No To Subjectivity

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On the continuous cause and pursuit of self-governance, Rizal calls out the local Filipinos who are have
been abusively subjected to the Spaniards, proposing a new reform to be undertaken by the Filipinos themselves. He
went further saying that they do not have the Spaniards alone to be blamed for their state of subjection, that the
local Filipinos themselves has a part to play in the blame. “there would be no masters if there is no slave”. he went
on encouraging them to note that there would be no privilege of freedom if they are not willing to accept the
responsibilities of undergoing a slow and painful process of self-discipline, make a determined and sustained self-
effort, individually and collectively, to lift themselves out of a slough of despond, out of the ignorance, apathy, and
indolence in which they have been sunk in for a century.

Members of the American white supremacist movement, the Ku Klux Klan, marching down
Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., in 1925Topical Press Agency / Getty Images

dimasalang laong laan on post 2



Following the recent death of three Filipino priests has caused the local Filipinos to stand out and charge
for justice for the wrongfully accused priest, who has been unjustly executed. Rizal who was an
acquaintance to one of the deceased priest referred to him as “the man who had opened the eyes of his
intelligence and had made him understand the good and the just, giving him only a handful of ideas, yet
these not commonplaces but convictions that had stood up well under the glare of all that he had
learned late. He continued by saying that His parting words still resound in my ears. “Do not forget the
wisdom is the patrimony of all men, only those of good heart can inherit it. I have tried to transmit to you
what I in turn received from my teachers, adding to that legacy as much as I was able to hand it on to the
next generation. You must do the same with your own inheritance; increase it threefold, for you go to
countries that are very.


Filipino continues to demand social stratification from the Spaniards, the leader of this activist pointed
out that the democracy they need is “ a government for the people by discussion: the people or their
representatives meet to debate several different courses of action and decide on one”…..

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