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Effectiveness of Social Media in having Small Business Entrepreneurs in San Luis, Pampanga


Background of the Study

The researcher found out that entrepreneurs with a small business are having a hard time to

market their business. Also nowadays mostly small businesses depend on social media. The

researcher aims to help entrepreneurs and their small business by conducting this study, due to

this study Effectiveness of Social Media to entrepreneurs will help to fasten to growth their

business by providing what social media impacted their business. Also the purpose of this study

is to determine how effective social media can help entrepreneurs to make better markets that can

help their business to success but it depends on how they use social media.

According to Mollie Watkins

The researchers find out that the social media was truly effective when you . The researchers aim

to help

Entrepreneurs by conducting this study, due to managerial accounting reports it helps the

business owners or managers to easy finalize the decision with confidence to have a positive

outcome by any chance. Also the purpose of this study is to determine how managerial

accounting reports help the entrepreneurs to make a better decisions that can help their business

to success but it depends on how they used it

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: How Effective Social Media in Having Small Business

Entrepreneurs in San Luis, Pampanga.

Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following:

1. How Effective Social Media in Having Small Business Entrepreneurs in San Luis, Pampanga?

2. Is social media truly beneficial to entrepreneurs and small businesses?

3. What are the advantages of using social media in a small entrepreneur's business?
Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study will focus mainly on determining the Effectiveness of Social Media in having Small

Business Entrepreneurs in San Luis, Pampanga. The primary subject of this research study will

consist of entrepreneurs's small businesses who are using social media.The participants involved

in this study will be twenty five (25) entrepreneurs who have small businesses using social media

in San Luis, Pampanga.

This study will answer the questions on Effectiveness of Social Media in Having Small Business

Entrepreneurs, what are the advantages of using social media in a small entrepreneur's business

and Is social media truly beneficial to entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research may prove significant to the:

Business Entrepreneurs. This study will help entrepreneurs in business how to run their

business, and what effect will social media have on their business.

Future Academic Researcher. This study will be useful to future researchers as a guide for their

future investigation or study.

Students. The outcome of this research will enhance and enrich the understanding of the

incoming or future entrepreneurs in terms of business. In addition, it will give them an idea on

how effective social media is in having a small business.

Social Media user. This research will assist in understanding that social media can be used for

more than just communication, it can also be used to start a business.

Definition of Terms

Entrepreneurs - an entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of

the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator,a

source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures

Social Media - Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they

create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Small Business - Small business is defined as a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole

proprietorship that has fewer employees and less annual revenue than a corporation or

regular-sized business.

Effectiveness - Effectiveness is a measure of the extent to which a specific intervention,

procedure, regimen, or service, when deployed in the field in routine circumstances, does what it

is intended to do for a specified population.

Conceptual Framework

The paradigm of the study shows the Effectiveness of Social Media in having Small Business

Entrepreneurs in San Luis, Pampanga

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