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What: A detailed profile of you When: By this Friday

You have until the end of the week to do a detailed inquiry into yourself and to create a way to share your information with other people. You will need to find answers to the form, causation and responsibility questions in the blue, purple and green boxes. You have a responsibility to share your information in a way that makes it interesting for other people. Think of creative ways to collect and share your evidence. You also have a responsibility to be honest about yourself.

Why: To help you understand yourself and the importance of organization

Form: Are you organized or disorganized? What evidence do you have that you are organized? What evidence do you have that you are disorganized? What do other people think about you?

Causation: Why have you become this way? What things do you achieve by being organized? What do you fail to achieve by being disorganized? Why do other people think that about you?

Responsibility: Can you improve or change? Are you responsible for yourself? Do you let people down, including yourself? Can you improve or change your reputation?

Ways to share: A PowerPoint presentation A poster A booklet A blog posting A documentary A non-fiction text

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