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Edition July 2021

Part 2 Materials and welding

Chapter 2 Metallic materials

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Part 2 Chapter 2 Section 2
3. Manufacture
1.All materials shall be manufactured at works approved by the Society for the grade of corrosion resi
stant steel being supplied, and according to the process specification and chemical composition specif
ication qualified through the manufacturer approval process.

2.The corrosion resistant steel grades shall be qualified during the approval process in accordance with the r
elevant Society approval programme. Approval can be given for application in one of the following areas of a
cargo oil tank:
a) lower surface of strength deck and surrounding structures (RCU)
b) upper surface of inner bottom plating and surrounding structures (RCB)
c) for both strength deck and inner bottom plating (RCW).

9.3.3 By naming the steel as RCU, RCB or RCW grade on the certificate, the manufacturer declares
conformance with the qualified specification.

4. Identification
1.Identification shall be in accordance with [2.13]. Additionally, the grade shall include the corrosion des
ignation suffix RCU, RCB or RCW, e.g. NV E36RCU Z35.

10 Steels with higher ductility

1. Scope
1.These requirements are supplementary to [1] to [4] and [6] and apply to steels with higher ductility (HD s
teels). Provision is made for steel plates, wide flats and sections made of normal strength steels and of steel
s with strength levels 32 and 36 with a thickness not exceeding 50 mm.

2.HD steel is defined as steels with specified minimum elongation as listed in Table 24 or Table 25, respe
ctively. The minimum elongation is higher than the minimum elongation specified in [3] and [4], respect

2. Chemical composition
1.The manufacturer shall establish a specification for the chemical composition when qualifying higher ductilit
y steels, as documented in the approval of manufacturer process, with particular focus on elements influencin
g the elongation. The specified chemical composition shall in general also follow the requirements of the corr
esponding NV grade given in [3] and [4]. The chemical composition shall be in accordance with the qualified
specification. The manufacturer shall verify the compliance.

3. Manufacture
1.Qualification of HD steels: all materials shall be manufactured at works approved by the Society for the
NV grade of HD steel being supplied.
The manufacturer shall establish a specification for the manufacturing process and production control for the
HD steels, with particular focus on parameters which affect the elongation.
The HD steel grade corresponding to the manufacturer specification shall be qualified during the approval of
manufacturer process in accordance with DNV-CP-0243.

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Metallic materials

2.Production control: for steels manufactured as HD steels, it is the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure th

Part 2 Chapter 2 Section 2

at the qualified specification, including process and production controls in operation, are adhered to.

3.Changes to the process or failure to meet the specification: if the composition, process or production contro
ls are changed in any way, or any product fails to meet specifications, the manufacturer shall issue a report e
xplaining the reasons, and, in the instance of product which fails to meet specifications, the measures to prev
ent recurrence. The complete report shall be submitted to the Society along with such additional information
as the Society may require. The frequency of testing for subsequent products is at the discretion of the Societ

4.Declaration of conformance: by naming the steel as a NV HD35 grade, or NV HD50 grade, respective
ly, on the certificate, the manufacturer declares conformance with the qualified specification.

4. Mechanical testing
1.The minimum elongation shall be determined and meet the specified minimum value given in Table 24 or
Table 25, respectively.

Table 24 Elongation at fracture acceptance values for proportional tensile test specimens

Strength level Elongation A5, minimum [%]

HD35 with 35% increased elongation

Normal strength HD35 30

Strength level 32 HD35 30

Strength level 36 HD35 28

HD50 with 50% increased elongation

Normal strength HD50 33

Strength level 32 HD50 33

Strength level 36 HD50 32

Table 25 Elongation at fracture acceptance values for tensile test specimen type B

Minimum elongation [%] for full thickness flat test specimens with width 25 mm and gauge length 200 mm is required as

Thickness 5 <t 15 < t 20 <

t≤5 10 < t ≤ 15 25 < t ≤ 30 30 < t ≤ 40 40 < t ≤ 50
[mm] ≤ 10 ≤ 20 t ≤ 25

HD35 with 35% increased elongation

strength 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 30

level 32 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 30

level 36 18 20 22 23 24 26 27 28

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Metallic materials

HD50 with 50% increased elongation

Part 2 Chapter 2 Section 2

strength 21 24 26 27 29 30 32 33

level 32 21 24 26 27 29 30 32 33

level 36 20 23 24 26 27 29 30 32

5. Identification
1.Identification shall be in accordance with [2.13]. Additionally, the grade shall include the designated suffi
x HD35 or HD50, respectively, e.g. NV D36Z35HD50.

11 Cold formed, welded hollow sections

1. Scope
1.These requirements are supplementary to [1] and apply to carbon, carbon-manganese and alloy steel
cold formed, welded hollow sections to be used in the construction of hull structures.
Unless otherwise approved, the maximum thickness of hollow sections is:
— for SAWL circular hollow sections: up to and including 50,8 mm
— for HFW circular hollow sections; up to and including 25,4 mm
— for HFW square and rectangular hollow sections: up to and including 12,5 mm.
Greater thicknesses and/or variations in the requirements may be permitted and are subject to approval by
the Society.

2. Manufacture
1.All cold formed welded hollow sections delivered with MC or MD shall be made by works approved by the S
ociety. The cold forming and heat treatment (if applicable) shall be carried out in accordance with the approv
ed specification.
Subject to decision by the Society, for a transition period, exceptions may be accepted for compliance document to MC or MD
where cold formed welded hollow sections are manufactured by non-approved manufacturers. Such manufacturers shall apply
for approval. Manufacturers where the approval of manufacturer certificate is suspended or withdrawn are excluded from such


2. Manufacturing process
Cold formed welded hollow sections shall be manufactured in accordance with the production steps as
1) hot rolled starting material from a manufacturer approved by the Society

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Metallic materials


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