of electricity investment. Participating governments
and steel production. Electric power recognized that liberalized trade
was widely used to drive mass would stimulate industrialization,
production. modernization, and better living
This phase reached its height just
before the Great Depression, a In turn, the GATT led to the formation
worldwide economic downturn that of the World Trade Organization
began in 1929. (WTO;, which grew to
include about 164 member nations.
In 1900, Western Europe was the
most industrialized world region. The WTO aims to regulate and ensure
Europe’s colonization of countries in fairness and efficiency in global trade
Asia, Africa, and the Middle East led and investment. Global cooperation in
to the establishment of some of the the postwar era also gave birth to the
earliest subsidiaries of multinational International Monetary Fund and the
enterprises (MNEs). European World Bank.
companies such as BASF,
Early multinationals from the third
Nestlé, Shell, Siemens, and British phase of globalization originated in
Petroleum established foreign the United States, Western Europe,
manufacturing plants by 1900. and Japan. European firms such as
Unilever, Philips, Royal Dutch-Shell,
In the years before World War I (pre- and Bayer organized their businesses
1914), many firms operated globally. by establishing subsidiaries around
the world.
The Italian manufacturer Fiat supplied
vehicles to nations on both sides of Many companies developed
the war. internationally recognized trade
names, including Nestlé, Kraft,
The Third Phase of globalization Lockheed, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, and
began after World War II. This phase Levi’s.
was associated with reconstruction
efforts after the war and the Foreign subsidiaries of such
dismantling of trade barriers. companies operated as small versions
of the parent firm, marketing their
By the war’s end in 1945, substantial products around the world.
pent-up demand fueled markets for
consumer and industrial products to MNEs began to seek cost advantages
rebuild Europe and Japan. by locating factories in developing
countries with low labor costs.
Leading industrialized countries, International trade and investment
including Australia, the United expanded significantly in the 1960s.
Kingdom, and the United States,
sought to reduce international trade Recovered from World War II, MNEs
barriers to supply goods to meet this in Europe and Japan began to
demand. challenge the dominance of U.S.
In 1947, the Bretton Woods
Conference of 23 nations created the
Growing international trade coincided printing, nanotechnology, and
with increased cross-national flows of biotechnology are blurring the lines
capital, leading to integration of between the physical, digital, and
global financial markets. biological spheres.

The fourth phase of globalization Digital and other new technologies

began in the early 1980s and featured are boosting the efficiency of
the use of electronics and information international trade, especially in
technology to automate production. services.

The phase was characterized by For example, much retailing is now

enormous growth in cross-border done through giant firms such as
trade and investment. Amazon and Alibaba, which sell their
It was triggered by the development offerings around the world via online
of personal computers, the Internet, platforms. From Africa to South Asia
and web browsers. to Latin America, as more people
become digitally connected, they
It was also characterized by the consume more international services.
collapse of the Soviet Union and the
market liberalization of Central and The value of world exports of services
Eastern Europe. rose from about $3 trillion in 2007 to
more than $5 trillion in 2017.
Impressive industrialization and
modernization in East Asian Thanks to technological advances,
economies followed. International national borders and traditional
prosperity began to develop in the country-based business models are
emerging markets, including Brazil, losing much of their relevance.
India, and Mexico.
The 1980s witnessed huge increases Meanwhile, growth in international
in FDI, especially in capital- and trade of goods has slowed during this
technology-intensive sectors. phase.

Technological advances in Just as new technologies support

information, communications, and international services trade, they also
transportation supported the rise of increase the productivity of local
internationally active small and manufacturing.
medium-sized enterprises.
This tendency reduces firms’ cost of
These advances increased the ability domestic operations and increases the
to organize and manage exports more attractiveness of homegrown, local
efficiently and at lower cost. Modern manufacturing.
technologies also enabled the
globalization of the service sector in FDI as a share of total investment has
such areas as banking, entertainment, declined. Emerging market countries
tourism, insurance, and retailing. increasingly focus on developing loca
markets for locally manufactured
The fifth phase of globalization began products.
around 2007 with the rise of digital
technologies. Technological
breakthroughs in fields such as Market Globalization: Organizing
quantum computing, the Internet of Framework
Things, artificial intelligence,
robotics, autonomous vehicles, 3D
Firms expand abroad proactively to acquired Verizon’s telephone
increase sales and profit through new operations in Puerto Rico.
markets, find lower-cost inputs, or
obtain other advantages. In each case, America Movil took
advantage of such globalization trends
Firms may also internationalize as harmonizing communications
reactively because of unfavorable technologies, converging buyer
conditions in the home market such as characteristics, and reduced trade and
regulation or declining local industry investment barriers.
As emerging markets transform into
Exhibit 2.2 presents an organizing sophisticated economies, they
framework for examining market leapfrog older telecom technologies
globalization. and embrace contemporary mobile
phone technology—a boon to
The exhibit makes a distinction America Movil.
• Driving forces or causes of To minimize costs, many of the firm’s
globalization. cell phones are essentially identical
• Dimensions or manifestations worldwide. They are adapted only to
of globalization. accommodate for local languages,
• Firm-level consequences of regulations, and telephone standards.
• Societal consequences of America Movil’s positioning
globalization. emphasizes a global brand that is
In the exhibit, the double arrows recognized everywhere.
illustrate the interactive nature of the
relationship between globalization Worldwide convergence of buyer
and its consequences. lifestyles and incomes help facilitate
this transnational approach.
As globalization intensifies,
individual firms respond to the Management coordinates operations
challenges and new advantages that it on a global scale and applies common
brings. America Movil business processes in procurement
( is a leading and quality control.
wireless phone service provider, with
more than 225 million subscribers in The strategies of product
18 countries, that has pursued standardization, global branding, and
internationalization as a growth selling to customers worldwide owe
strategy. much of their success to the
globalization of markets.
Based in Mexico, America Movil
internationalized mainly through
foreign direct investment (FDI) with
initial operations in Brazil and

It then expanded to Ecuador, Chile,

the Netherlands, and numerous other
foreign markets. The firm entered
into a joint venture with Citigroup to
fund expansion in South America. It
Driving Forces of Globalization and South Korea—embraced free
market norms.
Various trends have converged in
recent years as causes of Privatization of previously state-
globalization. owned industries in these countries
has encouraged economic efficiency
The following are particularly and attracted massive foreign capital
notable: to their national economies.

• Worldwide reduction in barriers • Industrialization, economic

to trade and investment. development, and modernization.

The tendency of national governments Many emerging markets - rapidly

to reduce trade and investment developing economies in Asia, Latin
barriers has accelerated global America, and Eastern Europe—have
economic integration. now moved from being low value-
adding commodity producers to
For example, tariffs on the import of sophisticated, competitive producers
industrial and medical equipment and exporters of premium products
and countless other products have such as electronics, computers, and
declined nearly to zero in many aircraft.
countries, encouraging freer
international exchange of goods and For example, Brazil is now a leading
services. Falling trade barriers are manufacturer of Embraer commercial
facilitated by the WTO. aircraft.

After joining the WTO in 2001, China Economic development results in

has made its market increasingly more increased incomes and living
accessible to foreign firms. standards, an important measurement
of which is gross national income
The decrease in trade barriers is also (GNI) per person.
associated with the emergence of
regional economic integration blocs. It reveals that Africa and several
countries in Asia and Latin America
The recent rise of nationalistic are the lowest-income countries.
politicians in some countries has These areas are also characterized by
tended to hinder ongoing reduction of lower levels of globalization.
trade and investment barriers.
A critical driver of rising income
However, the overall trend of levels is the nation’s volume of
increasing free trade continues. international trade.

• Market liberalization and adoption • Integration of world financial

of free markets. markets.

In the past three decades, free-market Financial market integration makes it

reforms have smoothed the integration possible for internationally active
of China, India, Russia and other firms to raise capital, borrow funds,
formerly protectionist countries into and engage in foreign currency
the global economy. transactions.

Numerous Asian economies—for Financial services firms follow their

example, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, customers to foreign markets. Cross-
border transactions are made easier
because of the ease with which funds outperform rivals. Geographically
can be transferred between buyers and distant subsidiaries of a multinational
sellers. firm are now.

This takes place through networks of interconnected by intranets that

international commercial banks. For facilitate instant sharing of data,
instance, the SWIFT network information, and experience across
connects more than 11,000 financial company operations worldwide.
institutions in some 200 countries.
MNEs use collaboration software to
This global financial connectivity connect widely dispersed product
assists firms in developing and development teams.
operating world-scale production and
marketing operations. It enables Technology enables firms to interact
companies to pay suppliers and with foreign partners and value-chain
collect payments from customers members in a more timely and cost-
worldwide. effective way.

• Advances in technology. Such productivity advances provide

substantial competitive advantages for
Technological advances are markable the firm.
facilitator of cross-border trade and One result is the increased early
investment. This is an important internationalization by SMEs.
megatrend that requires greater
elaboration. Emerging markets and developing
economies benefit from technological
Technological Advances and leapfrogging. For example, numerous
Globalization African countries are adopting cell
phone technology directly, bypassing
Perhaps the most important driving the landline technology common to
force of market globalization has been some advanced economies.
technological advances in
information, communications, Digitalization
manufacturing, and transportation. Digitalization refers to enabling or
Technological advances provide the transforming business functions,
means for market globalization to operations, and activities by
happen. leveraging digital technologies and
digitized data.

Information Technology Digital connectivity has become

Information technology (IT) is possible because of advanced IT and
the science and process of creating telecommunications technologies.
and using information resources. Its
effect on business has been Digital networks provide a global
revolutionary. platform through which people and
organizations interact, collaborate,
The cost of computer processing fell obtain information, and develop
by more than 30 percent per year strategies.
during the past three decades and
continues to fall. Digital flows of information and
commerce are connecting the world
IT creates competitive advantages by more than ever before.
giving companies new ways to
E-commerce now encompasses a vast Digitalization has numerous
range of platforms and applications consequences. The marginal cost of
that facilitate international buying and transmitting data and information
selling of goods and services online. worldwide is now essentially zero.

For example, sharing-economy firms Digitalization has reduced both the

such as Uber and Airbnb use importance of geographic boundaries
specialized software and the Internet and the costs of international
to facilitate the joint creation of value interactions and transactions.
and services between asset users and
asset owners. Companies extensively use digital
tools to support innovation and
Around the world, Uber allows people improve productivity and the
who need temporary transportation to effectiveness of value chains
hire drivers and vehicles owned by worldwide.
others. Airbnb allows travelers to rent
other people’s homes. All kinds of firms use digital
platforms to connect with customers
Digitalization is transforming and suppliers around the world.
interactions among customers,
employees, business partners and Competition is becoming more
investors by connecting locations, sophisticated and global. For example,
products, services, and data. Alibaba and Amazon are connecting
global suppliers and imposing
Large-scale data analysis helps competitive pressures on traditional
uncover breakthrough business retailers worldwide.
insights and develop products,
services, and experiences tailored to Communications
specific customer needs.
The Internet and Internet-dependent
For example, automakers systems such as intranets, extranets,
continuously collect data on how social media, and email connect
customers use their cars and then billions of people and companies.
utilize the data to improve product
quality and the driving experience. Marketers use the Internet to promote
the widest range of products and
Leveraging emergent technologies services to customers worldwide.
such as virtual reality and artificial
intelligence helps to create innovative Transmitting voice, data, and images
products and services that provide is essentially costless, making Seoul,
competitive advantages. Stockholm, and San Jose next-door
Robots, artificial intelligence, and IT-
based automation improve operational South Korea has nearly 100 percent
efficiency and deliver more engaging Internet access, with one of the
customer experiences. fastest broadband networks
For example, MNEs are introducing
sensors into manufacturing operations Koreans use their phones to pay bills,
to improve production efficiency, do banking, and watch news
predict maintenance problems, and programs.
perform repairs from remote
locations. The Internet opens the global
marketplace to SMEs and other firms
that would normally lack the
resources to do international business. The “Arab Spring” in the Middle
East was facilitated in large part by
By establishing a presence on the social media. In view of this, in some
web, even tiny enterprises can take authoritarian countries, national
the first step to become multinational governments restrict access to social
firms. media, fearing the role it can play in
accelerating social movements.
Services as diverse as designing an
engine, monitoring a security camera, Many companies and other
selling insurance, and doing organizations leverage social media to
secretarial work are easier to export communicate with their publics
than car parts or refrigerators. through direct sales, advertising, and
In China, thousands of rural farmers public relations.
use Internet sites such as to market their Social media provide the means to
produce to urban consumers. communicate directly with millions of
connected individuals in new markets.
Countries need modern infrastructure
in communications, such as reliable Puma uses Twitter and other
telephone systems, to support platforms to market sportswear to
economic development. customers in Europe and Latin
America ahead of the World Cup
Mobile phones are the most games.
transformative technology in
developing economies. Fortunately, McDonald’s used the social media
cell phone infrastructure is site to market burgers
inexpensive and relatively easy to and sundaes to customers in China.
Social media provide various means
The Internet of Things refers to to reach important audiences in
machine-to-machine connectivity markets around the world.
Worldwide, mobile telephony and app Digitalization and computer-
development have grown enormously, aided design (CAD) of products,
creating millions of jobs, increasing robotics, and production lines have
productivity, and producing big GDP transformed manufacturing,
gains. mainly by reducing production costs.

The number of smartphone users Revolutionary developments facilitate

reached 3 billion in 2017, double the low-scale and low-cost
figure in 2013. People everywhere are manufacturing; firms can make
now online. products cost-effectively even in short
production runs.
Social media such as Snapchat,
Instagram, and WeChat facilitate the Online platforms are increasing the
free flow of information, deepening productivity of business and industrial
the pace and impact of globalization. activity. Such developments benefit
Global communities created by international business by allowing
platforms such as YouTube and firms to adapt products more
Twitter help mobilize audiences that efficiently to individual foreign
transcend borders and geographic markets, profitably target small
distance. national markets, and compete more
effectively with foreign competitors integration and coordination of value-
that enjoy cost advantages. chain activities.

Transportation The collective activities of such firms

Firms consider the cost of give rise to economic integration, that
transporting raw materials, is, increased trade and other
components, and finished products commercial activities among the
when deciding to either export or nations of the world.
manufacture abroad.
Governments assist this integration by
If transport costs to an important lowering barriers to international trade
market are high, management may and investment, harmonizing their
decide to manufacture merchandise in monetary and fiscal policies within
that market. regional economic integration blocs,
and creating supranational
The development of fuel-efficient institutions.
jumbo jets, giant ocean-going
freighters, and new transportation These include such organizations as
technology has greatly reduced the World Bank, International
shipping times and costs. Monetary Fund, and World Trade
In recent decades, the volume of
international shipping has increased • Rise of regional economic
dramatically. integration blocs.
For example, world traffic in shipping
containers increased from 225 million Regional economic integration blocks
20-foot equivalent containers in 2000 consist of groups of countries that
to more than 700 million such facilitate reduced trade and
containers in 2017, a rise of 210 investment barriers among
percent. themselves.

Containers are the big boxes, usually Examples include the North American
40 feet long (about 12 meters), loaded Free Trade Agreement area
on top of ships, trucks, and rail cars (NAFTA), the Asia Pacific Economic
that carry the world’s cargo. Cooperation zone (APEC), and
Mercosur in Latin America.
Today’s ocean-going container ships
hold more than 2,500 containers. In more advanced arrangements, such
as a common market, the barriers to
Dimensions of Market the cross-border flow of labor and
Globalization capital are completely removed.
The globalization of markets can
be characterized by several major A notable example is the European
dimensions. Union ( The
European Union has adopted free
• Integration and trade among its member countries and
interdependence of national harmonized fiscal and monetary
economies. policies and business regulations.

Internationally active firms develop

multi-country operations through • Growth of global investment and
trade, investment, geographic financial flows.
dispersal of company resources, and
In the process of conducting For example, firms in the auto and
international transactions, firms and textile industries have relocated their
governments buy and sell large manufacturing to low labor-cost
volumes of national currencies (such locations such as China, Mexico, and
as dollars, euros, and yen). Poland.

The free movement of capital around

the world—the globalization of
capital—extends economic activities
across the globe.

It further increases interconnectedness

among world economies. The bond
market has gained worldwide scope, • Globalization of services.
with foreign bonds representing a
major source of debt financing for The services sector—banking,
governments and firms. hospitality, retailing, and other service
industries—is undergoing widespread
• Convergence of consumer internationalization.
lifestyles and preferences.
The real estate firm REMAX has
Consumers around the world established more than 6,500 offices in
increasingly spend their money and some 100 countries. Firms
time in similar ways. Many aspects of increasingly outsource business
lifestyles and preferences are processes and other services in the
converging. value chain to vendors located abroad.
Major brands enjoy a global following In a relatively new trend, many
encouraged by movies, global media, people go abroad to undergo
and the Internet. Movies such as medical procedures, such as cataract
Transformers and The Hunger Games and knee surgeries, to save money.
have developed global audiences of
fans. Firm-Level Consequences of
Market Globalization:
Convergence of preferences is also
occurring in industrial markets, where Internationalization of the Firm’s
professional buyers source raw Value Chain
materials, parts, and components that
are increasingly standardized—that is, The most direct consequence of
similar or identical in design and market globalization is on the firm’s
structure. value chain.

• Globalization of production. Globalization compels firms to

organize their sourcing,
Intense global competition is forcing manufacturing, marketing, and other
firms to reduce their costs of value-adding activities on a global
production. Companies cut their costs scale to achieve cost advantages and
and selling prices through economies time efficiencies.
of scale, standardization of finished
products, and shifting manufacturing In a typical value chain, the firm
and procurement to foreign locations conducts research and product
with less expensive labor. development (R&D), purchases
production inputs, and assembles or
manufactures a product or service.
activity to an external supplier or
Next, the firm performs marketing contractor located abroad.
activities such as pricing, promotion,
and selling, followed by distribution Globalization created a new reality for
of the product in targeted markets and both these firms.
after-sales service.

The value-chain concept is useful in

Globalization drove these firms to
relocate key value-adding activities to
the most advantageous locations
around the world.

Without a doubt, globalization has

created a crowded and intensely
international business because it helps competitive global marketplace. As
clarify what activities are performed illustrated in Exhibit 2.7, globalization
where in the world. For example, has meant that firms face intense
exporting firms perform many rivalry from foreign competitors.
upstream value-chain activities (e.g.,
R&D and production) in the home This exhibit shows that in 1989
market and many downstream General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler
activities (e.g., marketing and after- together held nearly three-quarters of
sales service) abroad. the market share in passenger car
sales in the United States.
Each value-adding activity in the
firm’s value chain is subject to By 2017, the percentage had fallen to
internationalization; that is, it can be 44 percent, and Chrysler had been
performed in locations outside the acquired by the Italian automaker
home country. Fiat.

Exhibit 2.6 illustrates a value chain in The market shares of competitors

a typical international firm. such as Toyota, Hyundai, and others
rose dramatically.
As examples in the exhibit suggest,
companies have considerable latitude Over time, the services sector also has
regarding where in the world they can been internationalizing at a fast pace.
locate or configure key value-adding
activities. Societal Consequences
The most typical reasons for locating
value-chain activities in particular Our discussion so far has highlighted
countries are to reduce the costs of the far-reaching, positive outcomes of
R&D and production or to gain closer globalization. Major advances in
access to customers. living standards have been achieved
in virtually all countries that have
Through offshoring, the firm relocates opened their borders to increased
a major value-chain activity by trade and investment.
establishing a factory or other
subsidiary abroad. Yet the transition to a global
marketplace also poses challenges to
A related trend is global outsourcing, individuals, organizations, and
in which the firm delegates governments.
performance of a value-adding
Low-income countries have not been reduce spending on consumer goods,
able to integrate with the global services, and other consumables.
economy as rapidly as others have.
Decreased spending, in turn, affects
Contagion: Rapid Spread of global commerce and international
Monetary and Financial Crises trade.

The world economy has experienced Following the crisis that began in
numerous financial and monetary 2008, global growth declined to levels
crises. not seen since World War II.

In 2008, for example, a major Many national economies did not

financial crisis was triggered by begin to recover until 2010.
unsustainably high prices in housing Economies in Japan and several
and commodities. countries in Europe have remained
As real estate prices tumbled, many sluggish.
owners were left with mortgage debts
greater than the value of their homes.
Loss of National Sovereignty
Tens of thousands of those mortgages
had been bundled and sold as Sovereignty is defined as the ability of
investments on stock markets a nation to govern its own affairs;
worldwide. normally one country’s laws cannot
be applied or enforced in another
As the value of these homes and country.
securities plunged or became
uncertain, stock markets also plunged. Globalization, however, can threaten
national sovereignty in various ways.
The crisis began in the United States MNE activities can interfere with a
and spread around the world, like a government’s ability to control its
contagious disease. own economy, social structure, and
political system.
In international economics, contagion
refers to the tendency for a financial Some corporations are bigger than the
or monetary crisis in one country to economies of small nations.
spread rapidly to other countries due
to integrated national economies. Large multinational firms can apply
much pressure on governments
For example, excessive consumer through lobbying or campaign
borrowing can give rise to instability contributions and can frequently
or overheating of national economies. influence the legislative process. The
largest firms are constrained by
Resultant crises can be aggravated by market forces.
insufficient or ill-conceived regulation
of the financial and banking sector or In countries with many competing
of the economy at large. firms, one company cannot force
customers to buy its products or force
A strong legal and regulatory suppliers to supply it with raw
framework is critical to national materials and inputs.
economic well-being.
Resources that customers and
Financial or economic crises may suppliers use are made through free
weaken consumer confidence and choice.
Company performance depends on the and services back to the home
firm’s skill at winning customers, country.
working with suppliers, and dealing
It is the opposite of offshoring
with competitors.
which refers to the relocation of
manufacturing to a foreign country,
Corporate dominance of individual
usually to take advantage of low-cost
markets is rare. In reality, market
forces generally dominate companies.
For example, Ford and Boeing
To minimize globalization’s harm and have reshored thousands of jobs back
reap its benefits, governments to the United States.
should ensure the freedom to enter
Reshoring is done for various
and compete in markets, protect
reasons, including the rise of wages
private property, enforce the law, and
and other business costs in emerging
support voluntary exchange through
market countries as well as the desire
markets rather than through political
to manage operations more
effectively and locate value-chain
activities closer to customers.
Banks and financial institutions
should be regulated appropriately.
Transparency in the affairs of
Effect on the Poor
business and regulatory agencies is
critical. Globalization has affected the poor
in areas related to income distribution
Offshoring and worker exploitation by MNEs.

Offshoring is the relocation of Income distribution refers to the

manufacturing and other value-chain allocation of GDP and national
activities to cost-effective locations income among the members of a
abroad. society.

For example, the global In some countries, a relatively small

accounting firm Ernst & Young minority, often less than 10 percent,
relocated much of its accounting holds most of the country’s wealth,
support work to the Philippines. and the great majority of citizens live
Massachusetts General Hospital has in poverty.
its CT scans and X-rays interpreted by This income inequality is substantial
radiologists in India. in several nations in Southern Africa
Many IT support services for and in Latin America, for example.
customers in Germany are based in Among the advanced economies,
the Czech Republic and Romania. income inequality is less of a factor
in Japan and most countries in
High-profile plant closures and Northern Europe due mainly to
manufacturing relocation have cultural factors and public policies.
received much media attention.
Income inequality is relatively more
In developing economies and common in the United States, which
emerging markets, such positions help is home to many highly paid
raise living standards. executives and other wealthy

Reshoring As nations’ economies develop and

per-capita incomes rise, globalization
MNEs sometimes engage in can worsen income inequality because
reshoring the return of manufacturing many good-paying jobs in the
manufacturing sector are lost as effect on jobs in the informal
companies shift production to low- economic sector, sometimes called the
wage countries. In the advanced underground economy.
economies, growing international
In the face of persistent poverty,
trade coincided with falling wages in
abolishing formal sector jobs does not
many industries as firms transferred
ensure that children leave the
manufacturing jobs to lower-cost
workforce and go to school.
countries, such as China and Mexico
Work conditions and salaries tend to
In addition, automation and
improve, over time, in many
technology, to a large extent, have
developing countries.
resulted in lower incomes for many
people. The growth of the footwear industry
in Vietnam translated into a fivefold
Just as demand for high-skill workers
increase in wages.
has increased, demand for lower-skill
or less-educated workers has While still low by advanced economy
decreased. standards, those growing wages are
improving the lives of millions of
This arises because many jobs that
workers and their families.
historically were done by low-skill
workers are now performed by
machines and digital platforms.
Effects on Sustainability and the
Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Nature of Environment
Egypt, and the Philippines are
Globalization promotes
examples of countries often
manufacturing and economic activity
characterized by poor working
that result in increased pollution,
habitat destruction, and deterioration
In Egypt, employees who strike or of the ozone layer.
protest poor working conditions can
In China, for example, economic
be jailed.
development is attracting much
In China, many factory workers earn inward FDI and stimulating the
less than $3 per day and may have to growth of numerous industries.
work long hours. Companies ranging
The construction of factories,
from Nike to H&M to the Gap have
infrastructure, and modern housing
been accused of tolerating sweatshop
can spoil previously pristine
conditions in their factories overseas.
Labor exploitation and sweatshop
In eastern China, growing industrial
conditions are major concerns in
demand for electricity led to
many developing economies.
construction of the Three Gorges
A low-paying job is usually better Dam, which flooded agricultural lands
than no job at all. and permanently altered the natural
Studies suggest that banning products
made using child labor may produce As globalization stimulates rising
unintended negative consequences living standards, concerned citizens
such as reduced living standards for focus on improving their
families. environment.
Legislation passed to reduce child Over time, governments pass
labor in the formal economic sector legislation that promotes improved
(the sector regulated and monitored environmental conditions. For
by public authorities) may have little example, Japan endured polluted
rivers and smoggy cities in the early Hollywood dominates the global
decades of its economic development entertainment industry.
following World War II.
Cultural imperialism is offset by the
As its economy grew, the Japanese countertrend of local nationalism.
passed tougher environmental
Although many products and services
standards to restore their natural
have become largely universal,
people’s behaviors and attitudes
Evolving company values and remain relatively stable over time.
concern for corporate reputations have
Religious differences are as strong as
led many firms to reduce or eliminate
ever. Language differences are
practices that harm the environment.
steadfast across national borders.
In Mexico, for example, big
automakers such as Ford and General As globalization standardizes
Motors have gradually improved their superficial aspects of life across
environmental standards. national cultures, people resist these
forces by insisting on their national
Alcan in Canada (aluminum), Kirin in
identity and taking steps to protect it.
Japan (beverages), and Google in the
United States (Internet services) are For example, laws exist to protect
examples of firms that embrace national language and culture in
practices that protect the environment, Belgium, Canada, and France.
often at the expense of profits.
The Conservation Coffee Alliance
Globalization and Africa
has committed approximately $2
million to environmentally friendly Africa is home to the poorest
coffee cultivation in Central America, countries. The majority of its 1 billion
Peru, and Colombia. people live on less than $5 a day. It is
the area least integrated into the
world economy and accounts for less
Effect on National Culture than 5 percent of world trade.
Globalization exerts strong Although it has abundant natural
pressures on national culture because resources, Africa remains
market liberalization exposes local underdeveloped due to many factors,
consumers to global brands, including an inadequate commercial
unfamiliar products, and different infrastructure, lack of access to
values. foreign capital, high illiteracy,
government corruption, wars, and the
People worldwide are exposed to
spread of AIDS.
movies, television, the Internet, and
other information sources that Experience of the past half century
promote lifestyles of people in the suggests that traditional methods of
United States and other advanced trying to help Africa—mainly foreign
economies. aid provided by advanced economies
—have achieved little success.
Appetites grow for Western products
and services, which are seen to signal Despite billions of dollars of aid to
higher living standards. For example, Africa, per-capita income is
despite low per-capita income, many increasing relatively slowly.
Chinese buy consumer electronics
One of the most effective ways to
such as smartphones and TV sets.
alleviate African poverty is to develop
Advertising disseminates societal more business based models of
values modeled on Western countries. development.
Several sub-Saharan African countries Data obtained from satellite
have recently experienced significant technology helps farmers assess the
economic growth by increasing likelihood of draught and prepare
international trade in commodities. accordingly.
Africa is a major supplier of
petroleum to Europe and the United
States. Angola is among the top oil SUMMARY
suppliers to China. (IN CASE YOU DO WANT TO READ
This activity has developed a ripple ALL THAT AHSDHA)
effect of economic development.
Because of the boom of certain
Market Globalization As An
sectors in Africa, there has been an
Organizing Framework
increase in foreign banks, retailers,
and MNE operations in the continent. Globalization of markets refers to the
gradual integration and growing
Rwanda had developed business
interdependence of national
opportunities in sectors as diverse as
economies. Early civilizations in the
mining, tourism, telecommunications,
Mediterranean, Middle East, Asia,
and real estate. China and India are
Africa, and Europe all contributed to
beating out U.S. firms and quickly
the growth of cross-border trade.
increasing their business dealings in
Chinese companies are investing Today’s international trade was
billions of dollars in the continent. All triggered by world events and
this international trade and investment technological discoveries and has
is helping to address many of Africa’s progressed in phases, particularly
most pressing development needs. since the early 1800s. The current
phase was stimulated particularly by
Samsung has set a goal of $10
the rise of IT, the Internet, digital
billion in African sales and is
platforms, and other advanced
committed to training 10,000 African
technologies. The World Trade
engineers and technicians to develop
Organization is a multilateral
the capabilities needed for success.
governing body empowered to
regulate international trade and
Even so, it will take many more years
for Africa to achieve a critical mass of
infrastructure and business culture
The Driving Forces Of
sufficient to raise average incomes
substantially across the continent.
Globalization is driven by several
Technology plays an increasing role
factors, including:
in reducing poverty. Increasing use of
mobile phones, satellite technology, • falling trade and investment
and IT is helping farmers in Africa to barriers;
increase crop yields and agricultural
productivity. • market liberalization and
adoption of free market
IT is being used to develop databases
economics in formerly closed
of information that support farmers in
minimizing crop damage and improve
farming methods.
• industrialization and economic
At the business enterprise level,
• especially among emerging globalization amounts to
markets; integration of world reconfiguration of company value
financial markets; chains—the sequence of value-adding
activities, including sourcing,
• and technological advances. manufacturing, marketing, and
distribution—on a global scale.
Technological Advances And
Globalization Firm-Level Consequences Of
Advances in technology, the most Market Globalization
important of which have occurred in: Globalization compels firms to
• information technology, organize their sourcing,
digitalization, manufacturing, marketing, and other
• communications, value-adding activities on a global
• the Internet, manufacturing, scale. Each value-adding activity can
and be performed in the home country or
• transportation, abroad. Firms choose where in the
world they locate or configure key
are particularly important in driving value-adding activities and
globalization. internationalize value-chain activities
These systems help create an to reduce the costs of R&D and
interconnected network of customers, production or gain closer access to
suppliers, and intermediaries customers.
worldwide and have made the cost of
international business affordable for
all types of firms. Societal Consequences Of
There is much debate about
The Dimensions Of Globalization globalization’s benefits and harm.
Globalization was a major factor in
Globalization can be modeled in the recent global recession and
terms of its driving forces, financial crisis. Critics complain that
dimensions, societal consequences, globalization interferes with national
and firm-level consequences. sovereignty, the ability of a state to
govern itself without external
Globalization refers to the growing intervention.
integration of the world economy
from the international business Globalization is associated with
activities of countless firms. offshoring, the relocation of value-
chain activities to foreign locations
It represents a growing global where they can be performed at less
interconnectedness of buyers, cost by subsidiaries or independent
producers, suppliers, and governments suppliers. Globalization tends to
and has fostered a new dynamism in decrease poverty, but it may also
the world economy, the emergence of widen the gap between the rich and
regional economic integration blocs, the poor.
growth of global investment and
financial flows, the convergence of Furthermore, unrestricted
buyer lifestyles and needs, and the industrialization may harm the natural
globalization of both production and environment.
Globalization is also associated with
the loss of cultural values unique to
each nation. Nevertheless, trade and
investment can help address many
needs of developing countries,
especially those of Africa.

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