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Test 3_8.kl.

Name: _____________

SR: Uztver un atlasa vajadzīgo informāciju. Class _________________

Prot izvēlēties nepieciešamo vārdu teikumā.
Veido teikumus pēc noteiktām kritērijam.
1 Match words 1-7 with a-g to make the words or a phrase. 7/…
1) On a) room
2) e- F b) site
3) web- B c) load
4) search G d) work
5) down C e) line
6) chat A f) mail
7) net D g) engine

2 Read the definition and write a word. 5/…

1 An electronic machine. You use it for going on the internet, storing information and playing
games ___computer____________.
2 The part of your computer where you can see pictures or the words. _monitor__________.
3 Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of _social media_________________.
4 You use this to write on a computer. It has letters or characters on __keyboard_________ .
5 Internet connection without wires or cables ___wireless internet
router___________________ .
3 Insert the correct preposition: in, with, at, of, to, on, for 8/….
a) The 18th _of____November is a holiday __for___ the people _in___ Latvia.
b) A lot of people usually go _to___ the Freedom Monument_with_____flowers _in____their
c) They put flowers _on____ the foot __of___the Freedom Monument.
d) There are crowds of people __with__the banks __at__ the Daugava __on___ that day.
e) Many brave people died _for___ the freedom __of____Latvia.
4 Complete the gaps with the words below. There are more words than you need. 6/….

Important flags legend mention state respect battle blood

a) Schools are closed on __mention______________holidays.
b) A soldier was weak because he had lost much __blood___________ .
c) There was a _battle_____________ between German army and Latvians soldiers.
d) Sometimes people use ___flags___________ as signals.
e) Another _important____________ date for the people of Latvia is the 11th of November.
f) When we __respect_____________ the name Lāčplēsis we always think of strenght, courage,
5 Write about the Internet, use the questions below as a plan: 10/…
 Do you use the Internet?
 How often do you use it?
 What websites do you usually use? Why?
 What safety tips of using the Internet do you know and follow to?

 I always use it to chat with friends. Every day I use it. I always use Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest. I
use Snapchat and Instagram for the various filters that are in these apps, to post various interesting
pictures and to chat with friends. I use to find original pictures so that it will reproduce life and there
are many ideas for nails. I use different passwords for each social network so that I can't be hacked.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-5 6-8 9-12 13-16 17-21 22-24 25-28 29-31 32-34 35-36
1 2 3 4

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