Decrypting Copyrights Marketing Plan - UPDATED

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Research Title: Knowledge of Senior High School Students about Intellectual Property
Rights in Selected Catholic Private Schools at Metro Manila

Researchers: Miguel Augusto Besa & Kathrina Tacastacas, Bachelor of Arts in

Multimedia Arts, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde



The Awareness of Senior High School Students about Intellectual Property Rights was
chosen because the researchers want to determine the implementation of intellectual
property rights in selected Catholic Private Schools in Metro Manila. Based on the data
analyses, universities promote intellectual property through events like talks, seminars,
trainings, workshops, symposiums to both students and faculty members. However, some
of the schools’ way of promotion is only done through a brief orientation and research
courses. The project is an online informative and interactive website that aims to expand
and adapt the awareness of intellectual property through appropriate semantics and
motion graphics with content that explains and narrates real-life events. The website
would help users to learn about intellectual property rights and actively engage with the
site. The marketing strategy will be partnered with Catholic Private Schools and will be
heavily promoted through social networking sites. The website will also be dispersed to
faculty members and students of academic institutions.

Keywords: intellectual property, copyright, senior high students, educational impact, local
arts, technology, societal impact, catholic private schools, academic integrity


- Competitive Product Matrix Analysis

Profile of Competitors:

WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and IPOPHL

(Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines) are websites that focus on the
policies about intellectual property on an international level and local level
respectively. The website offers detailed information about the policies
implemented and services they offer.

FutureLearn offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities

and cultural institutions from around the world. It’s purpose is to transform access
to education. The courses are delivered one step at a time, and are easily
accessible on mobile, tablet, and desktop to learn everywhere you go. To make
learning an enjoyable and social experience, they offer the opportunity to discuss
what you’re learning with others along the way, which helps the person make fresh
discoveries and form new ideas.
Future Living is an interactive, participant-driven project. Over a one-month
period, Arte’s online viewers shared their opinions on futuristic living space
projects. Their votes helped craft a depiction of how the world of the future might
look like. Far from overcrowded megacities and all-out urbanism, this world fosters
diversity and reflects our shared desire to take a fresh look at how and where we
live. The project proposed 20 different futuristic habitats and the 5 most popular
living spaces rely predominantly on plant and solar energy.

TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. Its mission is to spark and
celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. It is an education
platform that produce a variety of original animated videos, provide an international
platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons, help curious students
around the world bring TED to their schools and gain presentation literacy skills,
and celebrate innovative leadership within TED-Ed’s global network of teachers.
TED-Ed Animations creates short animated educational videos that are usually
aimed at children. It is paired with questions and resources and makes up what we
refer to as TED-Ed Lessons. These lessons were created in collaboration with
experts, such as educators and animators.

Pottermore is the official fan website for the Harry Potter series. The
website allows fans to be sorted into their Hogwarts houses, find their magic
wands, learn about their Patronus, and so much more.

- Macro-Environmental Forces (PESTLE analysis)


The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was created on May 18,

1994 through Republic Act No. 7722, or the Higher Education Act of 1994. The
vision and mission of CHED initiates a ‘Philippine higher education system that
is locally responsive and globally competitive and serves as a force for lifelong
learning, innovation, and social and cultural transformation’. In relation to the
CHED mandate, the law shall promote affordable quality higher education and
‘take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all’. The
law shall also guarantee to protect academic freedom for the ongoing
intellectual growth, the evolution of learning and research, the improvement of
responsible and effective leadership, the endowed high-level professionals, and
the enhancement of historical and cultural heritage (Higher Education Act,

IP when adhered offers a competitive advantage and opportunity to
preserve the rights of the inventor. It renders the chance to sell the
invention/work well and earn from it throughout the duration of the protection.


- Age

- Gender distribution

- Lifestyle attitudes

- Cultural norms

- Student population


- Intellectual property issues

- Technological awareness


Fair use, creative commons and royalty free provide such a little chance
for IP to be dismissed. It is still the discretion of the original inventor to allow the
borrower to use the paraphernalia.




The researcher has a keen eye for photography. Ergo, he uses

cinematography with his talent to provide a creative treatment to the project.
On the other hand, his partner’s forte is web design. Her proficiency for coding
makes the project effective.


The proponents could not produce the content by themselves, so they

source their content from research and flyers related to IP. Also, the assets
rendered have to be shared with each other.


It is a chance for the students to observe IP. It makes them aware that they
have rights. It is a skill that they could prepare for tertiary education.


The students and teachers who interact with the site may not find it
effective. Some of the possible reasons include outdated content and laziness
with the students. Because of this, students might risk violating the rights.

- 4Ps


The non-fiction video consists of montage and shots of students producing

creative works at the School of Design and Arts. It explains the essence and
discusses IP together with its violations.


It is equivalent to buying a textbook/e-book to maintain the relevance of the

content to keep it up to date.

Users may engage and interact in this website as a reference material for
their assignments. It is also a platform for them to engage in events sanctioned
in and out of their campuses.


It is a video that is embedded in a Wordpress generated site. It will inform

the users of the site to value IP.

- Unique Selling Proposition

‘Protect Your Rights. Promote Innovations.’

Category Truth: Senior High School students around Metro Manila lack
appropriate knowledge about intellectual property.

Product Truth: Intellectual Property (IP) protects the rights of every individual.
Its main purpose is to encourage the creation of intellectual works. We must
learn how to protect the output of each individual in order to respect the
thought process that was done in order to make the work.

Consumer Truth: The importance of awareness, protection of rights and

respect towards creators encourages and motivates everyone to create
something unique. We must adhere to copyright etiquette which is not to
imitate, no to fake products, patronize original ones.


A. Target Market

Private Senior High Schools around Metro Manila who wants to spread intellectual
property awareness and inspire a community of creative learners.

1. Demographic:

- Age: 15-70 years old

- Gender: Male and Female

- Socioeconomic group: Grade 10, Senior High & Freshman College

(Frosh) Students / SHS Academic Administrators, Coordinators, and

- Social Class: Class A - C

- Geographical Location: Metro Manila

2. Psychographic Description:

- Personality: Aware, Creative, Nationalistic, Respectful, Diverse

- Activities: Attend a lot of intellectual property events, looking for the

latest updates in Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines,
conduct and attend workshops and seminars, wants to promote

3. Behaviour:

- Talk a lot about intellectual property, advocates academic integrity,

looking for opportunities to patent their ideas, access the latest news
through social media, looking for platforms to showcase their works

- Analogous Inspiration

Atty. Anthony Bengzon, an IP lawyer, was a resource speaker that inspired

the researcher to use IP in their thesis. He (the lawyer), was called by the
Arts Management of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde to host the
symposium about IP. Also, Atty. Janice Tejano, the director of the school’s
IP office, is a supporter and made the researcher a protege since he was
attending her talks religiously.
WIPO and IPOPHL are the inspiration of the project for the proponent. The
content and the approach motivated the researcher to advocate the
protection of creative works of art so that they can observe the fidelity and
originality of the artist.

- Experts

a) Atty. Ma. Janice Tejano – She is the Director at the De La Salle-College of

Saint Benilde’s Intellectual Property Management Center (IPMC) who
assists in the security and order of creative and research works of the

b) Atty. Ma. Cristina Mallari – She is the Intellectual Property Associate at the
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde’s Intellectual Property Management
Center (IPMC) who assists in the security and order of creative and
research works of the school.

c) Atty. Anthony Bengzon – He is a lawyer of an IP firm in the Philippines

who was a resource speaker of the Arts Management Department in 2018.

d) Mr. Rodolfo Saringan – He is a faculty of the Arts Management Program of

the school who teaches marketing. Included in his curriculum is IP.

- Buyer/Audience decision-making Process/Buyer Journey

- User persona

Alice Montero is a 30 year old art director at a web and design studio.
She’s also a part time professor at De La Salle University in Senior High
School. She has been participating in various intellectual property events
locally and has witnessed the development of local intellectual works. She
wants to create a program about intellectual property for senior high school
students to ensure that they understand the value of creativity, protection of
rights, and respect towards creators. She also encourages students to
upload their work online. Her job as an art director also allows her to
encourage students to think outside the box. One day, she would like to
see her students present their original creation in front of international

- User touch points

Alice is an advocate for intellectual property. She looks into the website,
“Decrypting Copyrights” and watches the supplementary video. She gains interest
and engagement in the website, and then decides to arrange an appointment with
Atty. Janice Tejano, the College’s IP director. She also contacts the proponents
through the website and the social media accounts for a possible project. She
engages in a meeting for a collaboration with IPMC for a seminar with DLSU’s IP
office and HiFi (Hub of Innovation for Inclusion) for sustainable projects with SHS
students around DLSP’s partner institutions together with the proteges of the
project. In line with WIPO’s theme in the year 2020, “Innovate for a Green Future”,
the DLSP schools and HiFI with the Decrypting Copyrights Proponents, will host a
convention for the theme. Other students may engage with the website to contact,
collaborate and engage with the proponents for possible projects.



- Online Promotion
- An online promotion we are proposing is screencapping the post, and
winning a free Decrypting Copyrights magnet/mug.

- Offline Promotion
- An offline promotion we are proposing is free coupons in National
Book Store for every P1,000 in Rex Bookstore.


- Hub of Innovation for Inclusion (HiFi)

HiFi is a branch of the OP in the College of Saint Benilde. It is known for

projects and startups that solve issues in the country. In line with the theme
of IP for the year 2020, Decrypting Copyrights and HiFi can collaborate with
the project proponents educating the incubate/s on how to protect their

- Intellectual Property Management Center

IPMC under the Office of the Chancellor regulates and protects works
legally. They make sure that creative works in the school are not
plagiarized/infringed. They can collaborate to foster and advocate originality
of art and host events around the school.

- Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL)

IPOPHL acts as the IPMC in a national setting. They foster creativity and
legal protection of works, both electronic and natural. They can ask the
proponents to use the project to educate citizens, both young and old,
guidelines and the school of thought with IP.


The proponents will supplicate funds from schools (as textbooks/reference

fees) to maintain the relevance and the maintenance of the content. In line with
this, the price of the project is equivalent to buying a reference material whether
online or offline. IPOPHL and WIPO will share the funds to maintain the relevance
of the content and the amenities to maintain the longevity of the project. Below is
the budget breakdown of the project.

Budget Breakdown

Payables Budget

Domain & Hosting 1,950.00

Adobe CC Software 1,500.00

Transportation 400.00

Token for Talent 200.00



- Gantt Chart

- Pre-launch- Launch- Sustaining Activities


- The project is introduced with the IPOPHL, DepEd and CHED for a possible

- The students are introduced with the project in their classes for an educational
emphasis on the essence of IP.

- HiFi, IPMC collaborate with these partner institutions for the development and
promotion of the project.

- The project is teased with footage and sneak peeks and countdown posts on the
social media accounts.


- The event of the launch of the project will take place in IPOPHL and streamed live
at native educational channels in video streaming websites.

- There will be speeches of gratitude with the heads and presidents of the said

- There will be a speech from the proponents of the project.

- Cocktails will be served in the event.


- The streamed events will be saved in the website and the video streaming
channels of the project.

- Content will be updated from time to time with the fees and the subsidies from the
partner organizations.


Digital Print Advertisement

Print Ad
Guerilla Marketing

Bus Stop Advertising

Coffee Cup Advertising

Tote Bag


Philippines. (1994). Republic Act no. 7722: Higher Education Act. Retrieved from

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