Philo Essay

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Ruth Caroline F.

Dela Cruz 11 -
1. When is a human person not treated as a human person?
A human person is usually treated in a kind way, you listen to them, you help them, even when you
disagree with them you usually would still be respectful of their opinions and choices, so when you
consider these I guess a human person is not treated as a human person when you do not treat them
in a kind way, you do not find the time to listen to them, you do not help them, you disrespect them,
their opinions, and, their choices. I would say that even as small as not listening to someone is
inhumane, because everyone has their own voice, a voice that wants to be heard. 

2. What are rights? And what are the kind of rights that humans can
First of all, I’ve never asked myself the question, “What are rights?” So when this question came up
I didn’t really know how I would answer it. So I went on google. There were a lot of differing
definitions that came up but one thing was always present, it is that rights are always present in our
lives. Rights are entitled to us humans even before we’re born we already have a set of rights for us,
be it inside the house, outside, in school, in a mall, anywhere you go there are different rights you
are entitled to, for example in your home, you are entitled to eat, to do your chores, to rest, to play.
In school, you are to listen to your teacher, respect your classmates; as you would want to be
respected. In a mall usually you wouldn’t go around touching things as you would when you’re at
home in fear of breaking something and having to pay for said thing. It is also rights to have loving
parents, to have a roof on your head, to be able to study, to be loved and so much more.

3. When is an action morally good and bad?

It depends on what you consider as morally good and bad. Just as people have different views in
life, they also have different views as to what is morally good and morally bad. For me I guess
something as simple as intentionally excluding someone from something is morally bad, I guess it
stems from how you would view personally I don’t like when someone is excluded I often wonder if
the excluders think of what the excluded may feel when they do that. Now something morally good
for me, something simple, like listening to someone in times of need, like you’re not their just to
please them you’re there so that you can listen to them, you don’t have to offer advice if you can’t,
just being someone they can trust and lean on, someone wo listens can make a world of difference.

4. When does injustice occur? Cite a concrete example.

This occurs when the unequal gets treated equally while equals get treated unequally. (from:
699448001/) The only example I can think of is one I saw from tiktok last night. It was about an
Asian man, he walked in the store and was immediately told that he was banned from said store.
Reason for it was because the person that had been stealing from the store had also been Asian,
they had pictures of the robber yet they still accused someone just because they were Asian, awfully
racist in my opinion. Some simple example of this is in schools in other countries usually people that
aren’t from there are treated differently.

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